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1st India wheat shipment via Chabahar welcomed into Zaranj ,Afghanistan with traditional song, dance

he he he he Chichaa it is pakistnies who are jumping up and down of anguish and frustation over alternate route india has taken to afghansitan bypassing pakistan and soon we will make sure we make all that TAPI and other proposed russian or sentral asian oil and gas pipe line pasing through pakistan irrelevent we will not have any thing that passes through pakistan and comes to india or let pakistan benefit from any trade from now on coming to india even if it means we have to pay 20-40 % more on alternate routes .... hope you are getting what we are doing and where we are taking pakistan .... :sarcastic: :devil:

Our current priority is to secure the border with Afghanistan to control terrorists and smuggling. And there is no competition left when one party decide to offer the product for free or bear the losses. Question is for how long banyia can continue to do this? Only time will tell.
Lol.... Kiddo, the real game is here,.. now this is going to end the pakistani wheat exports... More goods will follow them soon
kia daranay walli tone hai!! matlab pakistan ki toh wet hogaye boss!
Our current priority is to secure the border with Afghanistan to control terrorists and smuggling. And there is no competition left when one party decide to offer the product for free or bear the losses. Question is for how long banyia can continue to do this? Only time will tell.
worry about yourself do not worry about us we will not ask for your CEPC or land routes thats for sure chichhaaa :haha:
with all due respect sir this threaad was not about CEPC ut was about India-Iran & afghanistan and chahbahar corridor and pakistanies braught in CEPC and strted trolling here i just returned the favour by telling them the ugly truths and you are yelling and calling me names when you yourself know what you are getting why should i be least botherred about your OBOR or CEPC my nation is not going to join any one of them but boyth pakistan and china are desparate to make india join it but we wont at any cost

We are fine with the terms of CPEC and OBOR none of the costs of the infrastructure and other projects is even close to the money being lost due to poor infrastructure, electricity shortfall etc

We are a nation of 200 million in need of everything, Pakistan is facing high digit growth and economic take off for the simple reason it is a 200 million market where the prospects for growth in every market are enormous

Buddy we hate india, we hate Indian's especially the hindu kind.
We want nothing to do with india and want NO economic relation witg india regardless of benefits
We dont want economic activity with india and we want to give india NO access whatsoever.

The Afghans have been s headache for far too long for us to care about them and we simply want that monkey off our back

You can jump through whichever hoops you want to try and get to Afghanistan just NOT through Pakistan
We are building fences
Iran has vowed security support and will keep you tied down to a post

You can spend money building whatever you want in iran, we like iran they must be laughing their heads off knowing india is stuck and has to spend to give iran free development and roads
worry about yourself do not worry about us we will not ask for your CEPC or land routes thats for sure chichhaaa :haha:

You have kept asking and will keep asking via Mouth piece sitting in Kabul palace, because deep down Baniya's brain know which route is more profitable and feasible. But we will not listen to puppets, you have to come and talk directly about it :cool:
You have kept asking and will keep asking via Mouth piece sitting in Kabul palace, because deep down Baniya's brain know which route is more profitable and feasible. But we will not listen to puppets, you have to come and talk directly about it :cool:
well since you have asked for it .......

ok before getting into a market and monopolissing it its better to destroy the oppostion businessman and his business now how do you do it ....... starve him of resources and destroy his competitive ness in his legcay markets now look around and read all news regarding OBOR, CEPC or TAPI or land routes which pakistani establishment now wants india to use or indian reluctane to use use them and the answers will be very predictable and frustating at the same time to you .... go you still get it or not chichaa :azn: :sarcastic:

We are fine with the terms of CPEC and OBOR none of the costs of the infrastructure and other projects is even close to the money being lost due to poor infrastructure, electricity shortfall etc

We are a nation of 200 million in need of everything, Pakistan is facing high digit growth and economic take off for the simple reason it is a 200 million market where the prospects for growth in every market are enormous

Buddy we hate india, we hate Indian's especially the hindu kind.
We want nothing to do with india and want NO economic relation witg india regardless of benefits
We dont want economic activity with india and we want to give india NO access whatsoever.

The Afghans have been s headache for far too long for us to care about them and we simply want that monkey off our back

You can jump through whichever hoops you want to try and get to Afghanistan just NOT through Pakistan
We are building fences
Iran has vowed security support and will keep you tied down to a post

You can spend money building whatever you want in iran, we like iran they must be laughing their heads off knowing india is stuck and has to spend to give iran free development and roads
he he he he kiddo every thing in the world is not just for PROFIT :sarcastic:

now its the pakistanies who think they are the smartest and no matter what they do to other the others will forget and forgive them always but thats not true they dont same goes with indians and aghans and iraninas then be it hazaaras or pakhtoons or tajiks or so called "hindus" we will make sure whatever pakistanies as a nation have done they pay for it with interets so get ready its payback time :tup: :butcher: :devil:
now its the pakistanies who think they are the smartest and no matter what they do to other the others will forget and forgive them always but thats not true they dont same goes with indians and aghans and iraninas then be it hazaaras or pakhtoons or tajiks or so called "hindus" we will make sure whatever pakistanies as a nation have done they pay for it with interets so get ready its payback time :tup: :butcher: :devil:

We are ready to give back and then some!!!!
It is our manifest destiny to oppose and destroy Akhand Bharat and hinduism
We are ready to give back and then some!!!!
It is our manifest destiny to oppose and destroy Akhand Bharat and hinduism
yes yes yes ...we also want to tyr a little bit more harder in your ultimate quest for that do not let the fire die down .... :tup: :sarcastic:
Correction, we are taking care of our own interests.
What government currently lies in Kabul is a legit and democratic representative of it's people.

