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10 Incredible Health Benefits of Fasting

There may be some side benefits, but overall, fasting is very detrimental to health. Quite frankly, I know a number of people who have become seriously ill because of fasting during Ramadan.

Dude think of it this way - The Squat & the Deadlift are two absolutely wonderful exercises but no matter how wonderful they are some people just shouldn't do it - They've got far too banged up knees or a messed up lower back ! The same rationale applies to Fasting (and anything else) - If you can't do it....you're not required to - Islam doesn't expect you to look like a Auschwitz Inmate at the end of the 30 day period; if you're healthy & can Fast the required time - Go for it ! If not - Not !
I dont like olive oil :cray: it tastes soo badddd...

lolz..no--it has not such a bad taste as you are describing.... :lol:

Dude think of it this way - The Squat & the Deadlift are two absolutely wonderful exercises but no matter how wonderful they are some people just shouldn't do it - They've got far too banged up knees or a messed up lower back ! The same rationale applies to Fasting (and anything else) - If you can't do it....you're not required to - Islam doesn't expect you to look like a Auschwitz Inmate at the end of the 30 day period; if you're healthy & can Fast the required time - Go for it ! If not - Not !

shabash cheetay...seriously,I am not in a mode to argues today..:D

I understand that fasting has religious reasons, what I'm talking about is that it can seriously mess with your health.

Do you guys eat anything at all? I know some Muslim people who shove carrots in a blender and drink the juice and the like.


Fair enough. The people in question did say that the reasons they fainted etc was because they didn't change their daily routine at all, IOW kept their levels of activity the same.
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I understand that fasting has religious reasons, what I'm talking about is that it can seriously mess with your health.

Do you guys eat anything at all? I know some Muslim people who shove carrots in a blender and drink the juice and the like.

Nope it doesnt....Kindly bring forward your sources which says it can...Plus, if it CAN MESS with our health then we will learn 1st hand how BAD it is for the less fortunate and maybe help them more...

However, maybe you should read a little about our body and how it functions...we have food reserves and there is no way 1 can actually die from 24 hrs of fasting...As for messing our health IF we are already sick...it shouldnt count because sick people need not fast...Nor pregnant women and there are a handful who are allowed NOT TO FAST...

Kindly read up a little about fasting + our physiology + about our body digestive track and how fasting is ACTUALLY good to allow the track time to digest EFFECTIVELY the food that is already present before being stuffed with more food...

Also how it disciplines our lifestyle
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Nope it doesnt....Kindly bring forward your sources which says it can...Plus, if it CAN MESS with our health then we will learn 1st hand how BAD it is for the less fortunate and maybe help them more...

However, maybe you should read a little about our body and how it functions...we have food reserves and there is no way 1 can actually die from 24 hrs of fasting...As for messing our health IF we are already sick...it shouldnt count because sick people need not fast...Nor pregnant women and there are a handful who are allowed NOT TO FAST...

Kindly read up a little about fasting + our physiology + about our body digestive track and how fasting is ACTUALLY good to allow the track time to digest EFFECTIVELY the food that is already present before being stuffed with more food...

Also how it disciplines our lifestyle

Oh mate, I've tried to go a week without eating for of a bet and I legit fainted by the third day. I'm not saying anybody is going to die from not eating for a day, but it can aggravate pre-existing conditions as well as make one physically weak, dizzy and faint etc.

There are multiple sources mate, just google it.


Many people observe fasting as a religious obligation but only few know the health benefits it has. Fasting is a good practice, if properly implemented. It promotes elimination of toxins from the body, reduces blood sugar ans fat stores. It promote healthy eating habits and boost immunity. Here are top 10 health benefits you ca derive from fasting.

1. Fasting Promotes detoxification

Processed foods contain lots of additives. These additives may become toxins in the body. Some of them promote production of advanced glycation end products (AGEs). Most of these toxins are stored in fats. Fat is burnt during fasting, especially when it is prolonged. And the toxins are released. The liver, kidneys and other organs in the body are involved in detoxification.

