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15 Chinese DF-21D ASBM launchers vs. Arleigh Burke

Going nuclear because someone sank one of your carriers, or maybe even all of your carriers??????? I don't think so......... what about massive Chinese 'nuclear' response? Then everything south of Alaska would be gone!

If things worked the way you think they work, then none of us would be here, even today... :D

I doubt they would use this weapon system because it was originally a strategic nuclear weapon. So we can't distinguish if its nuclear armed or conventional. Even Putin himself told the U.S. to cancel the Conventional Trident missile because of possible nuclear exchange. The moment the missile is launched, have to assumed its nuclear. The last thing we need is billions of people dead.
I've similar thoughts on it....... any mirv'ed device capable of re-entry will be perceived as nuclear threat...... hence, it will remain an academic scenario at best.........

On the other hand, it's great that China has, at the very least, a 'proven' capacity to neutralize American offshore offensive assets as it will guarantee MAD objectives......... this will most definitely neutralize hawks in both countries............

I doubt they would use this weapon system because it was originally a strategic nuclear weapon. So we can't distinguish if its nuclear armed or conventional. Even Putin himself told the U.S. to cancel the Conventional Trident missile because of possible nuclear exchange. The moment the missile is launched, have to assumed its nuclear. The last thing we need is billions of people dead.
I've similar thoughts on it....... any mirv'ed device capable of re-entry will be perceived as nuclear threat...... hence, it will remain an academic scenario at best.........

On the other hand, it's great that China has, at the very least, a 'proven' capacity to neutralize American offshore offensive assets as it will guarantee MAD objectives......... this will most definitely neutralize hawks in both countries............

Once you build a ballistic missile that can hit beyond 12,000km with pin point accuracy, it wouldn't matter what other missiles you make.
Both US and China have them. Plenty. So do you think there won't be any saber rattling between the two nations anymore? I don't think so...... it's an ever evolving game, both sides need to be assured on a day-to-day basis that they can't neutralize ALL of each others assets, only then will peace prevail.... for your people and rest of us!

Once you build a ballistic missile that can hit beyond 12,000km with pin point accuracy, it wouldn't matter what other missiles you make.
Both US and China have them. Plenty. So do you think there won't be any saber rattling between the two nations anymore? I don't think so...... it's an ever evolving game, both sides need to be assured on a day-to-day basis that they can't neutralize ALL of each others assets, only then will peace prevail.... for your people and rest of us!

Indeed, in any case back on topic, the DF-21 is useless because it can lead to nuclear exchange so not something useful. Just like our Conventional Trident missile that was useless and idea thrown in the trash the moment the concept was suggested. Could such a missile be useful against China and its offshore bases in South China Sea? Yes, but then would China believe its conventionally armed? Probably not.
Indeed, in any case back on topic, the DF-21 is useless because it can lead to nuclear exchange so not something useful. Just like our Conventional Trident missile that was useless and idea thrown in the trash the moment the concept was suggested. Could such a missile be useful against China and its offshore bases in South China Sea? Yes, but then would China believe its conventionally armed? Probably not.

Do not worry, we have CNMD also, we are not that weak like you!!!

it's very clear for you, Leave China alone or we'll destory your CBGs.

not the other way around!

if nukes means everything, then why we build DF-21,DF-26,WU-14 and J20?
Its a showpony,only test they did was static target in the gobi desert lolz.You compare that to a moving carrier battle group.
most of the weapons and related news is propaganda only.
We Chinese don't brag and boast like you Indians do.
This is a Type 053H Frigate in service. (No.514 1,425 t, 103m*10.8m)

This is the Frigate after being hit by a inert warhead(There's no sign of explosion or burning), the bridge has been smashed and the hull is bent by the huge force.
The warhead obviously hit the Frigate from top. While anti-ship cruise missiles usually hit the target from one side. Only ASBM can cause this damage without explosion(with its kinetic energy), and there's only one ASBM in service --DF-21D

In comparison, in 2013, a BQM-74 hit USS Chancellorsville's bridge (CG-62)
BQM-74 weighs about 250kg. It merely made a small hole.
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Indeed, in any case back on topic, the DF-21 is useless because it can lead to nuclear exchange so not something useful. Just like our Conventional Trident missile that was useless and idea thrown in the trash the moment the concept was suggested. Could such a missile be useful against China and its offshore bases in South China Sea? Yes, but then would China believe its conventionally armed? Probably not.

