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China justifies construction of road in Sikkim sector, says area not disputed

This is the umpteenth time you are quoting this clear lie.

How was any country supposed to know you were having a famine? Mao went to great lengths to keep exporting grain (and actually felt people dieing in the millions would help China's population burden...esp as long as his twisted desire to hold onto absolute power was maintained)....tell me how was anyone supposed to know China was literally resorting to cannibalism in many areas? We had satellites up there watching? There was a massive foreign intelligence network within China? There were world reporters on the ground covering it and disseminating this as standard news internationally? Or we only can look at what China and its govt projects to everyone on the matter (normal and even increased grain shipments as usual to other countries)?

Nehru didn't "bait" anyone....and certainly didn't plan it to coincide with some famine he knew about in China (because quite simply he couldn't have known about it...China made sure of that internationally...argument ends there I'm afraid)....sorry he is a great many things....but he is not a psycho like the leftist extremist authoritarian types like Hitler, Stalin and Mao....who put a great many useless futile things ahead of basic human life.

If anything Nehru stripped down his miltary greatly on purpose (he was near perfect globalist in thought) and then stupidly demanded a forward action policy from the very same beyond the himalayan ridge expecting either a miracle or brow beating a country with real recent war experience and plenty of use for it even internally at the time..... instead of just negotiating better for land that is strategically useless for India in the first place (and inherited from british claims). That is not baiting at all....he was just not a pragmatic realistic fellow (and it stems from his own stubborness and foul nature on many other issues) when it came to international policy esp using the military. Anyway it was very good for India that his globalist idealism was defeated early on before we had much more to lose later in our wars with Pakistan....I actually thank China for that. Thus its quite foolhardy to compare India's action in 1962 (whole situation is different) to today....in fact if anything its India with the recent significant war experience.

But for this recent skirmishing, sorry but China isn't getting anywhere with it. Your teams have been ejected from the plateau and you will posture now over the media a bit. This specific area is well supplied by India compared to China, its well in the ridge area and just below where India holds massive conventional superiority. PLA knows much better (they already knew way back in 1971 even with much US goading), they were simply testing the limits here and they got a result on it. They will move on and leave face-saving to your media and however much your govt wants to invest into it. But we are not "baiting" you this time either (its clearly disputed territory between you and Bhutan and we have a security guarantor relationship with Bhutan...plus our own strategic concerns regarding the plateau in question)....you can watch the next few days and months to confirm that (PLA does absolutely nothing and whole thing winds down as has happened in recent past).

According to the Indian Army's own military report (Henderson-Brooks report), it was India who started the war, by setting up military outposts north of the MacMahon Line (called the Forward Policy), after which Nehru ordered the Indian Army to forcibly throw the Chinese out of that area.

You guys keep painting Nehru as some sort of innocent idealist, well guess what he rejected the extremely generous compromise offered by Zhou Enlai in 1960 to turn the LaC into an international border. Because he was greedy, and he knew about the famine in China which started in 1959, coincidentally the same year in which India hosted the Tibetan Government in Exile.

Do you really think that by 1962 no one in the world was aware of the Great leap forward? If China was stronger back then do you think Nehru would have dared to carry out the Forward Policy?
lol I see you're skating, tell us then what happen if China sign a new security guarantor treaty with new Bhutan puppet regime, are you guys gonna accept? :lol:

Go ahead and try it (like start with opening an embassy there etc). I've been to Bhutan....they have not forgotten Tibet and never will....neither do you know how Bhutanese kingdom works regarding politics and what the complete bipartisan issues are regarding India and China.

So like I say, you are free to fantasize about whatever, its just going to have a high dissonance with reality that unfolds.
Go ahead and try it (like start with opening an embassy there etc). I've been to Bhutan....they have not forgotten Tibet and never will....neither do you know how Bhutanese kingdom works regarding politics and what the complete bipartisan issues are regarding India and China.

So like I say, you are free to fantasize about whatever, its just going to have a high dissonance with reality that unfolds.

This guy seriously has no idea about Bhutan or
Relationship between India & Bhutan!