2. Fasting Rests Digestive System

During fasting, the digestive organs rest. The normal physiologic functions continue especially production of digestive secretions, but at reduced rates. This exercise helps to maintain balance of fluids in the body. Breakdown of food takes place at steady rates. Release of energy also follows a gradual pattern. Fasting however does not stop production of acids in the stomach. This is reason patients with peptic ulcer are advised to approach fasting with caution. Some experts believe they should not fast.

3. Fasting Resolves Inflammatory Response

Some studies show that fasting promotes resolution of inflammatory diseases and allergies. Examples of such inflammatory diseases are rheumatoid arthritis, arthritis and skin diseases such as psoriasis. Some experts assert that fasting may promote healing of inflammatory bowel diseases such as ulcerative colitis.

4. Fasting Reduces Blood Sugar

Fasting increases breakdown of glucose so that the body can get energy. It reduces production of insulin. This rests the pancreas. Glucagon is produced to facilitate the breakdown of glucose. The outcome of fasting is a reduction in blood sugar.

5. Fasting Increases Fat breakdown

The first response of the body to fasting is break down of glucose. When the store of glucose is exhausted, ketosis begins. This is break down of fats to release energy. The fats stored in kidney and muscles are broken down to release energy.

6. Fasting Corrects high blood Pressure

Fasting is one of the non-drug methods of reducing blood pressure. It helps to reduce the risk of atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is clogging of arteries by fat particles. During fasting glucose and later, fat stores are used to produce energy. Metabolic rate is reduced during fasting. The fear-flight hormones such as adrenaline and noradrenaline are also reduced. This keeps the metabolic steady and within limits. The benefit is a reduction in blood pressure.

7. Fasting Promotes Weight loss

Fasting promotes rapid weight loss. It reduces the store of fats in the body. However fasting is not a good weight loss strategy. Reducing fat and sugar intake, and increasing fruits and rest are better measures to achieve weight reduction.

8. Fasting Promotes Healthy diet

It has been observed that fasting reduces craving for processed foods. It promotes desire for natural foods, especially water and fruits. This is one way fasting promote healthy lifestyle.

9. Fasting Boosts Immunity

When an individual is on balanced diet in between fasts, this can boost immunity. Elimination of toxins and reduction in fat store also helps the body. When individuals take fruits to break a fast, they increase the body's store of essential vitamins and minerals. Vitamins A and E are good antioxidants readily available in fruits. They help to boost immunity.

10. Fasting May Help to Overcome Addictions

Some authors show that fasting can help addicts reduce their cravings, for nicotine, alcohol, caffeine and other substance abuse. Although there are other regimens required to resolve addictions, fasting can play a role.

Despite these benefits, fasting has some demerits. It may cause reduction in body water called dehydration. This leads may lead to headaches and even trigger migraines in predisposed persons. It may worsen heartburn and peptic ulcer. Pregnant women, nursing mothers, malnourished people, and individuals with cardiac arrhythmias, renal or liver problems are advised not to fast.

By:Dr. Biodun Awosusi,Yahoo contributor network

Seliger, S. & Haines, C.D. (2012) 'Is Fasting Healthy?' Accessed from Is Fasting Healthy?

Panjwani, M. (2009) '11 Health Benefits of Fasting', Accessed from 11 Health Benefits of Fasting « D!NCHACK LIFE
@Jazzbot @Leader @Marshmallow @Armstrong @Hyperion @Alpha1 @Aeronaut @Talon @Marshmallow @Mirzay @Hermione G @Skies @BDforever @Neptune @balixd @JonAsad and others...

Not involving moral and religiously but medically fasting doesn't help or have benefits but is very bad for the health when the times are long especially. Firstly you don't lose weight but muscle mass especially as the body eats into muscle if you don't eat for a long time especially protein.
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Personally,I just love the saltish taste of olives,can't imagine my salad without green magoes(kachi kerry) and olives. :lol:
Have a Happy and Healthy Ramadan.

As Ramadan is approaching and all of us are preparing ourselves to greet this Holy month, i thought i should share some tips for healthy eating in Ramadan..

Islamic View of Healthy Eating.

The blessed prophet MUHAMMAD (P.B.U.H) said.

