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14-year-old schoolboy commits suicide in Peshawar over marriage refusal

What this kid did was stupid. No doubt.

Now can you honestly say that no one in your own ancestry was married as a child or married someone who was below 18.

Its a serious question. Answer that.
It's not the kids fault. He was 14 years old for crying out loud. Kids at that age are irrational and emotional.
Bad Parenting. Kid must be seriously in love, but asking for marriage and then Suicide was just bad parenting.
when mothers will be too busy in watching star plus or gossiping about useless things and fathers will provide everything to their kids, except their time. When kids will know at very young age what pornography is and how to watch pirated movies, but will know nothing about Islam other than 1st KALMAH. then, kids at age of 14 will do such things like suicide, will either rape or get rapped. This incident is result of distance of our generation or society from QURAN and teaching of ISLAM. IT IS NOT A KID WHO SHOULD BE BLAMED, BUT HIS FAMILY AND HIS SURROUNDINGS. May ALLAH forgive us all. Ameen.
Maybe the kid didn't want to copy the Western teens who lose their virginity by age 14 outside the bounds of marriage.

Right and like suiciding is halal in Islam. Sir it's the distance we have created today from the basic teachings of Islam.
Right and like suiciding is halal in Islam. Sir it's the distance we have created today from the basic teachings of Islam.
Baji ji, if you talk about Islam, than they should have him gotten married. Apparently, girl also liked the guy and was talking to him before rishta refusal.
I am not surprised at all.

Modern secular generation is product of media, grown up in front of tv screens by learning moral and social values from star plus and Bollywood......... the most important thing this generation learned is that they are always right, and whoever tries to tell them about morality, social values and religion is out dates, orthodox and backward minded person.......

Too bad, they never listen..........and then pay the price
Baji ji, if you talk about Islam, than they should have him gotten married. Apparently, girl also liked the guy and was talking to him before rishta refusal.

Uncle jii (btw I got another uncle @The Eagle :p)
Islam does give the rights to marry the person you like, but Nikah is invalid without the permission of a wali and also Quran gives parents right to make the better decisions for the kids. He was still immature and see what he did in this immaturity.
That kido was even himself depended on parents and wanted to marry.
That's pretty stupid.
Ziyada e cheete si enu viya di

Remember no girl on the planet is worth taking your life over if she doesnot lukes you fine move on there are plenty of fishes in the sea


Uncle jii (btw I got another uncle @The Eagle :p)
Islam does give the rights to marry the person you like, but Nikah is invalid without the permission of a wali and also Quran gives parents right to make the better decisions for the kids. He was still immature and see what he did in this immaturity.
That kido was even himself depended on parents and wanted to marry.
That's pretty stupid.
Inter mein i had a friend who killed himself over a girl who didnt want him stupid guy never make a girl the end of your world
3rd class ashiq or bus. :guns::nhl_checking::pissed:
I remember meeting him a few days before he killed himself he lost some serious weigjt and he was the shadow of a man he once was the dude who was a paka jugti and always used to smile had red eyes from crying so often
Nan i still cant forget that look her mom gave me when i visited his place to offer namaze janaza
I bet liberal fanatics don't have the face to insult 'mulllahs' now for their support of legalising child marriage.
hahaha 'liberal fanatic' lol.
child marriage is totally wrong. mullahs supporting it should go to hell.
if a 14 year old kid shoots himself, there are 3 things at fault :
1. gun laws - why did he have a gun?
2. parents - for goodness sake pay attention to your children!
3. education system - how can a 14 yo even think of suicide? it doesnt make any sense! completely outrageous.
hahaha 'liberal fanatic' lol.
child marriage is totally wrong. mullahs supporting it should go to hell.
if a 14 year old kid shoots himself, there are 3 things at fault :
1. gun laws - why did he have a gun?
2. parents - for goodness sake pay attention to your children!
3. education system - how can a 14 yo even think of suicide? it doesnt make any sense! completely outrageous.

I will ask you the same question I asked another poster. Are you sure no one in your ancestry, or even in the past 4-5 generations of your family, married before they turned 18?

I want a honest answer......

Uncle jii (btw I got another uncle @The Eagle :p)
Islam does give the rights to marry the person you like, but Nikah is invalid without the permission of a wali and also Quran gives parents right to make the better decisions for the kids. He was still immature and see what he did in this immaturity.
That kido was even himself depended on parents and wanted to marry.
That's pretty stupid.
True in their case but wali permission is not required for old enough and mature (balig) couple. In the old days, in Islamic society, being financially independent wasn't the requirement to get married. That's why it is a parent's responsibility to get their kids married and set them for success. Problem arises when we mix western (old age marriage) living style with eastern restrictions. A sharif financially independent individual in their mid 20's or early 30's would not wait and do not need their parents to get married. The only one who does, are either financially or socially handicapped and if not that are already doing hanky panky, till their parents get some like them.
I will ask you the same question I asked another poster. Are you sure no one in your ancestry, or even in the past 4-5 generations of your family, married before they turned 18?

I want a honest answer......
Honest answer, i dont know. but considering child marriages were common 100 years ago ill say there's probability. but why? how is that relevant?

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