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US Stuck In the Graveyard of Empires

You seem to know a lot about pimps. So why don't you tell me?

Yes unfortunately. There is one fat ugly cow in our east that we refer as "dayhati aurat". Always bitching and nagging.

Who knows? You? You don't even know your own history? You'll tell me?

My history starts from the time when first brick of Indus civilization was laid. Now we settled this history reference, let's get back to topic at hand. I can tell you about first Afghan war as my country fought it. What's yr credentials to debate this matter as rat-Indian? You were never part of this history.

Again the 'we'! lol

'We' did this. 'We' did that.

Dude! All you ever did was blow yourself up in a mazaar or a bazaar. Everything else has been super powers at play.

That's all you've ever done.

Really? Those 14 odd Soviet jets were shoot down by might shupa powa rat-Indian airforce? One of the Soviet pilots captured rose to become vice president of Russia. I am sure this was all done by shupa powa India!

Sunshine you are embarssing yourself.

I just want to hear you tell us on how and where the rednecks will find the balls from to launch their trident against us? Simple question. Let's war game this shall we?
Eminem did try and explain it when he rapped 'white america'.
Actually the American values in democracy are cherished by all.
But that moral high horse was stopped right in the track by the last election campaign.
Will a world see a Mexican American President first or a woman President.
Don't vote Palin. Just walk away lol

The moral "high horse" was gone along time ago. America's not perfect but we've come to attempt to make amends and learn from them.

But I'd blame the democratic party, in their desire to have different genitalia from the previous 44 Presidents, they conspired against the 1 guy the US needed. H. Clinton got cocky, played dirty with the other bit<hes in the party, and the democratic base gave her the finger.

Say what you want, but we democrats want our party to have class. And I think this will stay, sure
Barack Hussein Obama was black, which helped invigorate the democratic base, but his policies were rock solid against others in his party seeking the nomination to John McCain's.

We'll wait for a female president or some other minority heritage.

H. Clinton is to the Dems. what Sarah Palin is to Repubs.
Wouldn't it just be easier to take out the entire countries of Pakistan & India?

3 birds 1 stone.

Edit: I did the math, ~1.5 Billion birds with a few dozen stones.
you f'ed him good
your post must have put a sour taste in his mouth
he be like hey we are sucking you day and night why nuke us too?
oh wait. it must be our overbearing nagging and telling you how cool we are.
US is in not stronger position as compared to USSR.
Few thousand troops and funds aren't going to change ground realities.US was doomed in Afghanistan,the day they entrusted One thug over another.
US did her part well but administration in Kabul was inept beyond imagination of Americans.
But US has filled houses of many Afghan Warlords with US Tax payer cash.

The primary measure of US power is not boots on the ground but:

1. US power of simply being the US -- there are about 500,000 Pakistani-Americans and 500,000 Afghan-Americans -- how many Pakistani-Soviets or Afghan-Soviets were there? -- this indicates an enormous pull of gravity -- now the rise of China will begin to check it in a couple of decades but seriously how large do you expect the Afghan-Chinese or Pakistani-Chinese community to get

2. US wealth -- US companies own 50% of the world's wealth -- US entities owning 1/2 of the world wealth has been a phenomenon that became true around the early nineteen hundreds (if my memory is correct)

3. US nimbleness -- the US culturally and structurally is a self-improving/correcting system -- we're not perfect, far from it -- this is manifested by say the US start-up culture -- there is a reason Silicon Valley is in the US an in the US it is in Palo Alto (and surrounding areas) -- ever heard of a Silicon Valley in Grozny Park -- and Silicon Valley is not even about technology but the confluence of ideas, business, science, capital, technology, risk taking, migration, art. While this type of thinking epitomizes itself in Silicon Valley it pervades all aspects of American life and culture -- at least far more than anybody else out there.

4. US hail-Mary-thinking -- the US thinks big -- it is cultural -- in someways this is coupled with the enormous access to human resources, wealth and natural safety -- you will see this in business, projects -- everything the US does is big and bold -- again this should be taken in comparison to what other nation-states do.

5. US cultural power -- again not separate from wealth -- but Hollywood, the NBA, etc. are strategic weapons -- even chubby-Kim-of-the-38th-parallel idolizes American NBA players

Again not trying to be jingoistic -- but once in a while when I step back and look at the American Project -- it's sheer power is unfathomable.

So in sum the US does not need a lot of boots to be able to exert enormous power -- if it wants to.

The more important question is should the US care about Afghanistan. I would think in some measure yes -- but it's not worth a 40 billion dollar a year price tag to us.
US is in not stronger position as compared to USSR.
Few thousand troops and funds aren't going to change ground realities.US was doomed in Afghanistan,the day they entrusted One thug over another.
US did her part well but administration in Kabul was inept beyond imagination of Americans.
But US has filled houses of many Afghan Warlords with US Tax payer cash.
Did someone ask Pakistan in regards to this !
US is [not] stuck in Afghanistan. Whomsoever has written this piece, needs to get his head reexamined.

