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1947...Partition...drawing indo-PAK boundry

Chester | The 1947 Partition: Drawing the Indo-Pakistani Boundary
The real Pakistan Map.


The British awarded two Muslim majority districts to India which resulted in mass slaughter of Muslims, rioting, and mass migration. Those two Muslim majority districts (Muslim majority before partition), Ferozepur and Gurdaspur, now borders Pakistan.

The British could've saved the slaughter by doing what they were supposed to do. Muslim majority districts in Punjab were to be given to Pakistan and non-muslim majority districts in Punjab were to be given to India.

Ferozepur was the only arsenal that was supposed to be given to Pakistan and Gurdaspur was a gateway to Jammu and Kashmir, both were Muslim majority districts before partion now Muslims are virtually non-existent in those districts.

------------1941 1951--- 1941 1951------1941 1951
Ferozepur (19.6) (38.1)-- (33.7) (58.8)-- (45.1) (0.4)

Gurdaspur (25.9) (49.6)-- (18.8) (41.7)-- (50.2) (1.3)

http://paa2004.princeton.edu/download.asp?submissionId=41274 (page 12)
all hail Nahru's Wife.. She did a remarkable job.. :woot:
Well Ferozepur was non-muslim majority if you look at the table.

Gurdaspur was muslim majority, the reason that was given was that Gurdaspur was needed to defend Amritsar district which btw also had upto 40+% muslims. If you look at the map, with Gurdaspur gone, Amritsar woudl be surrounded by Pakistan on three sides. With Gurdaspur its only on two sides.

But of course the question is, was delineating the boundary on the basis of muslim/non-muslim majorities sensible?
The British awarded two Muslim majority districts to India which resulted in mass slaughter of Muslims, rioting, and mass migration. Those two Muslim majority districts (Muslim majority before partition), Ferozepur and Gurdaspur, now borders Pakistan.

The British could've saved the slaughter by doing what they were supposed to do. Muslim majority districts in Punjab were to be given to Pakistan and non-muslim majority districts in Punjab were to be given to India.

Ferozepur was the only arsenal that was supposed to be given to Pakistan and Gurdaspur was a gateway to Jammu and Kashmir, both were Muslim majority districts before partion now Muslims are virtually non-existent in those districts.

------------1941 1951--- 1941 1951------1941 1951
Ferozepur (19.6) (38.1)-- (33.7) (58.8)-- (45.1) (0.4)

Gurdaspur (25.9) (49.6)-- (18.8) (41.7)-- (50.2) (1.3)

http://paa2004.princeton.edu/download.asp?submissionId=41274 (page 12)

The only way the slaughter on both sides could have been avoided was if the Brits were not in so much of a hurry to leave.

The date for grant of independence need not have been preponed.
The partition was such a rushed affair that there was no way it could have been executed in an orderly manner. Giving Distt A or B to India or Pak would have altered nothing on the ground.

Having partitioned the nation it was left to two fledgling Govts who were completely overwhelmed by their new roles to execute a mass movement of people which even today would be well nigh impossible in the time frame expected.
The British awarded two Muslim majority districts to India which resulted in mass slaughter of Muslims, rioting, and mass migration. Those two Muslim majority districts (Muslim majority before partition), Ferozepur and Gurdaspur, now borders Pakistan.

The British could've saved the slaughter by doing what they were supposed to do. Muslim majority districts in Punjab were to be given to Pakistan and non-muslim majority districts in Punjab were to be given to India.

Ferozepur was the only arsenal that was supposed to be given to Pakistan and Gurdaspur was a gateway to Jammu and Kashmir, both were Muslim majority districts before partion now Muslims are virtually non-existent in those districts.

