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ISIS and Jabhat Nusra declare war in Lebanon & tells Suunis stay away from Beirut


May 13, 2013
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Looks like Hezbollah made the Shias Lebanon trouble by touching Syria lol

Jabhat al-Nusra in Lebanon says "all bastions" of Hezbollah are legitimate attack sites and tells Sunnis to stay away.

A Sunni group with links to al-Qaeda has warned that all areas of Lebanon where the Shia Hezbollah movement operates are "legitimate targets" for attack, and told Sunnis to avoid them.

Jabhat al-Nusra in Lebanon said in a statement on Sunday that it announced that Iran's party [Hezbollah] and all its bases and... bastions are legitimate targets for us, wherever they are."

The statement comes three days after the group - an affiliate of al-Qaeda's branch in Syria, Jabhat al-Nusra - said it carried out a car bomb attack in Beirut's southern suburbs that killed four people.

It also said it carried out a deadly car bomb attack in the heart of Hermel town in eastern Lebanon, which killed three people.

It was the sixth in a string if attacks targeting Lebanese areas dominated by Hezbollah since the Shia group sent fighters into neighbouring Syria to support the troops of President Bashar al-Assad against rebel forces.

Jabhat al-Nusra in Lebanon warned Sunnis against "approaching or residing in or near [Hezbollah's] bases, and avoid gathering around its meeting points."

On Saturday, a recording by a previously unknown figure also announced the creation of a Lebanese arm of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), which is fighting in Syria and Iraq.

In the recording, Abu Sayyaf al-Ansari swore allegiance to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the Iraqi leader of ISIL, which has its roots in the group which called itself al-Qaeda in Iraq.

"We pledge allegiance to the prince of the believers, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi... and we ask him to guide us past the obstacles, and make us your spearhead in crushing your enemy, and not a single man among us will hold back in helping you," said Ansari, in a translated report provided by the AFP news agency.

The former prime minister of Lebanon Saad Hariri said that the country's Sunnis refused to be a part of any conflict between al-Qaeda and Hezbollah, and denounced sectarian attacks on civilians.

"Every sane and patriotic Lebanese, of any sect, will refuse to be dragged behind these calls, as he refuses Hezbollah's war in Syria," Hariri said.[/Quote]

Lebanese Civil War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Lebanon militant pledges allegiance to Al-Qaeda | News , Lebanon News | THE DAILY STAR


ISIS and Al-Nusra Declare War on Lebanon | Al Akhbar English

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How much power does the Lebanese army have?

They seem to be corrupted so where they will hit the $3 billion gift to, Hezbollah or them when they said they will fight Hezbollah so it means Saudi Arabia could support them and hunt Hassan Nassrallat somewhere in Beirut :D
Nothing amazing, they attack the enemies of Israhell

Hezbollah humiliate zionists

Zionist Al Qaeda never fight JEWS and always attack Hezbollah to revenge Israel
These beasts will as always target civilian areas with a brainwashed suicide bomber claiming it was a Hezbollah base, it's their sole tactic. They are too coward to confront them face to face.
Well obviously they are going to make several hundred car bombs and suicide bombers to create paranoia among Shias so they can flee away from Hezbullah cities to push advantage by takfiris.

This was done in Iraq last year but no one fled so instead they wanted to fight those takfiris.
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