US just wants to stay relevant in Afghanistan for indefinite period.
Muslims have killing Muslims for millennia. So, again, what's new in what you're talking about?

9/11 didn't cause Muslims killing Muslims. Muslims have been killing Muslims and others for millennia anyways. You didn't need the excuse of 9/11 to blow yourself up in a bazaar or a school.

1000 years ago, Muslims were killing Muslims and others.

Today, Muslims ae killing Muslims and others

1000 years from toay, Muslims will be killing Muslims and others.

So, again, what's new here?

I'll respond to you the day Indians are found involved in killing of American citizens and soldiers. Till then, shoo.
Every nationality and race had wars in their history, it maybe odd for you because Hindus mostly surrendered.
I think you and other indians on PDF are secret sado-madochists. You want your mothers, wives, daughrers and female family members screwed by Pakistanis in front if you which is why you little weiner men are always on a Pakistani forum :lol:

The word you are looking for is wittol.


Googling for 'wittol indian' reveals this:

https://books.google.com.au/books?i...rgQ6AEIRTAH#v=onepage&q=indian wittol&f=false

A Social History of India
By S. N. Sadasivan

Did someone ask Pakistan in regards to this !
Well,if my neighbors house would be one fire,I will not consult any Tom,Dick or Harry for anything because next would be mine.

The primary measure of US power is not boots on the ground but:

1. US power of simply being the US -- there are about 500,000 Pakistani-Americans and 500,000 Afghan-Americans -- how many Pakistani-Soviets or Afghan-Soviets were there? -- this indicates an enormous pull of gravity -- now the rise of China will begin to check it in a couple of decades but seriously how large do you expect the Afghan-Chinese or Pakistani-Chinese community to get

2. US wealth -- US companies own 50% of the world's wealth -- US entities owning 1/2 of the world wealth has been a phenomenon that became true around the early nineteen hundreds (if my memory is correct)

3. US nimbleness -- the US culturally and structurally is a self-improving/correcting system -- we're not perfect, far from it -- this is manifested by say the US start-up culture -- there is a reason Silicon Valley is in the US an in the US it is in Palo Alto (and surrounding areas) -- ever heard of a Silicon Valley in Grozny Park -- and Silicon Valley is not even about technology but the confluence of ideas, business, science, capital, technology, risk taking, migration, art. While this type of thinking epitomizes itself in Silicon Valley it pervades all aspects of American life and culture -- at least far more than anybody else out there.

4. US hail-Mary-thinking -- the US thinks big -- it is cultural -- in someways this is coupled with the enormous access to human resources, wealth and natural safety -- you will see this in business, projects -- everything the US does is big and bold -- again this should be taken in comparison to what other nation-states do.

5. US cultural power -- again not separate from wealth -- but Hollywood, the NBA, etc. are strategic weapons -- even chubby-Kim-of-the-38th-parallel idolizes American NBA players

Again not trying to be jingoistic -- but once in a while when I step back and look at the American Project -- it's sheer power is unfathomable.

So in sum the US does not need a lot of boots to be able to exert enormous power -- if it wants to.

The more important question is should the US care about Afghanistan. I would think in some measure yes -- but it's not worth a 40 billion dollar a year price tag to us.
The secret to winning the Afghan war lay in bombing GHQ Rawalpindi and banning the kids/families of these multi-millionaire jarnails from Western countries. Anything else is futile.
No offence to Pakistanis. Quoting just for the comic value of the post. The humorously scorning nature of the poster.

China is one of many countries that will rival US in the coming years.
What rubbish!! China hasn't shown any resilience on Doklam issue and you say China will rival US.

An army who knows when to fight and when not will always win - Sun Tzu.
What if the army knows when to fight but doesn't have the capability to fight at that time? Will such army also win?

Yes unfortunately. There is one fat ugly cow in our east that we refer as "dayhati aurat". Always bitching and nagging.

My history starts from the time when first brick of Indus civilization was laid. Now we settled this history reference, let's get back to topic at hand. I can tell you about first Afghan war as my country fought it. What's yr credentials to debate this matter as rat-Indian? You were never part of this history.

Really? Those 14 odd Soviet jets were shoot down by might shupa powa rat-Indian airforce? One of the Soviet pilots captured rose to become vice president of Russia. I am sure this was all done by shupa powa India!

Sunshine you are embarssing yourself.

I just want to hear you tell us on how and where the rednecks will find the balls from to launch their trident against us? Simple question. Let's war game this shall we?
If Pakistan indeed fought USSR and USA, why is it unable to wrest Kashmir from India even after so many years of trying?
If Pakistan indeed fought USSR and USA, why is it unable to wrest Kashmir from India even after so many years of trying?

Because, since taking good leaps towards self sufficiency in both conventional and stratagic weapons, Pakistan has been perpetually consumed with fighting and destabilization on its western front.
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