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Syria: What Your're Not Being Told

Syrian Lion

Feb 6, 2012
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Syrian Arab Republic
Syrian Arab Republic
The resistance??????? You mean the 13% alewite resistance who want to rule the Muslim population of Syria & keep Assad as its dictator
Analysis of the latest developments in Syria given by StormCloudsGathering from YT, including how the anti-government militants in Syria were behind the poison gas (chemical weapons) attacks, upon which the US is making its case in order to strike Syria with cruise missiles.

Watch the whole video!

I've watched it entirely just now. The evidence presented that Syrian rebels are behind the sarin attacks is logical and sounds convincing, but could just as well be a false-flag lie by the Assad regime. Please, don't think the Assad regime is above lying to the world. I've learned over the years that no government is above lying.

I will say the NATO+Israeli attitude towards the middle east is completely fucked up, can even be called evil (far too many muslims have died because of this divide-and-conquer bullshit, and far too much money has been wasted on nasty tools of war) and has been for quite a while (at least since the Iraq-Iran war as far as I can see now).

Yet, I don't think Obama is going to head any petition of mine to do better. :(

(edit: I've forwarded this post to info@whitehouse.gov, info@cia.gov and nsapao@nsa.gov)
The resistance??????? You mean the 13% alewite resistance who want to rule the Muslim population of Syria & keep Assad as its dictator

so those Alewite aren't muslim according to you?
Nothing to prepare for.

The only thing to do, is to hope that the inevitable nuclear exchange during a US-Russia conflict is limited in nature.

the US and Russia will try to start yet another (series of) proxy wars[1], much sooner than they'd ever fight eachother directly or heavily (let alone with nuclear weapons)..

[1] Latvia and it's 2 equally tiny neighbor countries, together with west-Ukraine, are being prepared to be used as proxywar zone over a long story of dick-measuring between the US and Russia.. (US ICBM interceptor bases in Poland, etc, etc)
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the US and Russia will try to start yet another (series of) proxy wars[1], much sooner than they'd ever fight eachother directly or heavily (let alone with nuclear weapons)..

Yes, they don't want to fight each other directly.

But history shows how things can escalate out of control extremely quickly.

They are both fighting right now in Syria, it's already in a very bad situation.
Yes, they don't want to fight each other directly.

But history shows how things can escalate out of control extremely quickly.[1]

They are both fighting right now in Syria, it's already in a very bad situation.[2]

[1] Can you provide some examples? even 1 would help me.
[2] I fully agree, since a few years ago i've held the same opinion as you. i see it as the common-sense-opinion
[1] Can you provide some examples? even 1 would help me.
[2] I fully agree, since a few years ago i've held the same opinion as you. i see it as the common-sense-opinion

Just off the top of my head, the Korean War.

It went from North Korea invading South Korea, to the US + 16 of her allies beating North Korea all the way back to the Yalu River, to a full Chinese military attack against the US + 16 of her allies. And then General MacArthur's open threat to nuke China as he was forced to retreat.

This all happened within 1 year (1950).

You could argue the same thing with the Vietnam War, or any other war really. But in these historical cases, only 1 side had nuclear weapons. Times are different now.
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