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1st India wheat shipment via Chabahar welcomed into Zaranj ,Afghanistan with traditional song, dance

Soviet wanted something else, they made a faction against USA

Afghan is against Pakistan even without India.
We are taking advantage of the situation.
We both benefit economically

You are the losing side

What did the Soviets want? They wanted to control Afghanistan. Americans want to control Afghanistan. Indians backed the Najibullah govt back then. Indians are backing the Ghani govt right now. Both govts contained the same debauched people who were and are hated by the people.

But you are right on one thing. India is taking advantage of the situation. And it is about Indian greed. But it will end up for India exactly like before; defeat and retreat of India from Afghanistan.
What did the Soviets want? They wanted to control Afghanistan. Americans want to control Afghanistan. Indians backed the Najibullah govt back then. Indians are backing the Ghani govt right now. Both govts contained the same debauched people who were and are hated by the people.

But you are right on one thing. India is taking advantage of the situation. And it is about Indian greed. But it will end up for India exactly like before; defeat and retreat of India from Afghanistan.

Then why your government is backing Ghani government?
Bajwa meets Ghani, offers support to Afghanistan

Congrats to India Iran and Afghanistan friendship .guys don't bother about the Pakistanies who are hurt deep inside and pretending they are happy :-)

We would be even more happy if you take the 7 Million afghan refugees we have to take care of.
It is same for india also.

Hahaha! No its not. Indians have always backed the occupation forces in Afghanistan, from the Soviets to these puppets today. It has always tried to suppress the Afghans for its own means. Judging by the collapsing Ghani govt, it is losing again.
And, Pak folks are dancing Bhangra!!! Now, pro- and anti-Pak Afgans can be easily distinguished and dealt accordingly!!! Not even a drop of water for anti-Pak thugs. A great news for Pak...
Hahaha! No its not. Indians have always backed the occupation forces in Afghanistan, from the Soviets to these puppets today. It has always tried to suppress the Afghans for its own means. Judging by the collapsing Ghani govt, it is losing again.

1.Who is supporting Americans to continue their occupation in Afghanistan?
2. Which country is providing logistics to American troops stationed in Afghanistan?
3. Which country is providing intelligence to CIA to select drone targets?
Not long time ago Indians were making fun of Pakistan on CPEC plan and billions of dollars investment, we also remember that how Indians tried to convince us that Chinese are not idiots to spend that much money in failed state like Pakistan, or Pakistan is not even capable of absorbing that much money and what not. Now it's about settling up roadside stalls, hotels and tyre repair shops. Lets see what our well wishers will be telling us couple of years later. But for people having IQ in double digits, it's not difficult to figure out that major chunk of 50+ billion is going into energy sector which will power up Industry of Pakistan not just tyre shops.
chichaa those 50 billion dollars are LOANS and @ of interets of 7% per annum plus 2 % for risk charges extra ;) :D where as in cotrast we are getting 16 billion loan from japan for bullet train at .1% thats international rates now you do your maths and speculations who is going to laugh and and who is going to cry in short medium and long term :sarcastic: :omghaha:
What did the Soviets want? They wanted to control Afghanistan. Americans want to control Afghanistan. Indians backed the Najibullah govt back then. Indians are backing the Ghani govt right now. Both govts contained the same debauched people who were and are hated by the people.

But you are right on one thing. India is taking advantage of the situation. And it is about Indian greed. But it will end up for India exactly like before; defeat and retreat of India from Afghanistan.
Correction, we are taking care of our own interests.
What government currently lies in Kabul is a legit and democratic representative of it's people.

Pakistanis need to introspect your failure vis a vis ur relationship with Afghanistan govt

Even this First Consignment of Wheat is Assistance that's why Afghans are dancing, and there is enough material on the topic that India's export of wheat to Afghanistan is not for commercial purpose but to harm Pakistan's economic interest, and I am too lazy to use google to spoon feed an all knowing Hindustani.

