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  1. kingofkings

    US apologises to APJ Abdul Kalam for frisking incident

    US apologises to APJ Abdul Kalam for frisking incident NEW DELHI: The US has apologised to former President APJ Abdul Kalam for subjecting him to frisking at New York's JFK Airport, an incident that had provoked sharp reactions from India which threatened retaliatory action. In a written...
  2. kingofkings

    Pak says India played big role in its bid for UNSC seat

    Pak says India played big role in its bid for UNSC seat KARACHI: India played a big role in supporting Pakistan's successful bid to become a non-permanent member of the powerful UN Security Council, Islamabad's envoy to the world body Abdullah Hussain Haroon said here today. Many of the...
  3. kingofkings

    first Mine Protected Vehicle to Jharkhand Police's

    Built and tested to withstand the highest level of blast and ballistic damage, the 6x6 MPVI is ideally suited for anti-terrorist and anti-Naxal operations Security forces in Jharkhand recently recovered 17 landmines in the state’s Giridih district during a search operation in a...
  4. kingofkings

    US diplomats escape death in Peshawar

    US diplomats escape death after bomb attack in Peshawar ISLAMABAD: US diplomats escaped death when a roadside bomb hit their vehicle in Pakistan's north western city of Peshawar on Friday, killing a passerby and wounding two American nationals and nine locals. The bomb went off as two...
  5. kingofkings

    India's First Warship Design House

    Steel Cut On India's First Warship Design House Indian Defence Minister AK Antony will formally put down the foundation stone to NIRDESH India's first warship research and design institute about a half-hour from now in Kerala. According to an MoD press release a couple of days ago...
  6. kingofkings

    "Muslim" Think Tank To PAF: Get UCAVs To Counter IAF Strength

    In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. GrandeStrategy Institute www.GrandeStrategy.com APPROVED FOR PUBLIC RELEASE, DISTRIBUTION IS UNLIMITED STRATEGY PAPER UCAVs: The Future of Air Warfare 26th December, 2010 Meinhaj Hussain Defense Analyst Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Email...
  7. kingofkings

    US Firm Keen On Our Explosive Detection Kit

    DRDO: US Firm Keen On Our Explosive Detection Kit [DRDO Press Statement]: An American firm has shown keen interest in an Explosive Detection Kit (EDK) developed by India's Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO). An agreement on transfer of technology is likely to be signed soon...
  8. kingofkings

    Indian Navy Foils Pirates, Again

    At about 6 AM on 11 Nov, about 450 nautical miles West of Mumbai, a merchant ship MV BBC Orinoco with a crew of 14 (5 Ukraine and 9 Philippino) reported being attacked by pirates. The crew locked themselves in the ships Engine room and the Steering compartment and communicated with their agents...
  9. kingofkings

    US Strips IAF Plane

  10. kingofkings

    Lockheed Martin for Transformer (TX) Program

    DARPA Selects AAI, Lockheed Martin for Transformer (TX) Program To meet much of transportation needs of today’s deployed Warfighter, either highly mobile multipurpose wheeled vehicles (HMMWV) are used, or helicopters, which have limited availability, are used. DARPA’s Transformer (TX)...
  11. kingofkings

    Australia’s Super Hornet Tests JSOW Guided Weapons

    Australia’s Super Hornet Tests JSOW Guided Weapons http://defense-update.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/jsow_au_close.jpg Super Hornet aircraft from No. 1 Squadron conducted their first live weapon trials at the Woomera Test Range, north of Adelaide. The JSOW test is part of Australia’s...
  12. kingofkings

    Some remarkable innovations with boundless imagination

    These are some of the innovations may or may not be related to defense, which are caught the attention due to their creativity. Do share if you come across some innovative one's ....:triniti:
  13. kingofkings

    Thailand's Dark Side ....

    Everyone familiar with Thailand, knows of its colorful temples, floating markets, beautiful beaches caressed by clear blue-green waters, fabulous silks, exquisite culinary offerings, monks, Thai kick-boxing, and friendly, smiling people. They may know, too, that Thailand is a proud country; one...
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