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  1. AUz

    Western propaganda or reality: A question to PDF Iranians about Iran's religious demographics

    Hi Iranian bros, I wanted to get your insight into something. So recently this new online survey is making rounds on internet where it is claimed that only 40% of Iranians identify as Muslims and 60% are non-Muslims (Atheists, Christians, No Religion, Zoroastrians etc) in 2020...
  2. AUz

    Foreign Policy Magazine: Kashmir Is a Dress Rehearsal for Hindu Nationalist Fantasies

    Kashmir Is a Dress Rehearsal for Hindu Nationalist Fantasies By DIBYESH ANAND Activists chanted in the center of Ranchi, the capital of the eastern Indian state of Jharkhand and my parental city: “Kashmir azaad ho gaya aaj” (“Kashmir has been freed today”). The activists were celebrating the...
  3. AUz

    Please help: A question about Turkey's refugee and population policy

    Hi Everyone, The below article describes that Turkish population increased by more than 1 million last year and has crossed 82 million now. https://www.dailysabah.com/turkey/2019/02/01/turkeys-population-passes-82-million-istanbul-still-most-populous-city My question is: How does...
  4. AUz

    Update on Turkish national car project

    https://en.trend.az/world/turkey/2870338.html This is just one source but multiple Turkish sources quoted Turkish officials back in 2017-18 stating that Turkey will present the prototype of its indigenously designed car at Geneva Motor Show in 2019. Geneva Motorshow starts in three days. So...
  5. AUz

    JUST IN: Official Punjab assembly results diminish PML(N) lead over PTI

    Look at this guys...what I just found Official results from Election Commission Website for Punjab province PML(N)---127 seats. PTI----122 seats. https://www.ecp.gov.pk/resultdashboard/ge2018.aspx PP-01's result is outstanding and PTI is leading this seat by more than 10,000 votes with more...
  6. AUz

    Guardian: Turkey's waning fertility threatens nation's vision of strength

    Didem Sen was living in Nişantaşı, a wealthy Istanbul neighbourhood mostly inhabited by members of the secular elite, when she was trying to conceive her first child at the age of 40. She had felt the need to wait until she was married and her career was developed before trying to have a child...
  7. AUz

    Quaid-e-Azam's true vision of an Islamic Republic for Pakistan

    On Pakistan's 70th independence day let us remember Quaid's vision for Islamic Republic of Pakistan: Motivation to create Pakistan: "We must get Pakistan at any cost. For it we live and for it we will die. The Mussalmans have to struggle and struggle hard for their honourable existence….you...
  8. AUz

    New IMF data: Turkey crossed $2 trillion mark in PPP (now 13th largest in the world)

    I don't know if members here have seen this, but the new IMF April 2017 world economic outlook update is out and it has given updated economic figures for all countries. Previous figures were based on 2015 upgrade of base numbers. With the new base data, Turkey's economy has crossed $2...
  9. AUz

    Study: Turkey remains a committed Muslim society despite 94 years of secularism

    Despite being a politically secular country for almost a century, Turkey has remained a remarkably Muslim nation in its culture, traditions, and identity--especially compared to European countries where secularism swept away Christianity. This thread will discuss Turkish culture, values...
  10. AUz

    A study of Indian and Pakistani social culture and values: PEW

    India and Pakistan come from same historical and geographical background. However, after independence from British in 1947---both newly formed countries sought to develop their own independent identities. Pakistan defined itself by its Islamic credentials and actively sought to become a part of...
  11. AUz

    Karachi's affluent women bring Islam into their lives and lifestyles (NYT)

    Pakistan City’s Affluent Women Bring Islam Into Their Lives and Lifestyles: The New York Times Women looking for wedding clothes in Karachi, Pakistan. Karachi’s upscale neighborhoods have experienced a boom of Islam-themed businesses for women. KARACHI, Pakistan — It was a weekday afternoon...
  12. AUz

    2015 official figures:48x more rapes happened in india than Pakistan

    In some threads, I saw gullible indians thinking that Pakistan is probably worst when it comes to rapes than india. Yes, there are indians THAT gullible who seriously believe that Pakistan, an Islamic society where rape carries death punishment, will have more rapes than india, where women...
  13. AUz

    Karachi, not Mumbai or Delhi, is the largest Metropolitan city of S.Asia

    I don't know how many people realized this, but according to the latest data, Karachi, with approximately 24 million people, is the largest city and also the largest Urban Metropolitan center in South Asia. Infact, Karachi is the second largest city in entire world and will soon become the...
  14. AUz

    india has most number of enslaved people

    Not only india has much more poverty than Pakistan, and a severe lack of sanitation with majority of it's population lacking toilets---india also has most number of humans enslaved. India has more people living in modern slavery than the population of the Netherlands, a new report estimates...
  15. AUz

    CNN: Leaked Hillary emails reveal true motivations behind Libya intervention

    The New Year’s Eve release of over 3,000 new Hillary Clinton emails from the State Department has CNN abuzz over gossipy text messages, the “who gets to ride with Hillary” selection process set up by her staff, and how a “cute” Hillary photo fared on Facebook. But historians of the 2011 NATO...
  16. AUz

    Is Turkish society becoming more secularized or more religious?

    Volkan Ertit, an academic popularly known for his books ‘Secularism’ and ‘The Age of Concerned Conservatives,’ argues that Turkish people are becoming less pious. ‘Turkey is shifting away from religion,’ Ertit says, citing changing attitudes to a series of social issues. Speaking to daily...
  17. AUz

    Is Turkish society becoming more secularized or more religious?

    Volkan Ertit, an academic popularly known for his books ‘Secularism’ and ‘The Age of Concerned Conservatives,’ argues that Turkish people are becoming less pious. ‘Turkey is shifting away from religion,’ Ertit says, citing changing attitudes to a series of social issues. Speaking to daily...
  18. AUz

    King Salman proves to be the most experienced player of Saudi Games of Thrones

    @Arabian Legend @Mosamania @al-Hasani @Saif al-Arab What do you guys think of this video? Very informative...
  19. AUz

    French soldiers in CAR raped young children in exchange of food: UN Staff

    Leaked Report Alleges French Troops Raped Starving Children in the Central African Republic as They Sought Food A UN internal report leaked to the Guardian newspaper alleges that French troops deployed as part of a peacekeeping mission in the Central African Republic (CAR) raped boys as young...
  20. AUz

    Please help me understand this, my Turkish friends

    Hello/Salam my Turkish bros.. So there is alot of talk about Armenian genocide these days and even my university is kind of buzzing about this issue. So I just wanted to get educated more on the subject and wanted to see the issue in whole. So can you guys tell me what exactly the issue is...
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