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  1. L

    The Pakistani media has all the principles and ethics of a common whore.

    Among all the institutions that Imran Khan has exposed since his ousting as Prime Minister, the media stands exposed as clearly as any. Freedom of the media in Pakistan's has been shown up to be not the freedom to speak truth to power but to collude with power against the interest of the people...
  2. L

    Which overseas Pakistanis will be attending PTI rallies on Saturday.

    Insha Allah, we as a family intend to attend the PTI rally in Manchester this Saturday 7th May. There will be rallies held in Manchester, Birmingham, London, and I believe, Glasgow, as well as other countries in Europe and the USA which IK will address live on big screens direct from Bani Gala...
  3. L

    Pak China military integration and coordination

    Pravin Sawhney in this video mentions that Pakistan military officers above the rank of colonel are part of the Strategic Support Division which is the main hub for the command and control, which makes them part of the Western Theatre Command and the Xinjiang Military Command. Is this so? If...
  4. L

    Imran Khan blaming rape victims.

    https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/jun/25/outrage-after-pakistan-pm-imran-khan-blames-crisis-on-women. I'm a Imran Khan supporter but these comments are truly outrageous. By making these comments he is justifying and encouraging rapists. He and anyone else who blames rape on victims...
  5. L

    How India's foundations were destroyed

    Apologies if this has been posted before but it is enlightening and harrowing at the same time. It tells of how the BJP lied and manipulated it's way to power at the cost of a fractured society and a divided nation using the manufactured Ram Mandir issue as a rallying cry. This documentary is...
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