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1700 Iraqi Soldiers executed.


Oct 26, 2009
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United Arab Emirates
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Reports are coming that 1700 Captive Iraqi Soldiers have been hanged by ISIS.

Slaughteeing Unarmed Duty personell is jihad?

All Middle east should start a joint Operation against Terrorists

This is not Jihad this is massacre-
The ISIS and other Jihadi factions along with Al Asad all gona burn in hell- rot in hell-
Not true. Stop posting random threads and keep it all in the one main thread.
Pakistani Mainstream Media Channels are reporting this news. and it is a BIG issue not a "Just another reply" Kind of thing. Execution of 1700 Captive Regular military servicemen. Thats Horrible
US wants to comes back to iraq

I was thinking the same last night, it has to be their renewal energy policy and finally break Iraq into 3 states for the so called sake of peace.

What happened to the Iraqi awesome military gears and weapons I call it poor training and show off reality is Iraq can't fight it was like that in 90's it is same in 2014, hope certain arab states backed ISIS would be controlled sooner and hope that these ISIS would return to their homeland and wreck havoc there so those specific arab states can come to their senses.
Not true. Stop posting random threads and keep it all in the one main thread.
I hope it would not be true but what would be your reaction if it was true ? 1700 Iraqi army ... it's not justice ... :hitwall:
I was thinking the same last night, it has to be their renewal energy policy and finally break Iraq into 3 states for the so called sake of peace.

What happened to the Iraqi awesome military gears and weapons I call it poor training and show off reality is Iraq can't fight it was like that in 90's it is same in 2014, hope certain arab states backed ISIS would be controlled sooner and hope that these ISIS would return to their homeland and wreck havoc there so those specific arab states can come to their senses.

i think there is rising sectarian war between shia-sunni in iraq..ISIS is a beginning
Saudi are extremly extremly jealous about Iraq.They dont want to see a powerful Arab Shia country with democracy which is a huge threat for their kingdom regime...
From 2007 up to now 60-80% of suiciders who caused thousands... Iraqi people die are Saudis.

Saudi is behind all of crises in Iraq.
Instead of bringing peace and prosper to Iraq they bring unrest and killing Muslims daily in Iraq.

They want to destroy democracy in Iraq and put another executioner like saddam.

They are worry about a united and powerful Iraq with majority Shia.

Most of Iraq in internet call saudi arabia "devil land of wahabis!l' = مملکة الشر الوهابیة

Only Allah knows how much Iraqi people hate saudi.
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