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10,000 posts for sending VM or PM?

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Thank guys for responce but strangly I get the msg when I want to send visitor msg not PM!
The visitor messages and personal messages are disabled for all users temporarily. You can PM the staff however at any time.

Thank you.
What happened to visitor messaging ??

Now I cannot send visitor messages to anybody .......

No option to send visitor messages in profile pages .....

There is already a sticky thread for it .............:hitwall:

Sorry mods ...please delete this thread......
What happened to visitor messaging ??

Now I cannot send visitor messages to anybody .......

No option to send visitor messages in profile pages .....

There is already a sticky thread for it .............:hitwall:

Sorry mods ...please delete this thread......

Indians are banned from PM's and and visitor messaging.

Tough luck Bharti.
Its a paid service now...
You have to buy PM-VM credits......
No more free messages...
Why only Indians ????

They should have atleast allowed VM's

They should have atleast allowed VM's

Indians are banned from inciting violence against Muslims in India. Due to recent uproar in India, Indians have been banned from these privileges.
Indians are banned from inciting violence against Muslims in India. Due to recent uproar in India, Indians have been banned from these privileges.

That is a pathetic excuse ..........
Whats up with the 19000 posts for PM's? it just seems silly
Members are being officially (trolled) encouraged into posting more ;)
It was 10,000 recently,now its raised.

Oh well,i have nothing 'private' to say to anybody,so i dont need 'private messages' anyway.
Perhaps for some technical reason they can't simply 'turn off' this option. Admin should report a bug to vBulletin support.
Why can't we send messages, it says you need 10,000 posts, is this some sort of joke? Really ridiculous what's going on
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