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India warns Pakistan of cutting ties

Black Stone

Nov 27, 2007
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India warns Pakistan of cutting ties

India warns Pakistan of gradually cutting relations with the country if Islamabad fails to help in investigations of Mumbai attacks.

“There are many, many links between India and Pakistan, and if Pakistan does not cooperate and does not help in bringing the perpetrators to heel, those ties will become weaker and weaker and one day will be snapped,” said Indian Home Minister Palaniappan Chidambaram in an interview with the Pakistani Daily Times on Monday.

Asked about what Pakistan has done to help the investigation on the attacks on the country's financial capital, Mumbai, which killed 165 people between Nov 26 and 29 of last year, Chidambaram said: “Zero. What have they provided? Nothing.”

Chidambaram declined to discuss when such measures might be taken, but said: “We need cooperation soon.”

He made the comments as Pakistani Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani also on Monday urged India to provide Islamabad with "evidence" showing that terrorists used Pakistani soil to attack India.

"We will react like a responsible country and as I said yesterday, if they [India] have some evidence or identify that Pakistani soil was used by any terrorist, we will conduct an inquiry and investigation," Gilani said.
Ah, India is so peaceloving, innocent little angels who only want this matter to be solved.
Go ahead and cut the ties, most Pakistanis had about enough of the blabbering bullsh!t coming out of Indian ministers mouths.
Silly threats, I laugh at the Indian leadership.
First it's gonna be war, then they don't want war they say, and then once again Mr.Singh comes with a threat and also says India doesn't have the option to pick its neighbours, and after that he sents Zardari a newyears greeting, and then Mr.Mukherjee with his constant blabbering about keeping all options open when it comes to Pakistan and now this "warning" of cutting ties from Indias home minister.
Isn't there any co-operation or understanding among Indian leaders what to say and what not to say? For example if Mr. Singh aimed to de-escalate the situation, why the other ministers continue to threaten like warmongering idiots instead of following the path Sing has taken, but then again, even Singh doesn't know what exactly to say to Pakistan nowadays.
I think it's because of Pakistans responsible yet calm and solid response to all the allegations and media hype from India.
Anyways, this gets old and boring, the Indian government has to come up with something new, reading something like this at 8:33 AM in the morning over here in the Netherlands doesn't really help me stay awake. :coffee:
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