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Pakistan to soon deploy a nasty surprise for Indian Aircraft Carriers.

I am not talking about aishwarya, i am talking about an missile with an 2200km range having MIRV capabilities, it is not only interesting but its sounds so fake as well hence, no one in pakistan is ready to discuss about it.
in past your mother Soviet Union devloped lots of MRBM with MIRV capabilities to hit Europe if needed sorry to burst your bubbles Mr insane scientist :enjoy:

You aren't receiving ToT from the Soviets, so...
But from China you D!ck head:hitwall:
Again with this nonsense

1) Mach 2 is NOT the top speed of the BARAK-8
2) Speed is IRRELEVENT unless you are chasing down an enemy missile, for head-on or off bore shots the BARAK-8 will be more than up to the job.
so why Russian and USA, israeli had been developed 6-7 km/second interceptors for their ABM shield just for fun kid, may be mach-4 or little higher how can stop warhead that traveling Mach-6 or 7, head-on i understand you kid but off -bore shots it has no chance:disagree:

Anti Ship Ballistic Missile !?
dont posts threads with signle picture tweets and without details.
dont be joke and let other make you joke.
That can be similar to the systems that only India, China and Iran are using in their naval forces.

Anti ship Ballistic missiles ASBM. Maybe Pakistan is going to join this club :

Chinese DF-26

Iranian Khalije-Fars :
Well china is deploying it in Pakistan to teach India a lesson :D
Why is it useless exactly? It has a flight ceiling of >16km, the speed of the MRBM is irrelevent as the BARAK-8 won't be chasing the projectile.

And you guys still haven't answered my simple question, how exactly are you going to target a mobile target as small as a CBG 100s of kms from your coast?

Currently Barak-8 can not take out DF-21D ASBM because its not built to do it, Aster-30 block-1NT, Arrow-2, PAC-3MSE, S-400, S-300VM, THAAD, or SM-3/6 may be able to do it but in a salvo launch of ASBMs one hit to ship or ACC will be able to make it useless for war time needs.
Actually China claims that the DF-21D can hit US aircraft carriers.
The Chinese claim a lot of things....

The Chinese threat is very real but not sure how credible the Pakistani one is to be honest.
As I said, there is no credible threat from Pakistan, India will only deploy a sea based ABM when the Chinese pose a threat at sea, but that is a while away.

I dont think the Indian ABM systems would work if the CBG was more than 100km away from the Indian coastline as the missile could not fly that far out.
The entire Pakistani coast can be put under India's ABM shield, any launch will be at the very least detected.

And here we are on page 14, plenty of cheerleading has been done (as we can expect with Pakistanis who seem to worship nuclear weapons and missiles) with not a SINGLE "expert" able to give an explanation as to how Pakistan could a) locate an Indian CBG a few hundred km off the Pakistani coast and b) target it taking into account it will be constantly adjusting positions.

remember kid Chinese developing its own space based navigation system kid
And so is India:


And what does China's space based navigation system have to do with Pakistan?

@Abingdonboy It isn't necessary for a MIRVed missile to be an ICBM.
I know that but whatever the missile, if it is being used against a mobile target, it needs to be able to make mid-course adjustments a) how does Pakistan propose on doing that? b) how does Pakistan even have the means to target an enemy warship beyond LOS?
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