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  • thank you brother , yes off course loyal to Pakistan, well Pakistan good ,bad or ugly was the choice we made , jaisa bhi he hai to apna hi, though now in canada hope for things to gets better in pak insha'Allah
    Well, clearly there were some misgivings. Else why on earth would they risk a skirmish with Pakistan, which is such an important part of their mission in Afghanistan, while at the same time putting at risk those commandos that took part in that OP. If you had a look at that video, you'd have seen that they even had Rhinos ready to intercept any Pakistani reponse.
    Also, it is not possible that they will share everything with the forward command of Pakistan, esp. if they themselves doubt you guys.
    I understand that there are a few things that I don't know, but there is no way you can talk me out of this one.
    I agree, that they took ill advantage of your position.
    Their simple reason for not letting Pakistan know was that this was a high priority operation and no parties other than those directly concerned were taken on board.
    This is a silly reason at best. At a time when senior officials have themselves explained that including Pakistan was dangerous as there have been instances when 'we told them about someone but when we went for him, he was not there'. Search for this in google 'Killing Bin Laden in Pakistan MUST WATCH FULL VIDEO' and you'll find everything that you need to.
    So does that mean that Obama didn't know that about the plan until it was in motion? No. He knew well in advance and had the authority to change the plan to include Pakistan unless he was advised to not to, here again by our very own CIA.
    The whole point being everyone, including Obama felt that Pakistan couldn't be trusted with such an important mission.
    Our point of discussion is why they didn't trust Pakistan with such an event?
    Did they feel that the information would leak?
    Did they think that the telling of such an information even to the highest of Pakistani administration could lead to the target escaping?
    Did they not even trust the highest military staff and intel agencies along with the Pakistani High administration? What else could be the reason?
    The answer is pretty clear. But still if you want to hold on that tiny little string with all your strength, then go on. I did my best .
    MY Pathetic attempt at trolling???
    It was you, who started out making a total nonsense claim that Obama didn't know about the raid until the 'wheels were in motion'. I refuted you there and I will refute here as well. You should be thanking the mods that they removed my posts.
    So are you still going to defend the same claim here as well.
    AoA Sir, yeah had been away for last month or so. my mamoo was very ill, he passed away around 10 days back, just came back from village 3-4 days back, since then busy with guests and now getting time to come back, plus Allah blessed me with a baby girl too, so gham and khushi both came within few days.
    Hi Kakgeta, Visited last year, Lahore for a couple of days. Had some good kababs at Anarkali Bazaar! Slurrrp!
    Thanks Kakgeta! I speak for the truth and unbiased. However, I do get cheesed off at times when some guys here especially Chinese posters start bashing India for no reason especially when the topic doesn't concern India at all! But I guess I takes all types to make this world!
    I think I know better than most Indians here about Pakistan because I've been there and know how nice people out there are. Most Indians think otherwise as they have little or no clue about Pakistan - just what they read in the biased media.
    Cheers and have a nice day!
    It's a bitter truth but still, Why deliberating more future course of actions when you have had rules of engagement after May 2. Why not Intelligence community follow them honestly instead of making new rules this time?
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