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  1. CardSharp

    2011 Corruption Perceptions Index published; India drops 8 places to #95

    This years results Corruption Perceptions Index: Transparency International Last years results Corruption Perceptions Index - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia :disagree:
  2. CardSharp

    Afghanistan to back Pakistan if war with U.S.: Karzai

    (Reuters) - Afghanistan would support Pakistan in case of military conflict between Pakistan and the United States, Afghan President Hamid Karzai said in an interview to a private Pakistani TV channel broadcast on Saturday. The remarks were in sharp contrast to recent tension between the two...
  3. CardSharp

    PHOTO: Baby UCAV flies in China?

    PHOTO: Baby UCAV flies in China? - The DEW Line By Stephen Trimble on September 23, 2011 5:07 PM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBacks (0) |ShareThis A new photo on sinodefenseforum and Secret Projects appears to show China's first stealthy unmanned combat air vehicle (UCAV). One...
  4. CardSharp

    New Launch Window Set for Tiangong 1 China's first Space Lab Module

    September 27-30 Fingers crossed. All Things Nuclear; New Launch Window Set for Tiangong 1
  5. CardSharp

    Former Afghan President Rabbani killed in suicide attack

    The Hindu : News / International : Former Afghan President Rabbani killed in suicide attack Burhanuddin Rabbani, former President of Afghanistan and Chairman of the High Peace Council — leading the year-old Afghan effort to negotiate with the Taliban — was killed in a bomb blast at...
  6. CardSharp

    EU to US: Keep your advice to yourself

    Advice on Debt? Europe Suggests US Can Keep It The United States has long been considered a financial adviser to the rest of the world. But these days, American officials come carrying baggage. Financial officials from the United States, once called “the committee to save the...
  7. CardSharp

    Taiwan's opposition/independence party head open to China unification

    TAIPEI (AP) - Taiwan's opposition presidential candidate has said she is open to the island's unification with China, providing the issue wins popular support. Even with the condition, Tsai Ing-wen's comments represents a radical departure for her traditionally pro-independence Democratic...
  8. CardSharp

    The Taliban are winning Afghanistan's information war

    With Nato flailing in Afghanistan, the attacks on Kabul only strengthen the Taliban's position before negotiations begin Over the last decade Nato has constantly found itself behind the curve in planning and executing what they call "influence operations" – a combination of the use of...
  9. CardSharp

    Madness of Crowds: Suicide bombers

    I was sitting on the Tube with my six-year-old son. I’d bought him a bag of crisps and he was munching them while I read some boring periodical. Then: “Dad, Dad …” He pulled at my elbow. “Shush!” I admonished him. “I’m reading.” Then again: “Dad, Dad …” He pointed towards the only other person...
  10. CardSharp

    U.S. poverty totals hit a 50-year high

    Reporting from Washington— In a grim portrait of a nation in economic turmoil, the government reported that the number of people living in poverty last year surged to 46.2 million — the most in at least half a century — as 1 million more Americans went without health insurance and household...
  11. CardSharp

    America: The Richest 400 families net worth = bottom 50% of the nation

    The decline and fall of the American middle class | guardian.co.uk No one can accuse the candidates on stage at Monday's Republican debate of not discussing a broad range of topics. They talked about big issues like social security, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, energy independence...
  12. CardSharp

    Reassessing Australia’s commitment to the F-35

    September 10th, 2011 Author: Eddie Walsh, Washington DC The Australian government is now reconsidering its $16 billion-plus commitment to the Lockheed Martin F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) Program. Experts believe that the Lockheed Martin program has suffered significant damage to its public...
  13. CardSharp

    Cross-border RMB settlement developing rapidly

    Cross-border RMB settlement developing rapidly - People's Daily Online I think 1.63 trillion RMB (value 255 billion USD) flowed across the border this year thus far, a dramatic increase from last year where the total was about 500 billion yuan.
  14. CardSharp

    WIKILEAKS: China using ECFA to push unification with Taiwan.

    Following repeated pledges by President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) that there would be no political ramifications to the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) with China, US diplomatic cables released by WikiLeaks show that Beijing intends to use deepening economic...
  15. CardSharp

    WikiLeaks reveals tough competition to win Brazilian jet fighter contract

    New WikiLeaks publications this week show how the U.S. government is trying to beat out competition from the French to sell military jets to Brazil. American diplomats have been telling Brazilian government officials that the competing Rafale Dassault jet is “less efficient and more expensive”...
  16. CardSharp

    Wikileaks reveals India's HAL Butchered own BAE Hawks then blamed Brits

    Two years ago, the Indian Air Force blamed BAE Systems for a one-year delay in the assembly of 42 Hawk advanced jet trainers at Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL). BAE released a statement defending itself, but provided no details. Thanks to Julian Assange's latest dump of US State Department...
  17. CardSharp

    Anti-China protesters get the message in Vietnam

    HO CHI MINH CITY - This past Sunday morning was the first in 12 with no reported anti-China protests in Hanoi. After arresting over 40 protesters last week, earlier warning about reprisals for protesters, the government has sent the message that they will no longer be tolerated. The United...
  18. CardSharp

    Ron Paul the victim of a media blackout?

    The Republican congressman and 2012 presidential candidate was shut out of the Sunday public affairs shows this past weekend despite his neck-and-neck second place finish to tea party favorite Michele Bachmann in Saturday's Ames, Iowa straw poll. He was likewise excluded from most of the...
  19. CardSharp

    Vietnamese Dissident on Trial for Subversion

    Vietnamese Dissident on Trial for Subversion Wednesday, August 10th, 2011 A French-Vietnamese activist is on trial in Vietnam on charges of subversion. Pham Minh Hoang is accused of “carrying out activities aimed at overthrowing the people's administration.” Authorities say he...
  20. CardSharp

    Chinese dissident Ai Weiwei endured "immense pressure" in detention: source

    Ai Weiwei endured "immense pressure" in detention: source
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