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  • Hi, Many thanks for your PM, I was busy and away for a few days and could not reply in time.

    Thanks for the appreciation.
    Wow, weird name kakgeta sahib... I thought you were Xeric...
    What are the movies behind this unusual name? :S
    Sir ji, give me 2-3 more links to his other posts so that a proper court martial can take place.
    Sir Salman Taseer kept on talking **** first thing than government didn't took any action instead some dumb advocates kept on saying that Governer has immunity in result this was going to happen if Government have removed him on the first day he would have alive most probably
    Sir the same Quran which tells us to save a life also commands on many places to take life and also tells us in revenge their is life what I said was that government should implement law and punish those who commite blashmey and punishment is death in Islam and those who are found innocent than those people should be punished who have falsely accuse them women should wear hijab and if they don't govermnets can punish them in Islamic society but not with acid some lashes may be and as far as those morons are concerned who throw acid on women this will keep going on until and unless you punish some of them with acid on their faces and that too in public and also live on TV Islam teaches everything in some situations you have to safe life and in some you have to take life
    yes visited Karachi , Lahore, Islamabad in the 90s have tons of relatives in Karachi one of my fav restaurant in Karachi was "bando Khan", plus snoopy ice cream parlor in gulshan e iqbal ,sheezan pastry shop,nirala sweet shop really liked Karachi the city is amazingly lively
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