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  1. seethru

    Pakistan's ISI seeks Dawood Ibrahim's help to kill Shri Narendra Modi

    New Delhi: Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) has sought Dawood Ibrahim's assistance in targeting BJP's prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi. According to a report in the Daily Mail, a secret note by the intelligence agencies on Modi's threat perception revealed that as per an...
  2. seethru

    Pakistan Army: You're welcome, Pakistan.

    Governor’s rule formally imposed in Balochistan. Tahir-Ul-Qadri demands Care Taker set up Pakistan SC orders arrest of PM Raja Pervez Ashraf in a corruption case. Somebody get's to install a care taker set up. It's definitely not the elected ones sitting in the Parliament as per the...
  3. seethru

    The Sheikh Usama Bin Ladin

    This is what Sheikh Abdullah Azzam said about Sheikh Usama Bin Ladin: "We ask All ah (SW T) to protect our Brother, Abu Abdullah Usama Bin Ladin; as for this man, my eyes have never ever seen a man like him in the entire World." "This man represents an entire nation." "By Allah, I bear...
  4. seethru

    Why was my Thread removed?

    "Pakistani article that caused mass puking in Pak Oberservers circle" has been removed by admin without warning and reason. And for some reason, the Article "Why Pakistan should apologise to Bangladesh" by MuhammadAliEhsan, originally published by Express Tribune also seems to be having...
  5. seethru

    In China, unwritten rules of the education game

    Dan Levin For Chinese children and their devoted parents, education has long been seen as the key to getting ahead in a highly competitive society. But just as money and power grease business deals and civil servant promotions, the academic race here is increasingly rigged in favour of the...
  6. seethru

    A Film on Mumbai Attacks 26/11 - 7 minutes Trailer

  7. seethru

    Why Pakistan needed a Malala?

    In a positive development in Pakistan, a fourteen year old girl was shot in the head but NOT for Blasphemy. Malala Yousafzai, a ninth grade student from Mingora — (Editor’s note: There was some controversy as to whether she was a young girl or a grown man, but that controversy was settled...
  8. seethru

    Free Sarabjit Singh!

    Mr Sarabjit Singh is an Indian National who was convicted and sentenced to death by a court in Pakistan in 1991 for his alleged involvement in terrorists attacks in Pakistan. He has been in solitary confinement for over 19 years in a small cramp cell without insufficient space for him to stand...
  9. seethru

    Egyptian president bows out of Pakistan summit

    ISLAMABAD: Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi has bowed out of a scheduled visit to Pakistan, where he was due to attend the Developing Eight summit in Islamabad, the Pakistani government confirmed Thursday. Morsi — who was thanked by the United States for helping to broker a ceasefire between...
  10. seethru

    Russia warns of new wave of terror, seeks India's cooperation

    As Nato forces prepare to exit Afghanistan in 2014, Russia on Sunday warned of a "new wave" of terrorism in the region, including against India and sought cooperation with New Delhi to stop this "invasion". Sharing Russia's serious concerns on the evolving situation in Afghanistan after the...
  11. seethru

    Zaid Hamid Goes Ballistic!

    We had warned India not to mess with us. When we see the beheaded bodies of our soldiers and death and destruction in our sacred land, then it is enough to awaken the sleeping lion. Now just watch when we respond. InshAllah, like the Astro-Hungarian empire, like Yugoslavia, India would also...
  12. seethru

    Do you agree? Please vote.

    Let's see how many of the members agree with this analysis of Pakistani 'Problem' since it's creation.
  13. seethru

    Rare Pictures of Rabindranath Tagore

    In his Bed in a Railway compartment at Howrah Station November 22, 1940 Mahatma Gandhi and Kasturba at a reception given by Rabindranath Tagore at Santiniketan, Feb 20, 1940 In Berlin, when the two Nobel laureates met, Aug 24, 1930 In deep conversation with Jawaharlal Nehru...
  14. seethru

    Brasstacks Threat analysis and Security Situation report summary

    With NATO planning an early defection from Afghanistan, US is now dragging India into the killing fields as replacement mercenary army for hire. Indians have their own strategic objectives to be in the backyard of Pakistan with the ability to stab Pakistan in the back, riding on the US tanks. An...
  15. seethru

    Pakistan Has Lost the Records For Calculating the Money Lost on woT!

    Pakistan Has Lost the Records For Calculating the Money Lost on The Lost Cause of War on Terror So the express tribune newspaper reports (I will not treat it as the final word. When it comes to Express Tribune, each article is like a Man’s labor of love: Never quite done and subject to...
  16. seethru

    Eurozone crisis to hurt India: Manmohan Singh

    On Board PM's Special Aircraft: Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Saturday voiced concern over a deepening eurozone crisis adversely impacting India and stressed the need to focus on investment in infrastructure as a means to stimulate growth. Europe is one of India's major trade and...
  17. seethru

    A blow to the system(Pakistani state)

    Pakistan’s failed and destructive politics have reached a new height with the Bahria Town case. If anyone thought the restoration of democracy in 2008 after a long break would bring maturity to the system, they were mistaken. What was the deal-breaker between Pakistan and the United States...
  18. seethru

    Cost of war on Terror for Pakistan "overestimated"

    Pakistan has formally abandoned the claim of suffering immensely from the ongoing war on terror, saying that this in fact “hurt the economy, rather than bringing about any benefit.” And therefore a section carrying details of losses the country has suffered due to the war on terror...
  19. seethru

    My real ‘crime’: Standing up for U.S.-Pakistan relations

    Husain Haqqani, a professor of international relations at Boston University and a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute, served as Pakistan’s ambassador to the United States from 2008 to 2011. I am saddened but not surprised that a Pakistani judicial inquiry commission has accused me of being...
  20. seethru

    Hussain Haqqani

    Is Hussain Haqqani is a patriot? He is a bitter critique of the Mullah-military nexus in Pakistan. He wishes to have a civilian fist on the ISI. He relentlessly worked for democracy and civilian rule enforced in Pakistan. Memo, that he allegedly wrote to a US official, expresses his fears of...
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