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  • Well any body who has done BS from Pakistan persuing a grad course there , will his degree be entertained or recognised in the US or he has to opt certin BS credits. Further whats the scenario of on campus jobs for Int students like becoming a TA or an RA or something else .?
    Though i have studied the UNI's web page but would like to hear from a person on ground ..:)
    Hey my cousin is studying in same UNI, His name is ALI ALVI do you know him ..Looking forward to get admited in this UNI for MS in Digital Systems ,Cureently in the final sem of my BS. Hows the environment there .?
    I'll look him up. :)

    I live here in New Jersey. Pretty crappy area, but you get what you get. What about you?
    No, I guess not. I can barely read Urdu since I only lived in Pakistan for 2 years. ._.

    haha 'agent' abuses? Yeah, well I guess some people can't deal with the fact that Zaid Hamid is not the truth. lol
    Not attractive, addictive. lol

    And change your pic! I feel like im talking to an old-timer.

    ...your not an oldtimer right? :D?
    Yeah, it messes with your head. Like a month after I discovered it I could look at a guy being beheaded and still take a bite out of my sandwich.

    Feels weird man.
    hey really good and insightful posts i'm glad to see more people with this attitude
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