“The children of Adam fill no vessel worse than their stomach. Sufficient for him is a few morsels to keep his back straight. If he must eat more, than a third should be his food, a third for his drink and a third left for air. (SUNAN AL-TIMIDHI)”.

Our body is a gift from ALLAH. It is His "ammant" and we have to take care of it for a fixed period of time. The size, amount and type of food we eat have direct impact on our body. The food we consume affects our behaviour and personality. Overeating is long been disliked by ISLAM. Overeating increases the worldly appetite and makes our body sluggish and lazy which directly results in dulling our soul and spiritual growth..

Changes That Occur In Our Body during Ramadan.

Changes that occur in the body depend on the length of fast-day. Technically our body enters into a fasting state eight hours or so after our last meal, when our gut finishes the absorption of nutrients from the food..

First Stage.

In normal state the glucose is the main source of energy which is stored in liver and muscles. During a fast this store of glucose is used initially, in order to provide energy..

Second Stage.

When these stores of glucose run out, then, fat becomes next source of energy for our body..

Third Stage.

Only with prolonged (continuous) fast of many days or weeks does the body eventually turn to protein. Now this is technically called starvation and is clearly unhealthy..

You don’t have to worry as during Ramadan you get an opportunity to refill your energy stores at "sehree" and "iftaree" meal times. So during Ramadan first you use your glucose and then gradually the fat as the main source of energy. But having two meals also protects you to starvation stage which is not good for the body (it means when all glucose and fats are used up the body starts consuming the protein)..

The use of fat for energy helps in weight loss which has many benefits, such as:.

• Better control of diabetes,.

• Reduces blood pressure,.

• In long run, it also reduces blood cholesterol level..

Foods to Be Taken In Ramadan.

Balanced food and fluid intake is important in Ramadan. Fasting can improve your health. But if right foods are not consumed then you may get negative results. The main factor is not the act of fasting but the type of food that you take between "sehree" and "iftaree". The diet should be simple, keep it like your everyday meals and don’t make it a feast or party food..


Don’t skip it with just a few sips of water. It is like a breakfast. This meal should be a moderate meal that can provide energy for many hours. Food which release energy slowly in our body should be used. Like WHEAT, CEREALS etc. I will recommend a chapatti (bread) with egg or any curry and a cup of tea..


This meal, as we follow our beloved Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) traditions, could be started with dates which provide the refreshing burst of energy. Similarly, the fresh fruit juices give an instant and healthy energy boost. As i said earlier that meal should remain a meal not a big feast with lots of unhealthy dishes..

Healthy Iftaree Examples.

SIDE DISH......................................MAIN DISH.............................SWEET DISH.

DAHI BAREY...................................CHICKEN CURRY...................CHAPATI KHEER.

BAKED SAMOSAS..........................ALOO GOSHT.........................CHAPATI BARFEE.


SEEKH KABAB...............................RICE WITH DAAL CURRY........RAS MALAI.


"Good carbohydrates" are also known as "complex carbohydrates". They release energy slowly in the body. These are found in grains like wheat, barley, semolina, beans, lentils, basmati rice, etc..

Fibre Rich Foods.

These foods are also digested slowly. They Include bran, whole wheat, vegetables and fruits, etc..

Foods to Avoid.

Simple carbohydrates like sugar, these include all the sugary foods like cakes, sweets, pastries, pies, biscuits etc..

Fatty Foods.

Like chocolates, mitahai (sweets), deep fried foods etc..

Caffeinated Drinks.

Like tea, coffee, colas etc. They act as diuretic and thereby stimulates faster water loss through urination..


1. Heartburn (indigestion):.

Our stomach has an acidic environment. This helps in breaking down the food and to kill the bacteria. During Ramadan the amount of acid reduces in our stomach. But thoughts of food or smell of it makes our brain orders the stomach to produce more acid, resulting in heartburn..

This can be reduced by avoiding spicy and oily foods, reducing caffeine intake and avoiding smoking. Sleeping with your head raised on a few pillows may also help prevent heartburn..

2. Diabetes:.

Those who are taking insulin-injections are advised not to fast..

