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13.4% Indian Muslims represent 3.0% of Indian military.

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If a Muslim does not join the military, it does not end up in the scrutiny of Indian govt. Army is not the only service to offer for the country. There are a lot and in which Muslims excel. People must be more cautious before trying to be nervous.
Stick to the topic or i will start reporting. I am not "worrying" about Indian Muslims , i would rather worry about my dog not drinking enough milk.

The purpose is the to scrutinize Indian treatment of its minorities and displaying the discrimination which is embedded in the Indian state.

If a muslim can become president of this country then a muslim can surely do anything that people of other religions can..
India is not pakistan Mr.researcher..
Stick to the topic or i will start reporting. I am not "worrying" about Indian Muslims , i would rather worry about my dog not drinking enough milk.

The purpose is the to scrutinize Indian treatment of its minorities and displaying the discrimination which is embedded in the Indian state.

Oh really!
And can you elaborate how this systematic discrimination is going on??
Does the army recruitment website says "Muslims need not apply"??
I am sick of the term Hindus. Muslims. Christians. Jews etc etc. India is a home to every one, not a piece of line denotes in the Indian constitution or Law which of course is the largest written ever that its a home for only a certain type of community and these people can only come to this level.

If there was a law that all 18+ must serve the military for 4 - 5 years as a disciplinary measure then you will be certain to see the Military flooded. But being the Worlds largest volunteered Armed force we do not do so.
If the Indian muslims do not join the military it simply means that they see no future and are discouraged to join up. The figures speak for themselves , reasoning can only be done by the minority groups.
Army cannot open a so called "MUSLIM RECRUITMENT CENTRE" in front of a madrassa, can it?? If muslims do not take interest in joning the army then what can army do huh??
Exactly! Why are people bellyaching that there are less Muslims in the Army than ought to be? The fact is that most Muslims are not keen to join the Armed Forces. It has nothing to do with discrimination of minorities.

If the Indian muslims do not join the military it simply means that they see no future and are discouraged to join up. The figures speak for themselves , reasoning can only be done by the minority groups.
This is utter nonsense spouted by people who are unaware of the selection processes and values within the Armed Forces! There is absolutely no discrimination within units. It's all about merit.

The Indian Army has some of the finest soldiers and officers who are Muslims, but are Indians to the core! By the way, Lieutenant General S K Hasnain is a Corps Commander.

And how many Hindus are in Pakistan Armed Forces?

Cheers! :cheers:
I am sick of the term Hindus. Muslims. Christians. Jews etc etc. India is a home to every one, not a piece of line denotes in the Indian constitution or Law which of course is the largest written ever that its a home for only a certain type of community and these people can only come to this level.

If there was a law that all 18+ must serve the military for 4 - 5 years as a disciplinary measure then you will be certain to see the Military flooded. But being the Worlds largest volunteered Armed force we do not do so.

Sirji .. some only sees everything through the eyes of the religion.. cant blame them..

Btwn .. I "researched" one more thread on the same..

If the Indian muslims do not join the military it simply means that they see no future and are discouraged to join up. The figures speak for themselves , reasoning can only be done by the minority groups.

so you agree that not joining army is decision of Muslims and they want to get job which has good future...so where is discrimination in this????? every Indian is free to choose his career...you must immediately change that researcher tag of yours or start posting something sensible..
If the Indian muslims do not join the military it simply means that they see no future and are discouraged to join up. The figures speak for themselves , reasoning can only be done by the minority groups.

There are lot other professions to choose from. Then why army? Is army the only way to show patriotism? Might be in Pakistan, but In India there are a lot other profession where it is an honor in itself to serve under. Like the civil services , In 2009 there were 4% Muslims who were selected and inducted into the civil services. So how many would have written it? same goes with the army, every human being lined up for test does not clear it. A few fortunate brave ones get a chance.
This because of martial race theory or whatever that is. Most Muslims in India are considered non-martial tribes, before partition most Muslim recruits came from Punjab, Baluchistan and NWFP, the so called martial races. Now North West India has less than 1 % Muslim population, most Muslims in India are from South and Eastern India and UP.
Its really funny how these troll articles around India bashing by respected "Researchers" start popping up when there is a mis-happening in Pakistan. If only the so called intelligentia of Pakistan focused more on solving their own problems than trying to find problems in India.. :disagree
If a muslim can become president of this country then a muslim can surely do anything that people of other religions can..
India is not pakistan Mr.researcher..

PM: from Minority Sikh
superPM: Christian:lol:
Vice President: Muslim
Former Pres the great"K" a Muslim..what more can u need my friend !! INDIA is a GREAT country !!!
A religious country doesnt have right to say this.
By the way i would like to know the percentage of Hindus,Christians,Sikhs,women in pakistan and their military percentage in pakistan.
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