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US Stuck In the Graveyard of Empires

whole afghan issue can be summarized in one word"opium"
a trillion dollar trade in whom a vast array of people have their interest
Whole Of Afghan Government is drug dealers setup.Every warlord and Loy Jirga member is part time Government man and full time drug dealer.
US is [not] stuck in Afghanistan. Whomsoever has written this piece, needs to get his head reexamined.

US just wants to stay relevant in Afghanistan for indefinite period.
Only HE is Ba'ki, everything else b/w (and including) the heaven and earth is Fa'ni....

US has unique advantage then any other historical super power and that is US Dollar ...

US economy is based on its virtually unlimited power to aquire loans though very strong demand for dollars ... So untill and unless its economy is broken or demand for dollar decline US will remain super power
And, the Russia/China axis, as usual, is digging a tunnel to get to this Hazine...
Only HE is Ba'ki, everything else b/w (and including) the heaven and earth is Fa'ni....

And, the Russia/China axis, as usual, is digging a tunnel to get to this Hazine...
Agreed, now lets see how soon this happens ... People forget that at the time of Soviet Union collapse, they had tons of weapons but it was rotted internally ... same is the situation with US, economy is rotten internally and the moment US dollar demands weaken US will not remain super power
Agreed, now lets see how soon this happens ... People forget that at the time of Soviet Union collapse, they had tons of weapons but it was rotted internally ... same is the situation with US, economy is rotten internally and the moment US dollar demands weaken US will not remain super power
Last time, with Pak's direct and the most valuable help, the US policymakers could make the best use of the break-up in this axis!!!!! Alas, they went for the throat of the very duck which laid gold eggs!!!!!!!
Last time, with Pak's direct and the most valuable help, the US policymakers could make the best use of the break-up in this axis!!!!! Alas, they went for the throat of the very duck which laid gold eggs!!!!!!!
Spot on ...
Agreed, now lets see how soon this happens ... People forget that at the time of Soviet Union collapse, they had tons of weapons but it was rotted internally ... same is the situation with US, economy is rotten internally and the moment US dollar demands weaken US will not remain super power
This is absurd comparison.

The economy of USSR failed because it was centralized - government controlled all aspects of it. In that environment, Soviet citizens were deprived of the means to stimulate the economic activity of USSR on their own. In this situation, if the government would not manage its economic affairs wisely, economic failure would be inevitable. USSR essentially put a gun on its head in economic terms.

American economy has a vastly different design and dynamics in comparison to that of USSR. US is a consumer-driven economic environment where citizens are capable of stimulating economic activity on their own and American government has a regulatory role in it. American economy is the largest in the world in terms of GDP with a very strong consumer (and industrial) base. Just the manufacturing component of American economy represents 12th largest economy in the world [if perceived independently].

Now, why do you think USD dominates foreign exchange? Because US is the largest economy in the world in terms of GDP and it is capable of fulfilling its financial obligations. US is unlikely to default on its financial obligations unless something catastrophic happens there and its economic activity ceases. Good explanation here: https://www.thebalance.com/world-currency-3305931

And a large number of people are misinformed about the ground realities of the American national debt; they look at the figure and [imagine] doomsday scenarios. However, many do not understand that DEBT CEILING is the problem, not the DEBT itself. Learn more from here: https://www.treasury.gov/initiatives/Pages/debtlimit.aspx

Every economic system has its set of issues and challenges. There is no such thing as a perfect economy. You think that Chinese economy is perfect and does not have any vulnerabilities? Think again.

Russian national debt is one of the lowest in the world but Russian economic woes have only multiplied in recent years. Do you understand why? I leave this question to you to ponder over.
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What is Fu**in solution?
someone needs to ask why is opium been grown in Afghanistan, certainly its not grown in Pakistan. 85% of Canada opium comes from Afghanistan causing 1000s of deaths(being doctor in USA i know)..
This is absurd comparison.

The economy of USSR failed because it was centralized - government controlled all aspects of it. In that environment, Soviet citizens were deprived of the means to stimulate the economic activity of USSR on their own. In this situation, if the government would not manage its economic affairs wisely, economic failure would be inevitable. USSR essentially put a gun on its head in economic terms.

American economy has a vastly different design and dynamics in comparison to that of USSR. US is a consumer-driven economic environment where citizens are capable of stimulating economic activity on their own and American government has a regulatory role in it. American economy is the largest in the world in terms of GDP with a very strong consumer (and industrial) base. Just the manufacturing component of American economy represents 12th largest economy in the world [if perceived independently].

Now, why do you think USD dominates foreign exchange? Because US is the largest economy in the world in terms of GDP and it is capable of fulfilling its financial obligations. US is unlikely to default on its financial obligations unless something catastrophic happens there and its economic activity ceases. Good explanation here: https://www.thebalance.com/world-currency-3305931

And a large number of people are misinformed about the ground realities of the American national debt; they look at the figure and [imagine] doomsday scenarios. However, many do not understand that DEBT CEILING is the problem, not the DEBT itself. Learn more from here: https://www.treasury.gov/initiatives/Pages/debtlimit.aspx

Every economic system has its set of issues and challenges. There is no such thing as a perfect economy. You think that Chinese economy is perfect and does not have any vulnerabilities? Think again.

