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  1. Black Stone

    Black Stone with Love

    Hi All, I know I have been away for a while, don't worry, I wasn't kidnapped by the IRGC. I normally don't respond to PMs but some of you have been sending me messages welcoming me back and some were saying thanks for the entertainment. Well, thanks for the old members here who welcomed me...
  2. Black Stone

    Hi Everyone

    Hi Everyone, Not sure if anybody still remember me, maybe the old members do. :-) Thought I say hello
  3. Black Stone

    What Happened?

    Dear Mods, Yesterday, I was having multiple thread interactions with some "Interesting" Iranians and an Pakistani (according to his flags) like butter play toast. Then I was kicked out of the forum. When I tried to log back on, I cannot seem to do it despite multiple attempts until now. I...
  4. Black Stone

    U.N. condemns Syrian killings; toll in massacre rises as violence goes on

    U.N. condemns Syrian killings; toll in massacre rises as violence goes on - CNN.com (CNN) -- The U.N. Security Council on Sunday condemned the weekend massacre of more than 100 civilians in Syria, with members casting blame on government forces for the deaths, while violence continued to rage...
  5. Black Stone

    Cairo - Court Rules Egyptians Married to Israelis to Lose Citizenship

    Cairo - Court Rules Egyptians Married to Israelis to Lose Citizenship
  6. Black Stone

    Indian sect members vow to marry sex workers

    Indian sect members vow to marry sex workers More than 1,000 followers of a multi-religious sect in northern India have pledged to marry female sex workers who want to escape exploitation. Young Hindu, Muslim and Sikh men have been queuing up at the Dera Sacha Sauda (Abode of the Real...
  7. Black Stone

    Telangana Separation

    India to form new southern state India's government has said it plans to allow a new state to be created from part of southern Andhra Pradesh state. Home Minister P Chidambaram said the process of forming the state of Telangana would begin soon. Campaigners for a Telangana state say the region...
  8. Black Stone

    Iran test-fires new missile: media

    Iran test-fires new missile: media TEHRAN (Reuters) – Iran has test-fired a new air-to-surface missile, Iranian media reported Sunday, in the Islamic Republic's latest display of its military capability. The missile test was carried out despite the offer by the administration of new U.S...
  9. Black Stone

    Israel draws 'red lines' for Obama on Iran

    Israel draws 'red lines' for Obama on Iran Israel prepares a set of red lines for Washington to inject into its Iran policy as the current US approach toward Tehran rankles Tel Aviv. The revelation that the White House will be briefed on its 'red lines' came ahead of a visit by US...
  10. Black Stone

    Pakistani peace delegation arrives in India

    Pakistani peace delegation arrives in India A twenty-strong Pakistani peace delegation has left for India in an effort to defuse tensions between the two nuclear armed Asian rivals. The delegation comprises of right activists, former diplomats, sportsmen, artists and senior journalists, a...
  11. Black Stone

    India warns Pakistan of cutting ties

    India warns Pakistan of cutting ties India warns Pakistan of gradually cutting relations with the country if Islamabad fails to help in investigations of Mumbai attacks. “There are many, many links between India and Pakistan, and if Pakistan does not cooperate and does not help in...
  12. Black Stone

    Race to the death over Kashmir waters

    Race to the death over Kashmir waters SRINAGAR - India and Pakistan, in an expensive winner-takes-all race to tap the power of the Kishenganga river in Kashmir, are separately aiming to build large hydro-electric projects just 70 kilometers apart on the same fast-flowing water on their...
  13. Black Stone

    Database Problem

    I keep getting "Database Problem". I just want to know whether any of you are getting the same error.
  14. Black Stone

    Report: India may attack Pakistan

    Report: India may attack Pakistan Indian military has prepared operations against targets in Pakistan and awaits the signal to go forward, a US intelligence report says. "These most likely would take the form of unilateral precision strikes inside Pakistan-administered Kashmir, along with...
  15. Black Stone

    US urges India, Pakistan to cooperate

    US urges India, Pakistan to cooperate The US Secretary of State says India and Pakistan must work closely in bringing the perpetrators of Mumbai terror attacks to justice. "The key is that the parties need to focus on - and I think, we are focusing on -- both bringing the perpetrators to...
  16. Black Stone

    US 'plans' for near abroad irk Russia

    US 'plans' for near abroad irk Russia A Russian military official has expressed alarm over alleged US plans to set up military bases in two ex-Soviet republics, reports say. Russia's chief of the General Staff, General Nikolai Makarov, accused Washington on Tuesday of planning to extend...
  17. Black Stone

    Dalai Lama says he loves President Bush

    Dalai Lama says he loves President Bush The exiled spiritual leader of Tibet, the Dalai Lama, says he loves outgoing US President George Bush despite some of his disastrous policies. "To be honest, some of his policies have been a disaster, but as a person, I love him, he is open, very...
  18. Black Stone

    Rice will visit New Delhi, Islamabad

    Rice will visit New Delhi, Islamabad US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice will visit Islamabad to discuss security issues with Pakistani officials following Mumbai attacks. Rice is to visit Islamabad a day after her trip to New Delhi. The visit aims to reduce tensions between India and...
  19. Black Stone

    US 'warned India' about Mumbai

    US 'warned India' about Mumbai The US warned India about a possible threat at least a month before last week's Mumbai attacks, US media have quoted unnamed officials as saying. One official said India had been told of an apparent plot to launch an attack from the sea, the AP agency...
  20. Black Stone

    Pressure mounts on Indian government after attacks

    YouTube - Pressure mounts on Indian government after attacks -30Nov08
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