To the Chinese, Bhutan is the only official Buddhist country. Do you really want to know what impact China has had on Bhutan & it's people with what you did to Tibet and Dalai Lama?

Problem with China & Chinese is the Commie thinking that everything can be solved by throwing enough money. They think everyone is for sale like their dearest friends. What they don't realize is that for some countries and some people certain things are non-negotiable. For Bhutan, the very existence of Chinese presence in Tibet is non-negotiable.
Nothing & no matter what the amount of money, Bhutan will never ever compromise with China.
Do you really think that by 1962 no one in the world was aware of the Great leap forward?

The sheer famine scale was unknown about till many purges were done in the post - Mao era. Care to disprove that? Foreign analysis on the matter needed the 1982 census data and 1984 statistical year book to even attempt to back calculate it....you going to tell me the CPC was transparent on the issue (regarding its magnitude) in the 60s even after it ended (after killing millions through continued export of grain which only stopped quite late)?

So yeah I don't buy that Nehru targeted you because you were in such a famine (no one outside China really knew of its sheer scale till much much later). Thats a pretty absurd statement.

According to the Indian Army's own military report (Henderson-Brooks report), it was India who started the war, by setting up military outposts north of the MacMahon Line (called the Forward Policy), after which Nehru ordered the Indian Army to forcibly throw the Chinese out of that area.

You guys keep painting Nehru as some sort of innocent idealist, well guess what he rejected the extremely generous compromise offered by Zhou Enlai in 1960 to turn the LaC into an international border. Because he was greedy, and he knew about the famine in China which started in 1959, coincidentally the same year in which India hosted the Tibetan Government in Exile.

Your interpretation on the first para is faulty. As for part b again, its your interpretation/opinion. Anyways you are free to have them, we all have our own.
Go ahead and try it (like start with opening an embassy there etc). I've been to Bhutan....they have not forgotten Tibet and never will....neither do you know how Bhutanese kingdom works regarding politics and what the complete bipartisan issues are regarding India and China.

So like I say, you are free to fantasize about whatever, its just going to have a high dissonance with reality that unfolds.

lol you don't need to tell your personal story and presume that we know nothing about Bhutan...LMAO, when we install a new regime, everything will work on our favor. If India is so angel, it didn't need to sanction Bhutan by cutting their cooking oil and gas and forced Jigmi Y Thinley to step down when he was cozying with our prime minister.

Myanmar apologize and knee before us. You mean Indian want to do the same?

hindus have historically have been obedient to their daddies. The Muslims rules them 1000+ years then British, so I have no doubt that they'll do more than just kneel
lol you don't need to tell your personal story and presume that we know nothing about Bhutan...LMAO, when we install a new regime, everything will work on our favor. If India is so angel, it didn't need to sanction Bhutan by cutting their cooking oil and gas and forced Jigmi Y Thinley to step down when he was cozying with our prime minister.


Heh your ignorance on Bhutan comes up yet again. Anyways keep the dreaming going....Bhutanese people sure have a deep suspicion even hate of you (way more than in India, Vietnam, Japan etc)...they just Buddhist so they keep it controlled. Too bad you can't go and see for yourself lol.

Tag me when China responds with something concrete to being ejected from the area....I know you will be staying up 24/7 waiting for it desperately lol.
Heh your ignorance on Bhutan comes up yet again. Anyways keep the dreaming going....Bhutanese people sure have a deep suspicion even hate of you (way more than in India, Vietnam, Japan etc)...they just Buddhist so they keep it controlled. Too bad you can't go and see for yourself lol.

Tag me when China responds with something concrete to being ejected from the area....I know you will be staying up 24/7 waiting for it desperately lol.

I am glad to see that you hindus are itching for a 2 front war with the hopes your daddy US will save you

keep it up:tup:
Chinese are the encroaching the territory, India should ban the Chinese imports.
The Indian market constitutes only a meagre share of Chinese total export,
While Indians need the imports to sustain her own development. Without them, from where are Indians gonna source low cost goods that she herself is even incapable of producing?

In other words, Indians need the Chinese way more than the latter needs the former.

