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Possible new terror attack in London unfolding.

It's high time to go back to a month without charging someone, stripping people of their citizenship and locking people away for public safety
Any prime minister who will dare do that will be signing his own political suicide I'm afraid. British society is very different from others. Such laws/measures will set off alarm bells from some members of public/politicians alike and bring tremendous pressure on the government. So I don't think that's realistic for us.

Bro obviously you can't charge him until there is tangible evidence. But this man was not even questioned! He wasn't even followed, nor did he have his phone tapped. This can be blamed on the authorities, the buck stop with them. They are in charge of safety of the country
Yes bro, I know. However, i believe our authorities receive such calls countless times daily. They have to prioritise cases they deem crucial/critical using the data/information they have. It's impossible for them to follow each and every case/call. That will require a very significant amount of resources.
Any prime minister who will dare do that will be signing his own political suicide I'm afraid. British society is very from others. Such laws/measures will set off alarm bells from some members of public/politicians alike and bring tremendous pressure on the government. So I don't think that's realistic for us.

It's sad but you are right. I just want to see what unfolds in the next 2 weeks with the election being over, and what she exactly means by "enough is enough".
Who did the London attacks?
At least 1 is of Pakistani origin according to some sources, the other two are still unknown
wow horrible if true.

What idiot that Pakistani is if he or she did it.

They should shoot that criminal dead.
So all these incidents are happening just before elections and after the ruling party fails to make any impression?
Britain has to copy Pakistan module and setup military courts, also lift the ban on death sentence. After creating an example out of few swines, rest will fall into place. Pakistan govt should help them with criminals who have Pakistani origin.
There is no evidence that a Pakistani was involved in the London terrorist attacks.
It's sad but you are right. I just want to see what unfolds in the next 2 weeks with the election being over, and what she exactly means by "enough is enough".

May might try to give the image to the British people that she is tough and is the only one able to deal successfully against terrorism. Even more after the polls aren't very favourable to the Tories since the last couple of days. I think that's only her strong point as Corbyn seems very suspicious on the matter.
May might try to give the image to the British people that she is tough and is the only one able to deal successfully against terrorism. Even more after the polls aren't very favourable to the Tories since the last couple of days. I think that's only her strong point as Corbyn seems very suspicious on the matter.
May didn't take part in any TV debating as she got nothing to offer. Now she will be glad to see election campaign suspended second time since he announced elections.
Install cameras in mosques and monitor them 24/7. Also shut down small mosques so monitoring can become easier by concentrating in less mosques.

All those things you mention might sound nice and all, but yet again there can't be adopted in our country anytime soon. That will be too controversial here. If you know/understand british society well, you will know why our leaders can't adopt such measures.

Moreover, people forget to talk about the things the government can do that won't violate our laws or bring controversy. i.e some Islamic schools and colleges who preach hate and twisted radical islamic ideology to their young muslim pupils. Our government has been trying to shut many of them down(those who refused to change or comply with government regulations even after being warned by the government) but they have succeeded in closing only a few so far. The main problem our government has been facing with closing them all down is yet again :OUR LEGAL SYSTEM/LAW , as always. Lol

This is even despite calls for some of these schools to be shut down by our Department of Education. These radical islamic schools have repeatedly launched legal appeals and the government has been powerless to stop them.

Reason Theresa May has been calling for an emergency legislation to shut these brainwashing terror breeding schools down. This legislation is still pending as far as I know.

It was said that young girls/pupils in these extremist islamic schools were reportedly taught that they can be beaten and raped by their husbands in order to “make Allah happy”.

One former pupil even said I QUOTE: “We were not taught geography, history or music and in art we just did knitting. We were banned from drawing anything with eyes. There was no sex education and we were taught that evolution was a belief of devil worshippers and atheists. Most of our day was spent doing Islamic studies".




So we also need to look into this. Imagine the ideology these young muslim children grew up with and how it has shaped their views/way of life. Can't imagine how they now view the world when they grow up.
It's true we are a country ruled by law and tolerance. However, even me, I believe sometimes we take this "rule of law/tolerance/liberty" too far . Just my two cents.
All those things you mention might sound nice and all, but yet again there can't be adopted in our country anytime soon. That will be too controversial here. If you know/understand british society well, you will know why our leaders can't adopt such measures.

Moreover, people forget to talk about the things the government can do that won't violate our laws or bring controversy. i.e some Islamic schools who preach hate and twisted radical islamic ideology to their young muslim pupils. Our government has been trying to shut many of them down(those refused to change or comply with government regulations even after being warned by the government) but they have succeeded in closing only a very few so far. The main problem our government has been facing is yet again :OUR LEGAL SYSTEM/LAW , as always. Lol
This is even despite calls for some of these schools to be shut down by the Department of Education. These radical islamic schools have repeatedly launched legal appeals and the government has been powerless to stop them.lol
Reason Theresa May has been calling for emergency legislation to shut the schools down. This legislation is still pending as far as I know.
It was said that young girls/pupils in these extremist islamic schools were reportedly taught that they can be beaten and raped by their husbands in order to “make Allah happy”.

One former pupil even said: “We were not taught geography, history or music and in art we just did knitting. We were banned from drawing anything with eyes. There was no sex education and we were taught that evolution was a belief of devil worshippers and atheists. Most of our day was spent doing Islamic studies".




So we also need to look into this. Imagine the ideology these young muslim children grew up with and how it has shaped their views. Can't imagine how they now view the world when they grow up.
It's true we are a country ruled by law and tolerance. However, even me, I believe sometimes we take this "rule of law/tolerance/liberty" too far IMO.
There is no such thing radical islamic schools. these are similar to what Church of England COE schools.
All Islamic kids are top performers in GCSE and A levels.
we British Muslims refuse to have our cultural and religious freedom taken away. Keep ur UKIP and Tori propaganda to yourself.
I have yet to see any large news outlet say that a Pakistani was involved in the London terrorist van attacks.

UK's Rudd says London attackers probably 'radical Islamist terrorists'

The attackers who killed seven people and wounded 48 in central London on Saturday were probably "radical Islamist terrorists", Britain's interior minister Amber Rudd said on Sunday.

"As the prime minister said, we are confident about the fact that they were radical Islamist terrorists, the way they were inspired, and we need to find out more about where this radicalisation came from," Rudd told ITV television.

Rudd declined to comment on whether the perpetrators of the attack had been known to authorities before Saturday.

"The operation is ongoing so we are finding out more about who these three are," he said.

Rudd also said it did not appear that there was a link between the London attackers and a suicide bombing in Manchester on May 22 that killed 22 people at a pop concert.

"We think it is unlikely. It looks like there wasn't, but we can't rule it out at the moment," she said.

Rudd said Britain's terror threat level, which currently stands at severe, had not been increased to its highest level of critical because authorities believed "that they have got all the main perpetrators".

(Reporting by William Schomberg and Elisabeth O'Leary; Editing by Catherine Evans)
you would be very happy to send them to Kashmir with guns and ammunition telling them 'their sisters are raped in kashmir' ? right ? it is always good to be 'freedom fighter' then a terrorist ?
Yes. One mans freedom fighter another mans terrorist. My exasperation at them is if they must blow themselves up please take some for a wash in the Ganga.

A partial or full govt control over mosques is what i propose for Pakistan and rest of the world in many middle eastern countries all sermons are approved by the govt
Like Turkey. @KediKesenFare
I have yet to see any single news outlet say that a Pakistani was involved in the London terrorist attacks.

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