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1700 Iraqi Soldiers executed.

They and Boko Haram have taken Khwarjiism to a whole new level. They make even Al-Qaeda and Taliban look like good guys.
To those who claim these animals are staging a 'revolution' better know that:

For 30 years, Saddam Hussein ruled Iraq with iron fist, dragged the country to the verge of collapse, started war with neighbors and more importantly, prosecuted, tortured and killed tens of thousands of Shias for opposing his dictatorship, (He also killed many Sunnis opposing him too, including Kurds), but not even ONCE, a systematic terrorist attack by Shias was conducted against Sunnis or any other people during his rule. Shias suffered the most under Saddam's rule and since it wasn't enough, they have been targeted by a systematic campaign of suicide bombings/terrorism after Saddam was toppled and ironically, now they are accused of being 'sectarian' for taking up arms and fighting quasi-humans of ISIL who have sworn to 'clean' each and every one of Shias from Iraq, the same terrorists who are worst of worst scums on earth.

The very same people who are cheering for ISIL and bring numerous excuses for their medieval barbarism, were busy bashing it no more than a month ago for butchering rebels/Al Qaeda terrorists in Syria. Now they have suddenly turned in to heroes for them. Why? Because sectarianism has messed up their heads to the fullest.
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Saudi are extremly extremly jealous about Iraq.They dont want to see a powerful Arab Shia country with democracy which is a huge threat for their kingdom regime...
From 2007 up to now 60-80% of suiciders who caused thousands... Iraqi people die are Saudis.

Saudi is behind all of crises in Iraq.
Instead of bringing peace and prosper to Iraq they bring unrest and killing Muslims daily in Iraq.

They want to destroy democracy in Iraq and put another executioner like saddam.

They are worry about a united and powerful Iraq with majority Shia.

Most of Iraq in internet call saudi arabia "devil land of wahabis!l' = مملکة الشر الوهابیة

Only Allah knows how much Iraqi people hate saudi.
True bro.
I think saudi monarchy thinks like this:
shia and persian= okay
shia and turk= okay
shia and arab= heresy must kill must destroy. Arabs can only be wahabis.
That is why they have so much hate against arab shias
They and Boko Haram have taken Khwarjiism to a whole new level. They make even Al-Qaeda and Taliban look like good guys.
I don't know about the whole muslim thing... but from what all I can gather is ... we can reason with the sub continental muslims about whats wrong and right. other than that MEterns don't have ability to reason among themselves.

Jahilyya arab culture is showing face in Islam. (instead of Islam!)
more like handsome young soldiers and civvies lined up and summarily shot in the back of their heads - havent you seen the livleak vids?.

after seeing them I wondered where did these medieval scum descend from in the 21st century - right out of the 7th century scenario.
Those cowards kind of deserved it when they refused to hold their ground and fight. What kind of treatment did they expect from such enemy?

Also those who are saying that this is not Jihad, blah blah, please replace "Iraqi Soldiers" with "NATO Soldiers" and say it again :enjoy:

Weren't few contributors celebrating the hanging of Taliban commanders by the LET few days ago?
1700 surredered soldiers executed!!
these rabid dogs should be shot at sight.
Arab shia are the one who dont have to complain. When americans attacked iraq you al helped america specially iran. So now the sunni iraqies are coming for revenge:-). It was from the beginning a secterian war so i dont blame isis. I writed difference time pdf forum and most of the shias was denying of the situation.

Look to this shit sistani..


The man of 200 milyon dollar. He didnt give the fatwa to arm against american invasion ahahah. And now is het given fatwa against isis.

Sorry i dont feel sorry for the iraqi shia and iran.
True bro.
I think saudi monarchy thinks like this:
shia and persian= okay
shia and turk= okay
shia and arab= heresy must kill must destroy. Arabs can only be wahabis.
That is why they have so much hate against arab shias

Shia and Sunni Arab and Persian always have had best relation with each other, but wahabis from beginning of their cult have killed Muslims. From the devil year 1933.

There are much many scientists poet etc.. Shia and Sunni that have worked with each other.

Wahabis hate Ahlulbyat, after reaching power they have wrecked Shrines of grandsons of Prophet [PBUH]. Also they have stole many jewels from Prophet [PBUH] Shrine.
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