Russian national debt is one of the lowest in the world but Russian economic woes have only multiplied in recent years. Do you understand why? I leave this question to you to ponder over.

Bro whatever you want to assume you can ...

If USA gov is only regulator then why the USA gov used bailout program in 2008 for insurance and banking sector,,,, why they came for support of IT sector in the early 2000s, why there was bond buying program? When the USA is the biggest economy on the same one of the most heavily indebted economy and the issue is US gov is in vicious circle where in order to keep the demand of dollar high they have to keep the influence and for keeping the influence they have to spend lot of money beyond their means ...

We all know that most of the American products are incompetitive in the market ...

Regarding US domination in foreign exchange is not due to some miracle economy but due to the fact that they have pushed all oil trading nations to sale oil in dollars which is the most traded item in the world ... Look what they did to Iraq and Libya as both were advertising to sale oil in currency other then dollar ... Did they found WMD ? If WMD were not there then for what reaason they invaded Iraq ? Why did they provide air support to Libya rebels ? Libya was the most economically progressive country of Africa ...

So you can keep you eyes closed ,,, US economy is in a deep shit and will going to collapse as soon as they loose influence our other countries and oil starts trading in other currencies ...
Bro whatever you want to assume you can ...
I am not making assumptions but explained to you the fundamental difference between the economic system of US and former USSR. Both are incredibly different and do not share the same set of vulnerabilities, and any comparison between the two is absurd.

Now, I am not asserting that American economy is infallible but there is much more to the story then meets the eye. Continue to read below.

If USA gov is only regulator then why the USA gov used bailout program in 2008 for insurance and banking sector,,,,
What do you think happened in 2008? RECESSION - a major one.

American Banking system was on the verge of total collapse with unprecedented implications for the entire world; if the American government had decided not to bailout the American banking system, the entire world would have experienced an economic crises of proportions the likes of it has never seen before (bigger than the GREAT DEPRESSION in 1930s) and the world would have been a different place today. Investments worth TRILLIONS of USD were on the line all over the world.

In the light of that, American government scrambled for damage control and proceeded to bailout the American banking system. Whatever measures were taken, they were intended to stabilize American economy, restore the credibility of American Banking system and prevent a global economic catastrophe.

Learn more from following links:



We all owe it to the American government, my friend.


Economic fragility is not TRUE for US (only) but for the whole world. In this era of CAPITALISM and GLOBALIZATION, American Corporate Sector is at the helm of global business activity and its FALL will herald a global economic catastrophe.

Some argue that the American government should not have intervened in the matters of CAPITALISM; American government should have allowed CAPITALISM to collapse because much of the world has thankless attitude and corruption is rampant. There should be a severe penalty for the menace of corporate corruption and greediness. It is time for a new world order.

If the American government considers a complete reboot of its economic system - a NEW WORLD ORDER in true sense of the word, what alternatives are there? Is this practical in your opinion?

An interesting read: https://organizingchange.org/want-alternatives-to-current-capitalism/

But easier said than done.

Another: https://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/05/29/why-cant-america-be-sweden/?mcubz=0

I have come to understand that in the matters of economy, there is hardly any right or wrong answer. American economy, in particular, is too big and diversified to argue for (and against) and its course is also difficult for a single actor to predict; people tend to be subjective and emotional about these matters and speculation is an industry in itself. On a closer look, every country is struggling to thrive in the matters of economy be it China, Russia, Pakistan or US.

why they came for support of IT sector in the early 2000s, why there was bond buying program? When the USA is the biggest economy on the same one of the most heavily indebted economy and the issue is US gov is in vicious circle where in order to keep the demand of dollar high they have to keep the influence and for keeping the influence they have to spend lot of money beyond their means ...
See above.

American national debt has climbed significantly in recent years due to state-led bailout initiative for the American Banking system since 2008. This initiative has propelled American government spending to great heights and the bailout will continue for a while until the relevant 'corrective measures' are complete. Recession is over but DEBT CEILING is now an issue for the American government because it needs to complete its bailout plan and national debt will continue to climb accordingly. However, this trajectory will not continue unabated; the bailout plan will end at some point, repayments are likely and American government is exploring options to control national debt.

Learn more from here: https://www.thebalance.com/trump-plans-to-reduce-national-debt-4114401

US is on its course towards energy self-sufficiency in coming years due to shale revolution and embracing other forms of energy such as solar and renewables in order to fulfill its energy-related needs; intent is to stimulate exports and bridge the trade deficit. Additional measures are also under consideration.

More importantly, American national debt is internal in large part and manageable because USD remains strong in foreign exchange and US remains a good destination for investment. Contrary to the popular belief, recent climb in American national debt is not an indication of a tanking economy; US is not borrowing money from other countries to bail its banking industry - Americans are doing it themselves. keep this fact in mind.