Please stay with your laziness cozily and stop talking things which u can't back

CPEC is not one project, it is a complete upliftment of Pakistani infrastructure spanning from electricity to dams to roads, and so on

The amount of money being lost due to these issues could transform Pakistan

CPEC is just a starting boost to make Pakistan the nation its supposed to be, it is a more manageable state then india and will be more successful and we will beat india in most indicators within 20 years.

I don't know why your black hindu *** is so burnt, as long as we dont have to look at or deal with ******** we are happy and good to try and kick start growth and change in Pakistan and China is a valued ally

We dont wish to partake in any afghan or indian trade and you can jump through whichever hoops you want to try and get to Afghanistan aslong as its not through us.
The Afghans are a headache we want to get rid of
with all due respect sir this threaad was not about CEPC ut was about India-Iran & afghanistan and chahbahar corridor and pakistanies braught in CEPC and strted trolling here i just returned the favour by telling them the ugly truths and you are yelling and calling me names when you yourself know what you are getting why should i be least botherred about your OBOR or CEPC my nation is not going to join any one of them but boyth pakistan and china are desparate to make india join it but we wont at any cost

haha its so funny seeing Indians writing essays on CPEC, and then they say they arent obsessed with Pakistan. An indians point of view on CPEC in not worth cleaning your back side with let alone reading.

so much gloating by these low level Indians over 1 shipping container of wheat :omghaha::omghaha:

Lets see how your Chabhar route is doing when when the Saudis, Israelis and your new daddy USA are bombing the sh*it out of Iran in a matter of few months.
well we indians are not pakistanies who make trade and economik relations based on emotional or religious values for us both are ples apart and we know how to treat them both on diffrent platues but look at your nation and its economik and foriegn policy spectrum i do not have to tell you where you are and where we are and there are some very solid reason for your faliure on every account and its not due to any conspiracy rather due to your nations own foolishness , incompetnce , corruption and wrong assesment and wron decissions we are enemies and will try to sabotage your operations for owr benfits thats the game thats always played when you were strong you took the prize not its our time ...... why the fuss :haha:

SHE not troller
so just beacuse of her gender that person got the right to spew garbage on a thread not ment for pakistani trollers in the first place & @WebMaster your quite at it my friend and watchin me getting bullied ... wow

It's neither shortest nor the safest route to central Asia.

It's only due to ego and fears of Pakistani establishment we opted the best available choice..

Pakistani bureaucracy is foolish not to capitalize on this
as they say "tum roothey hum chootey" funny part is pakistanies still have no idea where they are heading and what they have lost ;) :D
chichaa those 50 billion dollars are LOANS and @ of interets of 7% per annum plus 2 % for risk charges extra ;) :D where as in cotrast we are getting 16 billion loan from japan for bullet train at .1% thats international rates now you do your maths and speculations who is going to laugh and and who is going to cry in short medium and long term :sarcastic: :omghaha:

Sweetheart, why you are worried about loans and interests of Pakistan? Be happy about worst deal of Pakistan, pull up your lungi and dance instead of jumping from one pol to other to explain your tire shop theory.
India managing to keep Chabahar away from US pressure is a big achievement bcoz in the bid to isolate Iran it would definitely have figured to pressurize India to stay away from doing business with Iran

Please stay with your laziness cozily and stop talking things which u can't back

Mr. all knowing expert shouldn't expect spoon feeding, try google it's not that much difficult.
Sweetheart, why you are worried about loans and interests of Pakistan? Be happy about worst deal of Pakistan, pull up your lungi and dance instead of jumping from one pol to other to explain your tire shop theory.
he he he he Chichaa it is pakistnies who are jumping up and down of anguish and frustation over alternate route india has taken to afghansitan bypassing pakistan and soon we will make sure we make all that TAPI and other proposed russian or sentral asian oil and gas pipe line pasing through pakistan irrelevent we will not have any thing that passes through pakistan and comes to india or let pakistan benefit from any trade from now on coming to india even if it means we have to pay 20-40 % more on alternate routes .... hope you are getting what we are doing and where we are taking pakistan .... :sarcastic: :devil:
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