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10 captives, Over 20 soldiers, including Commanding Officer killed at Galwan border clash with China

Still the sikh killed 11 PLA, That only matters. Don't derail this thread.
For your information Manmohan singh is Sikh.
No one answered me the question. Why did PLA pulled back from LAC.
Yup baby sikh killed 11 alright. In your fantasies mate... Lol
Why not.... nathu la, hanoi gate and ussuri island are replete with such stories.

Not to mention several citations given in the korean war. Turks, Canadians and Americans to name a few...make for some good reading of what the PLA actually is in the end.

Badly trained and badly motivated human wave fodder types really are awful (even with weapons, so forget hand to hand) once you deal with the spearhead commisar bully types and any lingering skirmisher types behind them.
I wonder what happened in 1962..lol
I wonder what happened in 1962..lol

Soldiers caught unawares (and arguably recklessly pushed there under bad assumptions) by far larger organised and then concentrated force that overwhelmed by same human wave tactics.

You would have easily gotten to Pusan in short order too if US for example had some smattering of troops put there and just told to defend for a war that most likely wouldnt come.

Its ok, you learn from it and Nathu La later as required. I mean after that:

We're driving to Dhaka bois, gonna do something or just watch yer iron-bro get this stuff actioned permanently?

Ah thats right, thats what we thought.

Oh you want to do the same in Hanoi now....geeeee that didnt look so great guys. Viets aint leaving Cambodia even... Try again?

Oh you want to do the same in Hanoi now....geeeee that didnt look so great guys. Viets aint leaving Cambodia even... Try again?

They did left, in 1989 and Vietnam signed a land peace treaty with Chinese to settle all land dispute. :enjoy:

Why would Vietnam left cambodia and signed peace treaty with Chinese if they have the upper hand?

And the fact, even US and French got defeat by Vietnam. Nothing to worry about. If substitute with US with India..Vietnam can easily over run the whole India army with a division easily :enjoy:
PLA has glorious history of running away from every battle,
A proud representation for Chinese people. :cheesy:

You mean Indian soldiers? Video and hard fact don't lie. Sad to see Indian has reduced to state of telling lies and self glorification to seek mental stability. :lol:
They did left, in 1989 and Vietnam signed a land peace treaty with Chinese to settle all land dispute. :enjoy:

Why would Vietnam left cambodia and signed peace treaty with Chinese if they have the upper hand?

And the fact, even US and French got defeat by Vietnam. Nothing to worry about. If substitute with US with India..Vietnam can easily over run the whole India army with a division easily :enjoy:

10 years later.... rather than right then as China stupidly announced as objective for its "punishment" that it ended up punishing itself on.

10 years later.... rather than right then as China stupidly announced as objective for its "punishment" that it ended up punishing itself on.

What different it makes? Objective achieved. :enjoy:

Unlike some who after from 1962 still haven turn the table yet until now. Maybe you want to be like pothead and claim Chinese soldiers has tradition of running away from battle to self delude yourself?

Want me to show you again the real 1962 video footage of who run away from battle field ? :enjoy:

You mean Indian soldiers? Video and hard fact don't lie. Sad to see Indian has reduced to state of telling lies and self glorification to seek mental stability. :lol:

These are the most iconic images of each military throughout history :

United States


Screen Shot 2020-08-03 at 2.16.46 AM.png
claim Chinese soldiers has tradition of running away from battle to self delude yourself?

Where is that a claim? Have you even read a basic analysis of the Korean war? The citations of what Chinese PLA was like when the human wave application was figured out?

A bully might get its way from time to time if it can present sufficient forces to bear to overwhelm...using its larger evil craft of nutcase extremist logic that was present in Mao (who exported grain while starving his citizens to cannibals)

It is exposed as a bully (and a bad one) when the better forces actually are present in number to counter.

We see it each and every time.

Now we similarly see you lot make threads about Taiwan coz that lady upsets you....and you do nothing that you lot promised in dozens of threads and thousands of typical chest-thump spam replies.

Literally a renegade part of your own country you say....and no guts to deal with it. CCP is very different to you keyboard warrior chumps lmao....you guys can be as stupid and blabbing as you want....there is no limit....the Chinese opera is all yours to perform here :woot:

Nah the most iconic one is one that actually happened in Dhaka lol. You can ask your iron bros (that you didnt help coz of the buttkicking you got at Nathu La you still were bleeding from) about it :D.

Its why we actually have a surrender document (very much like US, Soviets)....whereas CCP has...yep you guessed it.... zilch.

Human wave types are silly chickens in the end you see.
10 years later.... rather than right then as China stupidly announced as objective for its "punishment" that it ended up punishing itself on.


PLA did suffer heavier loss than it anticipated in its 1979 war with Vietnam, but Chinese did achieve their strategical goal which was to prevent Viets from annexing entire Indo-China, including Cambodia, Laos and part of Thailand, to form Dai Vietnam. So called "Punishment" was only part of PR to help US' vent its fury on VC from which it just suffered a humiliated lose a few years back.

Vietnam is a smaller enamy that many Chinese respect because their fighting spirit, but the same can't be said about India.
How did this hold up in 1962? :hitwall:

They did run away,
Or do you think PLA is still in Arunachal Pradesh?

Like I said, the glorious history of PLA running away is legendary.
You know the 3 letter running joke in UN peace keeping mission is? PLA
They did run away,
Or do you think PLA is still in Arunachal Pradesh?

Like I said, the glorious history of PLA running away is legendary.
You know the 3 letter running joke in UN peace keeping mission is? PLA
Do you not know what a unilateral ceasefire and withdraw is?

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