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10 Incredible Health Benefits of Fasting

Slav Defence

Oct 30, 2010
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Many people observe fasting as a religious obligation but only few know the health benefits it has. Fasting is a good practice, if properly implemented. It promotes elimination of toxins from the body, reduces blood sugar ans fat stores. It promote healthy eating habits and boost immunity. Here are top 10 health benefits you ca derive from fasting.

1. Fasting Promotes detoxification

Processed foods contain lots of additives. These additives may become toxins in the body. Some of them promote production of advanced glycation end products (AGEs). Most of these toxins are stored in fats. Fat is burnt during fasting, especially when it is prolonged. And the toxins are released. The liver, kidneys and other organs in the body are involved in detoxification.

2. Fasting Rests Digestive System

During fasting, the digestive organs rest. The normal physiologic functions continue especially production of digestive secretions, but at reduced rates. This exercise helps to maintain balance of fluids in the body. Breakdown of food takes place at steady rates. Release of energy also follows a gradual pattern. Fasting however does not stop production of acids in the stomach. This is reason patients with peptic ulcer are advised to approach fasting with caution. Some experts believe they should not fast.

3. Fasting Resolves Inflammatory Response

Some studies show that fasting promotes resolution of inflammatory diseases and allergies. Examples of such inflammatory diseases are rheumatoid arthritis, arthritis and skin diseases such as psoriasis. Some experts assert that fasting may promote healing of inflammatory bowel diseases such as ulcerative colitis.

4. Fasting Reduces Blood Sugar

Fasting increases breakdown of glucose so that the body can get energy. It reduces production of insulin. This rests the pancreas. Glucagon is produced to facilitate the breakdown of glucose. The outcome of fasting is a reduction in blood sugar.

5. Fasting Increases Fat breakdown

The first response of the body to fasting is break down of glucose. When the store of glucose is exhausted, ketosis begins. This is break down of fats to release energy. The fats stored in kidney and muscles are broken down to release energy.

6. Fasting Corrects high blood Pressure

Fasting is one of the non-drug methods of reducing blood pressure. It helps to reduce the risk of atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is clogging of arteries by fat particles. During fasting glucose and later, fat stores are used to produce energy. Metabolic rate is reduced during fasting. The fear-flight hormones such as adrenaline and noradrenaline are also reduced. This keeps the metabolic steady and within limits. The benefit is a reduction in blood pressure.

7. Fasting Promotes Weight loss

Fasting promotes rapid weight loss. It reduces the store of fats in the body. However fasting is not a good weight loss strategy. Reducing fat and sugar intake, and increasing fruits and rest are better measures to achieve weight reduction.

8. Fasting Promotes Healthy diet

It has been observed that fasting reduces craving for processed foods. It promotes desire for natural foods, especially water and fruits. This is one way fasting promote healthy lifestyle.

9. Fasting Boosts Immunity

When an individual is on balanced diet in between fasts, this can boost immunity. Elimination of toxins and reduction in fat store also helps the body. When individuals take fruits to break a fast, they increase the body's store of essential vitamins and minerals. Vitamins A and E are good antioxidants readily available in fruits. They help to boost immunity.

10. Fasting May Help to Overcome Addictions

Some authors show that fasting can help addicts reduce their cravings, for nicotine, alcohol, caffeine and other substance abuse. Although there are other regimens required to resolve addictions, fasting can play a role.

Despite these benefits, fasting has some demerits. It may cause reduction in body water called dehydration. This leads may lead to headaches and even trigger migraines in predisposed persons. It may worsen heartburn and peptic ulcer. Pregnant women, nursing mothers, malnourished people, and individuals with cardiac arrhythmias, renal or liver problems are advised not to fast.

By:Dr. Biodun Awosusi,Yahoo contributor network

Seliger, S. & Haines, C.D. (2012) 'Is Fasting Healthy?' Accessed from Is Fasting Healthy?

Panjwani, M. (2009) '11 Health Benefits of Fasting', Accessed from 11 Health Benefits of Fasting « D!NCHACK LIFE
@Jazzbot @Leader @Marshmallow @Armstrong @Hyperion @Alpha1 @Aeronaut @Talon @Marshmallow @Mirzay @Hermione G @Skies @BDforever @Neptune @balixd @JonAsad and others...
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7. Fasting Promotes Weight loss

Fasting promotes rapid weight loss. It reduces the store of fats in the body. However fasting is not a good weight loss strategy. Reducing fat and sugar intake, and increasing fruits and rest are better measures to achieve weight reduction.

Ahaha. Marsha's gonna like that :lol:
All Islamic rules and rituals are good for heath, and these are scientifically proven, but we just fail to take the benefits always.

well said...we suffer of various problems just because we don't ourselves follow things seriously.Eating oily stuff and deep fried meal will definitely result of disorders of gut,weight gain etc.