Pakistanis need to introspect your failure vis a vis ur relationship with Afghanistan govt

There is no correction needed here. As you've said it yourself, India is taking care of its interests. Whether they coincide with the welfare of the Afghan people is not a factor in consideration here.

But your assertion that the government that currently is in power in Kabul is a legitimate and democratic representative of the people is entirely wrong. This government consists of the same debauched and corrupt warlords which have been rejected by the Afghan people time and again. They were used by the foreign occupiers to maintain their hold in 1980's-1990's. They are again being used by India today. If they had been legitimate, the Ghani govt would not have lost control of 40% of Afghanistan when it is being funded by super powers like America and India, and allegedly the Taliban are being funded by a weak Pakistan.

We know why this Northern Alliance govt is so against us. It is because they were brutalising the Afghan population in the 1990's and we put a stop to that. They love India because India turned a blind eye to that, in an effort to gain control of Afghanistan through them.

Indians should start questioning what propaganda they are being fed by their govt that they can't see these obvious facts on the ground.

1.Who is supporting Americans to continue their occupation in Afghanistan?
2. Which country is providing logistics to American troops stationed in Afghanistan?
3. Which country is providing intelligence to CIA to select drone targets?

1.Who is supporting Americans to continue their occupation in Afghanistan?

Indians are supporting the Americans to continue their occupation of Afghanistan. Pakistan has maintained that the Americans should negotiate with the factions under Taliban and then leave the country. This is not a secret and Pakistan has said this at every forum

2. Which country is providing logistics to American troops stationed in Afghanistan?

All countries are providing logistic support to Afghanistan, and that includes Pakistan. But we also always advised the Americans to adopt a conciliatory approach. It is an obvious fact that we cannot dictate American foreign policy and so cannot stop them from their occupation of Afghanistan.

3. Which country is providing intelligence to CIA to select drone targets?

I don't have any information on that but it is entirely possible that Pakistan could be providing intelligence on that. But how does that relates to this argument? Some people like the Al-Qaeda are terrorists and deserve this. But people in the Taliban and the Kashmir freedom struggle are fighting a genuine struggle, and will always be supported by us. This has never been denied.
1.Who is supporting Americans to continue their occupation in Afghanistan?

Indians are supportinghe Americans to continue their occupation of Afghanistan. Pakistan has maintained that the Americans should negotiate with the factions under Taliban and then leave the country. This is not a secret and Pakistan has said this at every forum

2. Which country is providing logistics to American troops stationed in Afghanistan?

All countries are providing logistic support to Afghanistan, and that includes Pakistan. But we also always advised the Americans to adopt a conciliatory approach. It is an obvious fact that we cannot dictate American foreign policy and so cannot stop them from their occupation of Afghanistan.

3. Which country is providing intelligence to CIA to select drone targets?

I don't have any information on that but it is entirely possible that Pakistan could be providing intelligence on that. But how does that relates to this argument? Some people like the Al-Qaeda are terrorists and deserve this. But people in the Taliban and the Kashmir freedom struggle are fighting a genuine struggle, and will always be supported by us. This has never been denied.

Dont speak like naive person. Your country is frontline state in USA's war on terror in Afghanistan.You r receiving money from USA foŕ your logistics support to American. If Taliban is legitimate ruler of Afghanistan, why your government allowed USA to overthrow taliban regime using your ports,land, airspace.
Dont speak like naive person. Your country is frontline state in USA's war on terror in Afghanistan.You r receiving money from USA foŕ your logistics support to American. If Taliban is legitimate ruler of Afghanistan, why your government allowed USA to overthrow taliban regime using your ports,land, airspace.

Haha. Who is speaking like a naive person right now? I can't help it if you choose to remain oblivious.
lol US gifted Afghanistan to .....
Nice to see Modi is popular in Afghanistan :D
well we indians are not pakistanies who make trade and economik relations based on emotional or religious values for us both are ples apart and we know how to treat them both on diffrent platues but look at your nation and its economik and foriegn policy spectrum i do not have to tell you where you are and where we are and there are some very solid reason for your faliure on every account and its not due to any conspiracy rather due to your nations own foolishness , incompetnce , corruption and wrong assesment and wron decissions we are enemies and will try to sabotage your operations for owr benfits thats the game thats always played when you were strong you took the prize not its our time ...... why the fuss :haha:
Whatever you wrote i didn't bother reading and your opinion on pakistani isn't worth me cleaning my backside with. you are an indian from a third world country with the highest amount of poor people living below the global poverty index, if we need to learn anything about trade or economics its from China not India.

he he he he Chichaa it is pakistnies who are jumping up and down of anguish and frustation over alternate route india has taken to afghansitan bypassing pakistan and soon we will make sure we make all that TAPI and other proposed russian or sentral asian oil and gas pipe line pasing through pakistan irrelevent we will not have any thing that passes through pakistan and comes to india or let pakistan benefit from any trade from now on coming to india even if it means we have to pay 20-40 % more on alternate routes .... hope you are getting what we are doing and where we are taking pakistan .... :sarcastic: :devil:
haha the dumbest comment you will read on PDF today. the standard of education in India must be an all time low if its producing these kind of economic geniuses :omghaha::omghaha:
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