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1,500km Babur II under Development, also SL Babur progress.

he didnt typed it mistakenly
although i will not believe it until it is tested publicly

I was also surprised when i heard it but i cannot denied infront of him, he was quite happy with the performance of the F-22P but not satisfied with the Mattel standard
Hi, any updates on a SL Babur? I know there was something tested last month from a PN frigate, but the statements made by the PN were very ambigious. It is interesting, that South Korea has already tested their cruise missiles from a destroyer and submarine.

South Korea unveils missile it says can hit North's leaders - Yahoo! News

That something (rather somethings) were C-802s, launched from FACs and Frigates. Babur SLCM is in development, but I doubt if any flight test will be publicized.
Yea I know some rumors are comprehensive but some are still rumors even after many many years. Even our govt claims something and still they are not coming out true especially they will defend our land and pplz but still we are getting bombed everyday.......:smokin:

i think you get your education in fata or in any madarsa :omghaha:
same typical mulla mind set , when ever pak acquire any weapon people like you start saying " why we need weapons if we cant destroy drones " ...
or may be your belongs to a religious politic party :D :omghaha:
I can confirm, that a newer longer range Babur is under development, it will form the initial asset in the Navy's Strategic Forces arsenal, and also the cornerstone in the Navy's planned deployment of precision guided munitions program. :pakistan:

Number two the mechanism for launching a large LACM from underwater has been validated after a series of experiments, this includes from considerably deep depth. :pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:

It paves the way for interesting development in the overall program.

Also have news on the Nuke Submarine development - but cannot disclose, suffice to say - many significant milestones are being achieved, with a partner from the southern hemisphere chipping in. ;)

most unlikely candidate indeed, Argentina ;)
Yeah you are right about that. Arihanth is the first one to have that capability. But you know whats good. We built it from scratch and there are 4-5 arihants more under cons at secret locations. Hulls of the subs are being built by L&T at its secreat factory and nuclear reactor is being built somewhere else.

TBH India is not worried at all even if Pakistan can launch missiles from its Agosta subs because we know how things will be 5 yrs from now. More over govt in 2008 had already approved 12 billion more for next class of arihanth subs. So we are looking here at 10 boomers in Indian ocean by 2025.

india is no superpower but poorpower. But with a growing economy and 1.3 billion we can't afford not to dream about being a superpower one day. Because we know one day the responsibility to run a big of the world is bound to come to us. That is why we are investing in strategic techs like ABM, nuclear propulsion, avionics, electronics manufacturing, fast breeder reactors, thorium reactors, PWR reactors and much more. Pakistan was ahead of India in 2000-2005 in missiles. Now it has been left far behind. If Pakistan doesn't start serious investments it will be left decades behind in other fields too.

dude i am not a defence forum expert but i think i can give you a better answer for that , as you accepted we were ahead of india during 2005-2007 but not anymore , i think you should surf internet , after this war on terror uncle same make a big network of CIA in pak , and other intelligence agencies like RAW and MOSSAD are also operating , if pak test fires any missile first reaction comes from USA and Western countries , they want us to not to focus on you but on this WOT , and second response comes from our undeucated mulla party and media , they start yelling to destroy drones from BM and CM :pissed:

we can not just simply disclose all info like india do so often, thing seems hard for pakistan but not impossible , your engineers are same as ours , what you can make we can make it too , its just matter of time ...
pakistan is also suffering from bad economical crisis if we test misslie and other weapons again western peoples start asking our corrupt politicians and media to start barking on pakistan army budget .... things are not simple as you think in pak dude :)

one last thing keep one thing in mind " OUR ENEMIES ARE 100 TIMES MORE BIGGER THAN YOUR ENEMIES "

Won't SL babur act as a sea based strategic deterrent? Won't it full fill the conditions of Triad? It would be much cheaper to operate SLCMs preferably from SSNs rather than operating complex and costly SSBNs. Wish all the best to PAK in its aim of attaining a Triad.
Won't SL babur act as a sea based strategic deterrent? Won't it full fill the conditions of Triad? It would be much cheaper to operate SLCMs preferably from SSNs rather than operating complex and costly SSBNs. Wish all the best to PAK in its aim of attaining a Triad.

We getting a triad to disappoint our Indian 'friends' again. :coffee:
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