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Libyan National Army


Nov 25, 2016
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This is very interesting because There is no thread about the Libyan Army or the Libyan Civil War in this forum. I think it's time to open a thread about Libyan Army.

Military parade of the Libyan National Army under the command of Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar

Libyan Air Force MIG-23
There is no thread because there is no Libyan "National" Army. The country is in a state of civil war and each factions claims to be the legitimate goverment and security force.
There is no thread because there is no Libyan "National" Army. The country is in a state of civil war and each factions claims to be the legitimate goverment and security force.

I know, Libya is in civil war and there are two type of governments based in Tripoli and Tobruk. I just wanted to start a thread about the Army that the Tobruk Government have. Maybe someone else can start a new threat about the Army that the Tripoli government have.
libya is not united and every defence sector is broken this not even part of the libyan government as its not recognised by every one in libya just by the UN and Western gov as puppet that is all

the beautiness of Libya Armed Forces are long gone :(
Libya is not a state anymore it has no army and the weapons that it had are all in the wrong hands now!!!! LYBIA IS A SHITHOLE !!!
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