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  1. BlueWarrior

    Meet Sir Mark Sykes and Francois Georges Picot

    May 19, 1916: Britain and France conclude Sykes-Picot agreement On May 19, 1916, representatives of Great Britain and France secretly reach an accord, known as the Sykes-Picot agreement, by which most of the Arab lands under the rule of the Ottoman Empire are to be divided into British and...
  2. BlueWarrior

    ISIS and Jabhat Nusra declare war in Lebanon & tells Suunis stay away from Beirut

    Looks like Hezbollah made the Shias Lebanon trouble by touching Syria lol Jabhat al-Nusra in Lebanon says "all bastions" of Hezbollah are legitimate attack sites and tells Sunnis to stay away. A Sunni group with links to al-Qaeda has warned that all areas of Lebanon where the Shia Hezbollah...
  3. BlueWarrior

    Have Egypt gone too far? WATCH THIS!

    [video] Look at those police scums. Seeing how they go hardcore arresting and brutal epidemic on students and the heinous crimes on street. Too bad this isn't aired on the media but Egyptians got so many videos shared on English to see what's happening. F*ck Egypt, dumb people falling in the...
  4. BlueWarrior

    Bomb hit Hezbollat stronghold in Beirut

    Tension escalates as car bombing in Hezbollah bastion of southern Beirut kills six people and wounds 66 others. A powerful explosion in the southern suburbs of the Lebanese capital Beirut - stronghold of the Shia armed group Hezbollah - has killed at least six people and left another 66...
  5. BlueWarrior

    Algerian civil war scenario likely to happen in Egypt

    Brotherhood confronts Egypt 'anti-terror' law Last updated: 11 hours ago Branded a "terrorist group" in new legislation, Egypt's largest opposition movement continues its demonstrations. After much pulling and tugging between Egypt's military-backed government and the Muslim Brotherhood, the...
  6. BlueWarrior

    As Egypt hardliners gain, scope for conflict grows in recent bombing of police station

    CAIRO (Reuters) - If there was any hope left that the generals who overthrew Egypt's elected president six months ago might ease the state's crackdown on dissent, a suicide bomb that ripped through a police station on Tuesday may have destroyed it. The most populous Arab country enters the new...
  7. BlueWarrior

    Middle East leader of the year? You'd be surprised...

    Middle East leader of the year? You'd be surprised... World View: In a period of failure for many, one man is on the up and up. And he's no friend of the West Who was the most successful leader in the Middle East in 2013? It is a hoary tradition of newspapers and magazines to produce...
  8. BlueWarrior

    Syrians freezing and Gazans drowning as Arab billionaires turn a blind eye

    Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Ilayhi Raaji'oon :cry:
  9. BlueWarrior

    Map of US/UK plans to attack Syria. Iran warns US.

    Royal Navy vessels are being readied to take part in a possible series of cruise missile strikes, alongside the United States, as military commanders finalise a list of potential targets. Government sources said talks between the Prime Minister and international leaders, including Barack Obama...
  10. BlueWarrior

    Hosni Mubarak to be freed soon in 48 hours

    Mubarak was toppled from power in February 2011 following an uprising and has been held by authorities since. He has made numerous appearances at Cairo's courthouse since on charges relating to the death of protesters during the revolution and of corruption. However, according to his lawyer...
  11. BlueWarrior

    Egypt general Abdel Fattah El Sisi killed his own family WTF

    General Fatteh al-Sisi was denounced by a member of his own family following the death of another relative in the massacre at Rabaa al Adawiya. Hazem Lutfi Abdel Aziz Abdel Rahman al-Sisi, appeared in the video below to denounce General Sisi following the death of his brother, Khalid Lutfi...
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