India should ban Chinese imports indeed.
The Indian market constitutes only a meagre share of Chinese total export,
While Indians need the imports to sustain her own development. Without them, from where are Indians gonna source low cost goods that she herself is even incapable of producing?

In other words, Indians need the Chinese way more than the latter needs the former.

India should ban Chinese imports indeed.

And last year they were talking of boycott (Chinese goods) which they could not.
They are busy eating crow on this boycott issue.

At the price China is selling them the required merchandise, no other nation will.
Despite knowing all this, they issued false threats that could not be accomplished by these arrogant Indians.
Heh your ignorance on Bhutan comes up yet again. Anyways keep the dreaming going....Bhutanese people sure have a deep suspicion even hate of you (way more than in India, Vietnam, Japan etc)...they just Buddhist so they keep it controlled. Too bad you can't go and see for yourself lol.

Tag me when China responds with something concrete to being ejected from the area....I know you will be staying up 24/7 waiting for it desperately lol.

:lol: Lol you couldn't explain how India is so angel by cutting oil and gas to a nation that It claim to have security guarantor treaty but make a pure fantasy claim that they hate us more than you, the very fact is India feel insecure that Bhutan want to normalize their relation with China and the paranoid India government was so desperate and hopeless so the only way out is to slap sanction on Bhutan...India just shown their true colors to Bhutan and the rest of the world, Nepal knew the true color of India that's why it has China's card to balance India when ever they need. Indian government that is so anger by China's move on this event and afraid that Bhutan to become another Nepal. :D

The Indian market constitutes only a meagre share of Chinese total export,
While Indians need the imports to sustain her own development. Without them, from where are Indians gonna source low cost goods that she herself is even incapable of producing?

In other words, Indians need the Chinese way more than the latter needs the former.

India should ban Chinese imports indeed.

lol then China should threaten to ban our export to India :p:
China has territorial disputes with all the nations it shares a border with, and eight other countries? The only exceptional is Pakistan who feels happy to be China's slave & has given land to appease. A look into Chinese imperialism and its expansionist designs.

List of the countries which has territorial and border disputes with the great peaceful China:
  1. Japan :: Parts of the East China Sea, particularly the Senkaku Islands. Also, on occasion, the Ryukyu Islands, on the grounds that the completely independent Kingdom of Ryukyu was once a vassal state of China. The Kingdom of Ryukyu terminated tributary relations with China in 1874.

  2. Vietnam :: China claims large parts of Vietnam on historical precedent (Ming Dynasty, 1368-1644). Also, Macclesfield Bank, Paracel Islands, parts of the South China Sea and the Spratly Islands.

  3. India :: China illegally occupies 38,000 sq km (Aksai Chin) of land in Jammu & Kashmir. It also holds 5,180 km of Indian territory in Pakistan occupied Kashmir under Sino-Pak agreement of 1963. At the heart of Sino-Indian boundary dispute is the issue of Arunachal Pradesh (90,000 sq km), which China describes as "Southern Tibet". Beijing is demanding that at least the Tawang Tract of Arunachal Pradesh, if not the whole of the state, be transferred to China.

  4. Nepal :: China claims parts of Nepal dating back to the Sino-Nepalese War in 1788-1792. China claims they are part of Tibet, therefore part of China.

  5. North Korea :: Baekdu Mountain and Jiandao. China has also on occasion claimed all of North Korea on historical grounds (Yuan Dynasty, 1271-1368).

  6. The Philippines :: Parts of the South China Sea, particularly Scarborough Shoal and the Spratly Islands. Russia :: 160,000 square kilometres still unilaterally claimed by China, despite China signing several agreements. Singapore :: Parts of the South China Sea.

  7. South Korea :: Parts of the East China Sea. China has also on occasion claimed all of South Korea on historical grounds (Yuan Dynasty, 1271-1368).

  8. Bhutan :: Bhutanese enclaves in Tibet, namely Cherkip Gompa, Dho, Dungmar, Gesur, Gezon, Itse Gompa, Khochar, Nyanri, Ringung, Sanmar, Tarchen and Zuthulphuk. Also Kula Kangri and mountainous areas to the west of this peak, plus the western Haa District of Bhutan.