Here is a breakdown of American national debt: https://www.thebalance.com/who-owns-the-u-s-national-debt-3306124

As you can see, the fate of American economy is in its own hands in large part but its sudden collapse will bring about a global recession of unparalleled proportions - and the rest of the world doesn't wants this to happen. Therefore, USD remains the most sought after global reserve currency and investors continue to invest in American economy. It all comes in full circle.

We all know that most of the American products are incompetitive in the market ...
Are you serious?

American goods are not necessarily MADE IN USA; many come from Chinese factories but they are essentially American and compete very well.

Regarding US domination in foreign exchange is not due to some miracle economy but due to the fact that they have pushed all oil trading nations to sale oil in dollars which is the most traded item in the world ... Look what they did to Iraq and Libya as both were advertising to sale oil in currency other then dollar ... Did they found WMD ? If WMD were not there then for what reaason they invaded Iraq ? Why did they provide air support to Libya rebels ? Libya was the most economically progressive country of Africa ...
I do not disagree with this assessment but it is just a piece of the puzzle. American economy is bigger than OIL, my friend.

So you can keep you eyes closed ,,, US economy is in a deep shit and will going to collapse as soon as they loose influence our other countries and oil starts trading in other currencies ...
Easy for you to say! American economy has been in deep shit before and rebounded. How do you think US endured GREAT DEPRESSION of 1930s? By militarizing its economy and World War II soon followed. Some see a connection between these two developments.

Why GREAT DEPRESSION happened? This was the reason: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smoot–Hawley_Tariff_Act

Do you think it is easy for other countries to dump USD just like that? What are the alternatives? Who is going to support China and/or Russia in this objective if they desire an alternative to USD as a global reserve currency? Euro and Yen are two well-known alternatives but USD continues to dominate regardless.

Gold? The world has tried this model before and it has its share of drawbacks. There is hardly an ideal solution for economic woes of the world, my friend. Sooner you come to terms with this reality, the better.

Learn more from here: https://www.quora.com/What-happens-...ses-its-status-as-the-worlds-reserve-currency

Even if reliance on USD comes down gradually, US will readjust its economic polices accordingly and penalties will be imposed. We have to live with this status-quo for indefinite period, like it or not.
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The U.S Air Force is Sending More Fighter Jets and Tankers to Afghanistan.

The Air Force has begun shifting assets back into the Afghan theater, two generals said Tuesday at the Air Force Association's Air, Space and Cyber Conference.

Air refueling tankers are in Afghanistan for the first time in about five years, and the theater has just welcomed more F-16 Fighting Falcons to the area of responsibility, they said.

The Air Force now has 18 multi-role F-16 fighters in country, Lt. Gen. Jeffrey L. Harrigian, commander of U.S. Air Forces Central Command, told reporters at the conference.

"We just plussed up our number of fighters. We had 12 F-16s; we now have 18," said Harrigian, who oversees missions at the Combined Air Operations Center at Al Udeid Air Base, Qatar.

"Our close-air support role continues and, as you look at the strategy coming forward, we're actually right now working with [Commander of U.S. forces in Afghanistan] Gen. John Nicholson's staff on how to best synchronize his advise-and-assist strategy going forward to optimize the placement of the air assets," he said.

Harrigian said there has been a large focus in the northeastern part of Afghanistan in provinces such as Kunar and Kunduz. "But there's a recognition that we're going to have to distribute our force, and that's going to require a lot of airpower support."

The emphasis will be on supporting ground forces as they position throughout the country. And Harrigian plans to "optimize" drones, such as MQ-9 Reapers, operating in the area.

Does that mean more remotely piloted flight time? Not necessarily, he said.

It's about, "are we optimizing them to understand the enemy and then be in the position to take advantage of what we're seeing to pressure the enemy?" Harrigian said.

President Donald Trump on Aug. 22 announced the U.S. will send more troops to Afghanistan to step up the fight against the Taliban and the offshoot of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria called Islamic State-Khorasan province, or IS-K.

The president would not cite specific numbers, but defense officials have said 3,500 to 5,000 additional troops are likely as part of the plan, which has been endorsed by Mattis.

Any additional airpower won't be limited to backing U.S. ground troops, Harrigian said.

While plans are still in flux, he noted, "There's going to be opportunities to better support the Afghans and our own force as we distribute across the battlespace."

Meanwhile, Gen. Carlton Everhart II, head of Air Mobility Command, confirmed Tuesday that the service has sent a number of tankers back to the theater.

Everhart, who didn't disclose how many, or if they were KC-10 Extenders, KC-135 Stratotankers, or both said roughly three weeks ago the refueling craft came from outside the Middle East.

"They're flying in there, and it's economies to scale ... it's getting gas up in the air faster to support troops in contact with [aircraft] and it's proven itself well right now," Everhart said.

The aircraft reshuffling comes as U.S. warplanes have dropped the most weapons in a single month since 2012, according to newly released figures.

Aircraft including F-16 fighter jets and MQ-9 unmanned aerial vehicles have dropped more than 2,000 bombs this year, already almost doubling the number of weapons released during all of last year, according to Air Forces Central Command's latest airpower summary.

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