Ahaha. Marsha's gonna like that :lol:

@Marshmallow is @Armstrong's sister...she can't imagine iftar without deep fried,oily stuff..:sick:
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what cooking oil do you prefer, I would like rice bran oil with have less cholesterol, low chance of oil hydrogenation, less sticky, best for deep oil fry because of having high smoke point, and also contains more antioxidants than other edible oils
what cooking oil do you prefer, I would like rice bran oil with have less cholesterol, low chance of oil hydrogenation, less sticky, best for deep oil fry because of having high smoke point, and also contains more antioxidants than other edible oils

Olive oil.This is what I prefer..it is very good for health,weight and cholesterol.
Olive oil.This is what I prefer..it is very good for health,weight and cholesterol.

some quotes form some sources:

Rice bran and olive oils both have much to recommend them. Olive oil has enjoyed a longer run of popularity as a healthy source of monounsaturated fat, but rice bran oil offers some compelling benefits too, such as its claim to fame as a multi-use hypoallergenic oil. Both oils have a place in the pantry of those seeking healthy options.

Rice bran oil beats olive oil in its vitamin E power, as it contains both the tocopherol and tocotrienol forms of the vitamin, whereas olive oil contains only the tocopherol form -- and less of that than rice bran oil. Additionally, rice bran oil contains significant amounts of the antioxidant oryzanol, whereas olive oil has none. Olive oil, however, contains more of the health-enhancing antioxidant known as DHPEA-EDA, known for its heart-protecting capacity.

Health Benefits

Lowering cholesterol is a possible benefit of adding rice bran oil to your diet. A May 2005 animal-based study published in the journal "Food and Chemical Toxicity" reported that total cholesterol levels dropped significantly -- including a 62-percent decrease in "bad" cholesterol -- when antioxidants from rice bran oil were added to the diet.

Comparable research on olive oil suggests that a diet that replaces butter or margarine with a monounsaturated fat source like olive oil correlates with lower blood pressure and a lower risk of cardiovascular concerns, according to a 2005 study published in the the "Journal of the American Medical Association."Olive oil shows modest potential for lowering the risk of breast cancer, but further studies are needed.

Smoking Points

When choosing a cooking oil for a dish requiring high heat, rice bran oil may be the better option; it has a smoking point of 490 degrees Farenheit, verses 360 degrees for olive oil. This means the important nutrients such as fatty acids will not break down as quickly during the cooking process and will retain their nutritional value.

Shelf Life

Rice bran oil has a long shelf-life due to its particular blend of components. Olive oil, on the other hand, is more delicate. You can refrigerate olive oil to prolong its shelf life.

Read more: Rice Bran Oil Vs. Olive Oil | LIVESTRONG.COM

Olive Oil or Rice Bran Oil?

We have been asked several times which is best for you, olive oil or rice bran oil. Both extra virgin olive oil and rice bran oil have positive health benefits and both are much better for you than other forms of cooking oil. Deciding which to use really depends on what you want to use the oil for and which health benefit you (or your advising health professional) particularly want.

In general, rice bran oil is a better for cooking because it breaks down at higher temperatures than olive oil. Rice bran oil also contains higher amounts of Oryzanol (gamma-orynanol). This is a natural plant sterol which has been shown to block the absorption of cholesterol into the body. It acts in a similar way to the plant sterols in cholesterol-lowering margarines (brand names Logicol and Pro-activ) which are approved by Heart Foundation.

However, extra virgin olive oil is cold pressed so no heat is used to produce it. This means it retains its natural antioxidants and vitamins and it contains healthier fats, particularly an antioxidant known as DHPEA-EDA.

Fat Content

Both rice bran and olive oils are 100 percent fat. Both contain a high proportion of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats, considered healthy fats that might lower your risk of heart disease. Olive oil is made from 73 percent monounsaturated fat, with rice bran oil has just 39 percent, according to the USDA National Nutrient Database. However, rice bran oil contains almost 20 percent saturated fat while extra virgin olive oil has less than 14 percent. Some saturated fats are linked with higher cholesterol and heart disease.

What does all this mean?

Keep it simple, Rice Bran Oil for cooking and Extra Virgin Olive Oil for salads and dips.

Boomers Information - Olive Oil or Rice Bran Oil

Rice Bran oil could be the solution to the ever increasing metabolic syndrome cases in the world. This oil is a unique edible oil; with many nutritional benefits, as compared to other edible oils. In a recent seminar organised by Nutrition Quest under the aegis of Wellness Quotient, various benefits of Rice Bran Oil and why it is rightly known as an Indian version of Olive Oil was discussed. Experts like Dr. Meena Mehta; Vice President of the Indian Dietetic Association, Mumbai Chapter highlighted the role of Rice Bran Oil in reducing cholesterol and insulin resistance.