  9. Taiwan :: China claims all of Taiwan, but particular disputes are: Macclesfi eld Bank, Paracel Islands, Scarborough Shoal, parts of the South China Sea and the Spratly Islands. The Paracel Islands, also called Xisha Islands in Vietnamese, is a group of islands in the South China Sea whose sovereignty is disputed among China, Taiwan and Vietnam disputes with Burma.

  10. Kazakhstan :: There are continual unilateral claims by China on Kazakhstan territory, despite new agreements, in China's favour signed every few years.

  11. Laos :: China claims large areas of Laos on historical precedent (China's Yuan Dynasty, 1271-1368).

  12. Brunei :: Over Spratly Islands. The Spratly Islands is a disputed group of more than 750 reefs, islets, atolls, cays, and islands in the South China Sea. About 45 islands are occupied by small numbers of military forces from the People's Republic of China, Taiwan, Vietnam, the Philippines, and Malaysia. Brunei has also claimed an exclusive economic zone in the southeastern part of the Spratlys encompassing just one area of small islands on Louisa Reef. This has led to escalating tensions.

  13. Tajikistan :: Chinese claims based on historical precedent (Qing Dynasty, 1644-1912).

  14. Cambodia :: China has, on occasion, claimed parts of Cambodia on historical precedent (China's Ming Dynasty, 1368-1644). Indonesia :: Parts of the South China Sea.

  15. Kyrgyzstan :: China claims the majority of Kyrgyzstan on the grounds that it was unfairly forced to cede the territory (which it had formerly conquered) to Russia in the 19th century.

  16. Mongolia :: China claims all of Mongolia on historical precedent (Yuan Dynasty, 1271-1368). In fact, Mongolia, under Genghis Khan, occupied China.

  17. Afghanistan :: Afghan province of Bahdakhshan (despite a bilateral treaty of 1963, China still encroaches on Afghan territory).
  18. Malaysia :: Malaysia has generally played it safe when defending its national interests, usually by conventional diplomatic channels. In the context of the South China Sea, eleven maritime features in it are the subject of disputed claims. Malaysia lays claim to eight of those maritime features, the most important being Swallow Reef, the rocks forming Erica Reef, Investigator Shoal, and Mariveles ReefOver Parts of the South China Sea, particularly the Spratly Islands.
  19. Indonesia :: Jakarta has objected to China's inclusion of waters around the Indonesian-ruled Natuna Islands within a "nine-dash line" Beijing marks on maps to show its claim on the body of water.
The only country it settled its border disputes, is Russia, because China cannot bully Russia & its weaponry was & is far advanced to meddle with. Also China wanted Russian tech to build its Military.

No country including America has the will to take on China on its own individually unless pushed. India's boldness is vital for smaller countries to stand up against China to contain it. If America takes the lead, Japan, Vietnam & India will be the countries which can come together to deliver the much required punch to China. At least one joint warning blow is long over due to shake the Chinese hegemony & arrogance. It will put the Chinese in its place & the bullying will stop immediately

1)China has as much as a claim on both Diaoyu and Liuqiu islands as Japan thinks she does.

2)link your source that China claims Northern Vietnam.Chiang kai shek even rejected the whole of Vietnam when Roosevelt offered it to him as the spoils of war post WW2.


3)Since when has China claimed Singapore?


4)Changbai moutains has already been officially delineated between China n Noko long ago. The caldera in the middle('legendary' birthplace of kim jong ill's father)is divided into half between them.


5)India is illegally occupying South Tibet as much as the former claims China is 'illegally' occupying Aksai Chin.


6)link your source that Nepal has a dispute with China. Mount everest is divided into half between them with China possesing the northern side of the summit while Nepal has the southern one- not to mention Nepal is welcoming OBOR with open arms n relations have never been happier today.


Atually, im lazy to continue on with the rest of ur walltext long of bushit.
India's pharmaceutical export trade would come to a screeching halt thereby (India) losing 17 billion.
Already losing 4 billion from beef exports which they want to stop.
Heard you guys are revising your taxation methods. Would that not give your gdp a boost?
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