Calm down! An early warning system can tell the orbit of a ballistic missile as long as it's launched. You are saying that US would mistake DF21 launch as ICBMs and could possibly retaliate with nukes. Everyone knows it's nonsence.
There is no way we would go nuclear if a CVN was sunk. No way.

There would be no point. Ok, they sunk an aircraft carrier therefore we will kill billions of people. That statement makes no sense.

Everybody loses in nuclear war, so there is no point partaking in it

that is actually what would happen , a destroyer of course not but a Carrier and even a Battle Group would result in nuclear retaliation

It shows the mindset of losers. Isn't there anything more left to defeat China?


mindset of losers ? LOL

Nuclear Retaliation is one of active strategies every country considers

China sent 5 warships to Bering sea, to said Hi to American before china V Days. What USA think?

5 ships ? wow

if only USA had the most powerful navy in the world with an Air Fleet more powerful than Chinese Air Force to counter those 5 ships..............if only
that is actually what would happen , a destroyer of course not but a Carrier and even a Battle Group would result in nuclear retaliation

mindset of losers ? LOL

Nuclear Retaliation is one of active strategies every country considers

5 ships ? wow

if only USA had the most powerful navy in the world with an Air Fleet more powerful than Chinese Air Force to counter those 5 ships..............if only

Hey fanboy, don't let the propaganda fool you. If you think sinking an aircraft carrier will lead to a country NUKING in retalliation, you're smoking some of that weed. And please, don't hit me with some unwritten 'rules of engagement' or what not. If there was a skirmish, and China would sink a US carrier (or Iran for that matter), ain't nobody getting nuked in rerutn. Bet that.. It's all talk in order to make those 'carrier battle groups' seem untouchable. At the end, it's conventional vs conventional. It's a ship. Sinking a ship will never get a nuclear retalliaton. End of subject.
Hey fanboy, don't let the propaganda fool you. If you think sinking an aircraft carrier will lead to a country NUKING in retalliation, you're smoking some of that weed. And please, don't hit me with some unwritten 'rules of engagement' or what not. If there was a skirmish, and China would sink a US carrier (or Iran for that matter), ain't nobody getting nuked in rerutn. Bet that.. It's all talk in order to make those 'carrier battle groups' seem untouchable. At the end, it's conventional vs conventional. It's a ship. Sinking a ship will never get a nuclear retalliaton. End of subject.

CBG is thousands of American lives and a fatal blow to USN you illiterate clown , This isn't WW2 where USN would be receiving a new ship on daily basis

you can think what you want and come up with your theories but officially USA would respond nuclear if such a fatal blow is accomplished against USA

how do you think US would respond if in fact China can so easily sink a CBG as claimed here ? just sail another set of CBG to be sunk or somehow use its bases around China while not being able to support those bases ?
CBG is thousands of American lives and a fatal blow to USN you illiterate clown , This isn't WW2 where USN would be receiving a new ship on daily basis

you can think what you want and come up with your theories but officially USA would respond nuclear if such a fatal blow is accomplished against USA

how do you think US would respond if in fact China can so easily sink a CBG as claimed here ? just sail another set of CBG to be sunk or somehow use its bases around China while not being able to support those bases ?

And China would respond nuclear as well, Happy ending!

Case closed!
CBG is thousands of American lives and a fatal blow to USN you illiterate clown , This isn't WW2 where USN would be receiving a new ship on daily basis

you can think what you want and come up with your theories but officially USA would respond nuclear if such a fatal blow is accomplished against USA

how do you think US would respond if in fact China can so easily sink a CBG as claimed here ? just sail another set of CBG to be sunk or somehow use its bases around China while not being able to support those bases ?

Don't attack me, I didn't attack you although I was a bit harsh. Thousands of lives don't matter. The only way you can nuke someone, is if they nuke you. Ever heard of no first nukes policy? Besides, you can't justify it in world public opinion. Thousands of lives my balls. It's conventional. Doesn't matter how much ships the US has or doesn't have. Firing an anti ship missile at a carrier doesn't get answered with a nuke.
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