Dr. Mehta Says “It is not just the MUFA: PUFA ratio that is important but the ratio of SFA: MUFA: PUFA that is important. And according to the latest recommendations by National Institute of Nutrition (NIN) and Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR)the ideal fatty acid composition is 27-33% : 33-40% : 27-33%. And the fatty acid composition of Rice bran oil comes closest to these recommendations with the percentages at 24: 42: 34.” The SFA: MUFA: PUFA ratios of various oils were discussed and it concluded with the fact that Rice Bran Oil indeed has the most ideal fat composition, better frying stability and offers unique health benefits due to phytosterols present in it. The other oil which has ideal fat composition is groundnut oil and almond oil. Flaxseed oil was also discussed hugely; though it is not available right now it could be again one of the best oil as it will be the richest source of omega 3.

Rice Bran Oil is relatively new oil that is extracted from rice bran and is gaining popularity in Asian countries like Japan, Korea, China and India. It is not very expensive. It is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids and has cholesterol-lowering properties due to the presence of a component called oryzanol. It contains natural vitamin E, (tocopherol and tocotrienol) which is an antioxidant. It also contains squalene, which is good for the skin. It is the ideal cooking oil since it has good stability/high smoke point (it does not decompose at high temperatures to form toxic compounds) and is suitable for deep-frying. Studies have shown that snacks prepared in rice bran oil absorb 12-25 per cent less oil than those prepared in groundnut oil.

Dr. Mehta also stressed on the fact that oil should not be reused and nor they should be used beyond their smoke point. She mentioned that a combination of oils (premixed) is available these days with various brands but it may not help unless the smoke point of both oils is close enough or else at high temperature the oil with lower smoke point may become toxic. And toxicity of oil is still under research. And also as such no more than two oils are allowed to be mixed in India.

There are households where various oils are blended. But blending oils is not always a practical thing to do and may also alter the taste of the food cooked in it. Rotating oils every month would be a better option wherein you change the type of oil every month or two.

Rice Bran Oil: The Indian Version of Olive Oil | Healthmeup.com
There may be some side benefits, but overall, fasting is very detrimental to health. Quite frankly, I know a number of people who have become seriously ill because of fasting during Ramadan.
There may be some side benefits, but overall, fasting is very detrimental to health. Quite frankly, I know a number of people who have become seriously ill because of fasting during Ramadan.

Should not happen.

Ramadan is actually reversing the body clock, one needs to be careful though abt exposing oneself during peak heat hours.

@ subject, just as we need & take a break on Sundays / Fridays , fasting is actually doing the same to our system. Most of us eat because either its time to eat or because we like what we see ( food).

A large percentage of Hindus fast one day a week. It is given a religious connotation to ensure its enforcement - the logic I presume is all that mentioned in post No 1.
Are you crazy! I can't live without olives and olive oil. From breakfast to dinner almost every food item and various salads have to have olive oil in it. I even like it on it's own, with chunky red pepper + touch of salt and freshly baked load of bread dipped in it. I have (trans)planted 12 trees in my house in Cyprus (got them from a nearby valley). In Turkey (Istanbul) the weather doesn't permit it, else I would have them there as well.

THERE IS NOTHING MORE YUMMY THAN ... 1. Mangoes (ALL SORTS) 2. Olives / oil / bread / etc etc.

I dont like olive oil :cray: it tastes soo badddd...
It is not that bad
Are you sure what you tasted was not castor oil ? :angel:

The green bottle said olive oil :unsure:

Are you crazy! I can't live without olives and olive oil. From breakfast to dinner almost every food item and various salads have to have olive oil in it. I even like it on it's own, with chunky red pepper + touch of salt and freshly baked load of bread dipped in it. I have (trans)planted 12 trees in my house in Cyprus (got them from a nearby valley). In Turkey (Istanbul) the weather doesn't permit it, else I would have them there as well.

THERE IS NOTHING MORE YUMMY THAN ... 1. Mangoes (ALL SORTS) 2. Olives / oil / bread / etc etc.
yuck :sick: you Mediterranean creature :P
There may be some side benefits, but overall, fasting is very detrimental to health. Quite frankly, I know a number of people who have become seriously ill because of fasting during Ramadan.

Few reasons....

gluttony...people forget the meaning of Ramadan (to feel the pain and hunger of the less fortunate) and at iftar go for food like they have never seen it (if that is how ONE feels in 1 day imagine how the less fortunate feel the whole year!)

it is in summer now so maybe heat stroke


Improper diet...many eat only fried stuff...
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