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  1. Fawadqasim1

    spacex starship sn8 explodes on landing after test flight

  2. Fawadqasim1

    Establishment ppp deal NRO for ppp

    Is it true @IceCold
  3. Fawadqasim1

    covid 19 vaccine trials phase 3 in Pakistan

    Come on pakistanis let's enrolle.
  4. Fawadqasim1

    India's subsonic Nirbhay cruise missile test fails following technical problems

    India's subsonic Nirbhay cruise missile test fails following technical problems Indian defense scientists say the cruise missile developed “engine trouble” within eight minutes of being launched Fahad Zulfikar Updated 13 Oct 2020...
  5. Fawadqasim1

    My brother and spiritual teacher Dr muhammad farooq khan Shaheed

    https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muhammad_Farooq_Khan He was a true Muslim a true pakistani a visionary and a saint a gem of a person sparsely born I knew him personally and I was devastated when heard the news of his brutal murder by T.T.P goons May God grant him jannat Al firdaus
  6. Fawadqasim1

    Physicists build circuit that generates clean, limitless power from graphene

    by University of Arkansas Credit: University of Arkansas A team of University of Arkansas physicists has successfully developed a circuit capable of capturing graphene's thermal motion and converting it into an electrical current. "An energy-harvesting circuit based on graphene could be...
  7. Fawadqasim1

    Our epistemology not for dummies

    please watch the video in toto before posting comments. That you can't infer The absolute and The source from the fleeting and changing experiences of this limited scenario there's only one way to (at least understand it by even our standards) and that is "a priori" (intuition) our innate...
  8. Fawadqasim1

    Imran khan should resign

  9. Fawadqasim1

    what is happening to pak rupee will it ever recover ?

    A question for @BHarwana
  10. Fawadqasim1

    sars cov 2 in poultry

    this is a fake document It will require world class virologist and epidemiologists to confirm this type/scale of discovery.
  11. Fawadqasim1

    problems in making a viable ventilator.

    it's not as simple as you/we might think.
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