People who can control their diabetes with tablets should visit their doctor before Ramadan to discuss any change in the medication which will help them having safe fast. Regularly check your glucose levels as low glucose level may cause dizziness, profuse sweating and disorientation. If any symptoms of low glucose level persist, you should immediately consume a sugary drink, sugar or place any other sugar rich sweet under your tongue..

3. Headache:.

It is one of the most common problems in Ramadan. There are various factors leading to this condition. It can be due to dehydration, hunger, less sleep or rest, absence of addictive substance like tea coffee or cigarette..

Have a moderate and balanced diet with lots of fluids. If necessary taking a dose of painkillers like paracetamol also help a lot in preventing or reducing headaches (this may be done after "iftar". However, do seek the advice of your doctor). Headaches can also be prevented by other measures like covering your head while in the sun, using sunglasses or a gentle massage..

4. Dehydration:.

Dehydration is also very common during Ramadan. Our bodies continuously lose water and salts in form of urine, sweat and breathing. It depends on how much physical activity you do, how much fluid you intake and how efficient are your kidneys..

You may feel dizzy, or you may experience a feeling of being unwell, muscle cramps, disorientation and even collapse or fainting..

5. High blood pressure and asthama:.

These are also controlled by the medicine which you have to take regularly throughout your life. It's better to discuss with your doctor in advance to complete the fasting safely..

6. Constipation:.

Constipation could be very irritating. You should aim to have lots of fruit and vegetables along with fluids to facilitate your bowel movements. Increase fibre content in your diet and reduce the amount of processed and fatty foods..

7. Stress:.

Changes in the daily routine increases stress level. You can manage your stress by different methods according to your stress-levels. For instance, you can catch up on your sleep during daytime, don’t play sports or exercise in hot sun, control you anger in advance etc..

8. Obesity:.

Yes weight gain is also a problem during Ramadan. Food we consume during "sehree" and "iftaree" results in weight gain. It’s very common that many of us gain a lot more weight during Ramadan even after fasting. The reason is taking wrong type of food during sehree and iftaree. Sensible approach to the food and choosing healthy alternatives for the food you like can help a lot in losing weight and getting the most from this holy month..

9. Healthy alternatives:.

Deep fried food items like pakoras can be replaced with chick pea or potato chaat in yoghurt..

Fried kababs can be replaced with grilled kababs..

Fried samosas and rolls can be replaced with baked samosas or rolls..

High sugar and high fat foods like milk based sweets (kheer, gulab jamun, mithai baklava, ras malai, barfee etc) should be replaced with low-sugar and low-fat food..

High fat food like paratha can be replaced with chapattis. .

Oily curries can be replaced with curries with little oil, grilled or baked dishes..

Cooking methods to avoid:.

Deep frying should be replaced by shallow frying..

Frying should be replaced by baking or grilling..

Curries with excessive oil should be replaced with low-oil..

If you use 5 tablespoon of oil for cooking curry then first reduce it to 4 tablespoon and then three and gradually get down to oil spray..

If you follow these suggestions, you will experience a very healthy and energy bursting Ramadan. Try to continue following these changes even after Ramadan and get lifelong benefits for yourself..
@Armstrong @Hyperion @Talon @balixd @Secur @FaujHistorian @Marshmallow @Awesome aeronaut
maybe this article may help you to stay healthy this RAMADAN.
@WebMaster,see point no 2,it is for diabetic patients,I hope that this may help you somehow.
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Oh mate, I've tried to go a week without eating for of a bet and I legit fainted by the third day. I'm not saying anybody is going to die from not eating for a day, but it can aggravate pre-existing conditions as well as make one physically weak, dizzy and faint etc.

There are multiple sources mate, just google it.

Allah NEVER gives us a burden more than we can hold...We DONT go HUNGRY...we eat twice a day...that is not killing!

2ndly, like I said PRE EXISTING conditions if can cause death....or you cant go without meds, you are exempted from fasting...

KINDLY READ up before posting crazily!

3rdly, YOU suggested something SO YOU need to give sources....otherwise do not talk something which has no source ....in short words that is trolling!

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