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China justifies construction of road in Sikkim sector, says area not disputed

The Indian market constitutes only a meagre share of Chinese total export,
While Indians need the imports to sustain her own development. Without them, from where are Indians gonna source low cost goods that she herself is even incapable of producing?

In other words, Indians need the Chinese way more than the latter needs the former.

India should ban Chinese imports indeed.
Indian do not need china but for a huge consumer market like china, it needs a country like India to get imports from. This will be the scenario few years from now.
lol you don't need to tell your personal story and presume that we know nothing about Bhutan...LMAO, when we install a new regime, everything will work on our favor. If India is so angel, it didn't need to sanction Bhutan by cutting their cooking oil and gas and forced Jigmi Y Thinley to step down when he was cozying with our prime minister.

Time to shut the tap of Bhramaputra and blast a hole through Himalaya and dry up India
well we can understand Indian media language they were laughing at Chinese worker and thumping their chest like they won the whole worlds.. and as usual India aired that news with thumping chest all over India
Chinese nationalists on this forum are like rabid dogs. They bark like mad but run away if you even throw a bucket of water on them :rofl: :rofl:

So when is your Permanently Lethargic Army coming to fight? I heard lately US has also started supplying weapons to Taiwan.
1)China has as much as a claim on both Diaoyu and Liuqiu islands as Japan thinks she does.

2)link your source that China claims Northern Vietnam.Chiang kai shek even rejected the whole of Vietnam when Roosevelt offered it to him as the spoils of war post WW2.


3)Since when has China claimed Singapore?


4)Changbai moutains has already been officially delineated between China n Noko long ago. The caldera in the middle('legendary' birthplace of kim jong ill's father)is divided into half between them.


5)India is illegally occupying South Tibet as much as the former claims China is 'illegally' occupying Aksai Chin.


6)link your source that Nepal has a dispute with China. Mount everest is divided into half between them with China possesing the northern side of the summit while Nepal has the southern one- not to mention Nepal is welcoming OBOR with open arms n relations have never been happier today.


Atually, im lazy to continue on with the rest of ur walltext long of bushit.

China is one of the most innocent, co-operative, understanding & friendly countries of the world.


China Calls Dalai Lama's Kalachakra "Illegal," threatens punishment for those taking part


Chinese authorities openly threaten with “torture” those who circulate any information on the situation in Tibet to outsiders.


President Xi Jinping warned Hong Kong democracy advocates against crossing a “red line” and undermining Beijing’s authority, as tens of thousands marched for more autonomy.


'All out Offensive' in Xinjiang risks worsening grievances


Macau gallery cancels Tibetan artist event after Chinese pressure


China warns Macau over dissidents


China no longer regards Singapore as a friend


Duterte says China's Xi threatened war if Philippines drill for oil


China warns India, India dismisses the warning


A Chinese war in Myanmar


When Malaysian leaders call the Chinese community "Babi", "Luckiest" & "Rude".


List of 29 Islamic names banned by China in Xinjiang region


European Human right activists criticize China's bullying of Bhutan


Threat of Anti-Chinese riots grows in an angry Indonesia


Anti-Chinese protests in Turkey: Relations with China under test


China's embassy in Turkey has issued a travel warning to its citizens after some tourists were "attacked and harassed" during anti-Chinese protests in Istanbul.


China's official media warns Mongolia over seeking Indian help


Taiwan has had enough of China's bullying


China's bullying is backfiring in South Korea's presidential race


China still bullying its neighbors

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I am glad to see that you hindus are itching for a 2 front war with the hopes your daddy US will save you

keep it up:tup:
india actually begged USA to send 30,000 troops and several squadrons of jets..

All they got in return was military aid.. from both USSR & US...

And CIA teams who used Indian bases to spy on China.

They even lost a nuclear powered device on mount kailash.. which was to spy on Chinese and their nuclear tests..
india actually begged USA to send 30,000 troops and several squadrons of jets..

All they got in return was military aid.. from both USSR & US...

And CIA teams who used Indian bases to spy on China.

They even lost a nuclear powered device on mount kailash.. which was to spy on Chinese and their nuclear tests..

rapists hinduion khi yehi aukat hay
Chinese nationalists on this forum are like rabid dogs. They bark like mad but run away if you even throw a bucket of water on them :rofl: :rofl:

So when is your Permanently Lethargic Army coming to fight? I heard lately US has also started supplying weapons to Taiwan.

War is not China's first choice, nor is India's choice. That's why India didn't pull the trigger during the previous so many rounds of stand-offs, even you guys claims that china is "encroaching the territory" of India. Does that means India is a coward? When you crankly mock China, think of your own country. China never fears to fight to protect its fairly right even facing the most strongest rival like the Soviet Union, USA, how will she fear a lousy opponent like India? Just like how China calmly hanlded the border issue with small countries like Burma and Bhutan, it's totally nothing with fears. China is concerntrating on the great goal of building a powerful country with first-rate science, technology, education, economics and culture. Such disputes is not worth distracting her eyes from doing its great things. Not sure Indians like you can understand this. A level like India doen't have the qualification of laughing at others.
Dirty Nalini, when other Chinese members have pointed out that China had peacefully settled the land border disputes with 12 countries since 2004, which proves your list is totally a fake slander, you didn't provide a piece of ground evidence to support your claims but just throw a heap of links that totally are not related with border issues. You didn't positive response to the challenge but just trying to use lots of specious reports to divert the discussing point. You just pick up all arguments of one country, while intentionally ignore its peaceful, fair cooperations with other countries. Everyone can smear a country in this way. This only proves a coward and wicked heart of you.

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