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  1. Endurance

    Libyan National Army

    This is very interesting because There is no thread about the Libyan Army or the Libyan Civil War in this forum. I think it's time to open a thread about Libyan Army. Military parade of the Libyan National Army under the command of Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar Libyan Air Force MIG-23
  2. Endurance

    13 soldiers killed in helicopter crash in Turkey’s Şırnak

    Thirteen people were martyred Wednesday in a crash of a Cougar-type military helicopter in the southern province of Sirnak, according to the Turkish General Staff. The crash occurred after hitting a high-voltage power line three minutes after take off, the province governor’s office said in a...
  3. Endurance

    Wanted PKK terrorist seen briefing US commander

    PKK terrorist Abdi Ferhad Şahin (2-L) Most wanted PKK terrorist seen briefing US commander in Syria’s Karachok bombed in Turkish operations Abdi Ferhad Şahin, one of the most wanted PKK terrorists, was seen on Wednesday standing next to a U.S. commander in Syria's Karachok region, which was...
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