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US Stuck In the Graveyard of Empires

The purpose of Afghanistan war wasn't to win its land. Even if US had 100% control over Afghanistan, it won't have called it a victory. Their main purpose is to stop China from becoming its competitor. They had wanted a chain reaction until it reached Beijing. First Afghanistan, then using it to destabilize Pakistan and finally, China. Now they've changed their strategy and want to engage China using India. They won't go out of Afghanistan until they're sure China is no longer a risk. Its just my opinion based on my analysis of the recent past.
If it's true then China must have got the better of the US policymakers by keeping NK as a standby!!!! And, look at the cost/benefit proposition - NK vs Afganistan!!!!! As for India, looks like China is keeping no stones unturned!!!!!
The secret to winning the Afghan war lay in bombing GHQ Rawalpindi and banning the kids/families of these multi-millionaire jarnails from Western countries. Anything else is futile.

I'm sure the same was said after US lost Vietnam too, but US recovered. And will recover from Afghanistan too.
ahahahah Cheerleaders:chilli::chilli::chilli::victory::bounce:
If it's true then China must have got the better of the US policymakers by keeping NK as a standby!!!! And, look at the cost/benefit proposition - NK vs Afganistan!!!!! As for India, looks like China is keeping no stones unturned!!!!!
Correct, US hasn't achieved anything against China. Actually, they hadn't factored Russia in the equation. China acquires oil/gas from Russia and has many more projects with them. That's why China hasn't taken any hit yet. Whereas US is going downhill. India is being manipulated by US. However, India will never be able to help US achieve their desired goals.
Trump or no Trump, that US didn't show yall the full wrath of its Trident missiles is alone enough to earn it all the respect it deserves.

If 9/11 had happened in Russia or China, yall wouldn't be here 'debating' on PDF.

Thank the US, its democracy, and American values that respect human life.

You see rat-Indian, we did much much worse to the soviets in Afghanistan, and they were proper empire, rough and tough, unshakeable Red Army. They huffed and puffed yet never had the courage to launch their Satan missile against us. You think these rednecks will muster courge to fire trident against us?
You see rat-Indian, we did much much worse to the soviets in Afghanistan, and they were proper empire, rough and tough, unshakeable Red Army. They huffed and puffed yet never had the courage to launch their Satan missile against us. You think these rednecks will muster courge to fire trident against us?

Bro, trust me the REAL americans have got a lot MORE to worry about than us or Afghanistan. Before they try wiping us out they need to worry about not being wiped out themselves in their own countries without a bullet being fired :lol::


Not so invincible after all are they.......:rofl:

We? Who's we?

All you did was take someone's money and sleep with someone else.

So, again, who's 'we'?

Perhaps with your mum or wife because we know you indians lack where it matters the most:lol::


Thousands vs millions of Muslims killed. Everyone who cares for truth can see who the real savage is.

Muslims have killing Muslims for millennia. So, again, what's new in what you're talking about?

9/11 didn't cause Muslims killing Muslims. Muslims have been killing Muslims and others for millennia anyways. You didn't need the excuse of 9/11 to blow yourself up in a bazaar or a school.

1000 years ago, Muslims were killing Muslims and others.

Today, Muslims ae killing Muslims and others

1000 years from toay, Muslims will be killing Muslims and others.

So, again, what's new here?

Wouldn't it just be easier to take out the entire countries of Pakistan & India?

3 birds 1 stone.

Edit: I did the math, ~1.5 Billion birds with a few dozen stones.

I'll respond to you the day Indians are found involved in killing of American citizens and soldiers. Till then, shoo.
An army who knows when to fight and when not will always win - Sun Tzu. Unfortunately for USA, a businessman is deciding about war and it's army is angered, frustrated, tired and out of reasoning to fight. Their elements of failure are in them than outside.
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Go ask your mum, wife or women folk. They will always be deprived because of indian male defiencies. No wonder you sub-humans hate Pakistanis and Muslims. This is the real reason :D:



I know, I know...you're missing home, sweety! :D

Must feel good talking in 'home lingo' every once in a while in your sharia-no-go zone, doesn't it? :lol::lol::lol:

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