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  1. F

    Türkiye'nin iç düşmanları

    Yoruma gerek yok, arap hayrani ummetci yobazlar ve sozcu ermeni solcular.
  2. F

    Turkish Production Capacity in War

    The Turkish defence industry no doubt has made many great strides over the years, the question is who can we compare our techonological advancements with and what is our war time production capacity? For example we know Germany produces some great tech and has an industry that can function for...
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    Türkiye karsiti propaganda

    Arkadaslar anlasilan bu forum’da Turklere hakaret etmek ve pkk propagandasi yapmak serbest. Ognerim kendimize ingilizce yeni forum kurmak veya baska bi foruma katilmak, gonulluler varmi? Bunlardan bize hayir gelmez, Turklerin moderatorluk yaptigi bir ingilizce forumuna ya katilmak ya kurmak...
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    Turkey names United Arab Emirates embassy street name after Fahreddin Pasha

    UAE embassy street name in Turkish capital to be named after Ottoman pasha amid row The name of the street where the United Arab Emirates Embassy in Ankara is located will be changed to Fahreddin Pasha, amid a row that came after the country’s foreign minister accused the Ottoman governor and...
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    Unification of Turkey and Azerbaijan

    Is the unification of Turkey and Azerbaijan possible? Or is it a dream? Yes we speak the same language and have the same traditions, however we must consider. 1) Azeri Turks and Turks from Turkey have a different religion. 2) Azerbaijan is still very much under the Russian sphere of influence...
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    Why is Israel So Successful Against Arab Armies

    War of independence, Sinai war, war of attrition, six day war etc all Israeli victories against multiple Arab foes. What made Israel so successful fighting on multiple fronts against multiple Arab armies namely Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon etc. Do you think they could have pulled...
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    Will Syria ever become Syria again?

    Some questions for the PDF folk. No trolling please. Do you see Syria ever unifying and returning to normal? will Syria be partitioned and new states (if any) be recognised? What do you see happening to the Sunni Enclaves? Will they form new states or join the larger bordering countries in the...
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