------------1941 1951--- 1941 1951------1941 1951
Ferozepur (19.6) (38.1)-- (33.7) (58.8)-- (45.1) (0.4)

Gurdaspur (25.9) (49.6)-- (18.8) (41.7)-- (50.2) (1.3)

http://paa2004.princeton.edu/download.asp?submissionId=41274 (page 12)

acoording to data given by you...........In ferozpur..............Hindus and Sikhs outnumbered muslims..............rightfully went to India.:partay:
it does not matter that gurdaspur was gone to pak or india when if gone to pak then hindus and sikh has to be migrated.there are lot of other areas in subcontinent like chittagong ,two districts of sindh, kalat nawab has offered to join india.We must take partition as gods gift .which of areas extra gone to pak or india but one thing is clear slaughter of innocent civilians.
@Omar et all:
A lot of such changes have occurred in the partition plan along with the Gurdaspur waterhead award. For example Chittagong hill tracts were initially awarded to India. There conspiracy theorists suffer from selective amnesia.
yes you are correct because there purpose has never been successfull for which pak was formed .so they are sobbing.
it does not matter that gurdaspur was gone to pak or india when if gone to pak then hindus and sikh has to be migrated.there are lot of other areas in subcontinent like chittagong ,two districts of sindh, kalat nawab has offered to join india.We must take partition as gods gift .which of areas extra gone to pak or india but one thing is clear slaughter of innocent civilians.

WTF are u talkin about?
Wat has Khan of Kalat of Balouchistan has to do with offering 2 districts of muslim majority sindh?
Are u retarded?
I wouldn't know what a little girl whines like - clearly you do since you seem to beat them for fun. "Just currently after independence" - the time you use to making little girls whine will be better spent on buying a Wren & Martin.

My point was that Pakistanis themselves don't consider the people from Gurdaspur Muslims. If you had checked, I had replied to a post and not to the article. I too would advise you to get a life but that would be as likely as expecting George W. Bush to produce a critique of Odyssey.

Well its an article with facts and not the whole gurdaspur was ahmadis....lol u wanna know wat a little whining girl looks like?
See the miror while talking.
Plus i have friends whose grandparents came from gurdaspur and guess wat?
They are muslim.:hitwall:
The British awarded two Muslim majority districts to India which resulted in mass slaughter of Muslims, rioting, and mass migration. Those two Muslim majority districts (Muslim majority before partition), Ferozepur and Gurdaspur, now borders Pakistan.

The British could've saved the slaughter by doing what they were supposed to do. Muslim majority districts in Punjab were to be given to Pakistan and non-muslim majority districts in Punjab were to be given to India.

Ferozepur was the only arsenal that was supposed to be given to Pakistan and Gurdaspur was a gateway to Jammu and Kashmir, both were Muslim majority districts before partion now Muslims are virtually non-existent in those districts.

------------1941 1951--- 1941 1951------1941 1951
Ferozepur (19.6) (38.1)-- (33.7) (58.8)-- (45.1) (0.4)

Gurdaspur (25.9) (49.6)-- (18.8) (41.7)-- (50.2) (1.3)

http://paa2004.princeton.edu/download.asp?submissionId=41274 (page 12)

As prometheus pointed out even the Data u gave supports that non-muslims were in a majority...so wats wrong in them going to India..?
As prometheus pointed out even the Data u gave supports that non-muslims were in a majority...so wats wrong in them going to India..?

I think he has impression that it was Hindu vs muslim population data.

but it was Hindu+Sikhs+christians+Budhists+Jains(all non-muslims) vs Muslim population

and map is saying punjab should be in Pakistan..............oh yaar.........new Punjab was made in 1960's when Haryana, himachal were made
Plus i have friends whose grandparents came from gurdaspur and guess wat?
They are muslim.:hitwall:

If you have friends whose grandparents came from Gurdaspur, it follows that they were muslims. If they were otherwise, they would still be in Gurdaspur. What would non muslims migrate from Gurdaspur to Pakistan for? :hitwall: harder
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Well its an article with facts and not the whole gurdaspur was ahmadis....lol u wanna know wat a little whining girl looks like?
See the miror while talking.
Plus i have friends whose grandparents came from gurdaspur and guess wat?
They are muslim.:hitwall:

LOL. Fed up of beating little girls is it? I neither said nor insinuated that ALL Muslims in Gurdaspur were Ahmaddiyas. However, they were sizable in number to tip the balance in favor of a non-Muslim majority. It is simple arithmetic but clearly math is not a subject in the local madrassa....lol...and neither is logic....your friend's grandparents are the source of your argument? LOL.
See why name Pakistan is non islamic and illegal by the laws of shariya. Also Who are divided in 1947. india Or indian muslins.
Muslims are divided in three parts and none are happy. Even they want to nuke each other.
See What Maulana Abul Kalam, the freedom fighter of true muslin says and his predictions.

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