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Possible new terror attack in London unfolding.

"Well, if crime fighters fight crime and fire fighters fight fire, what do freedom fighters fight? They never mention that part to us, do they?"
George Carlin - Jammin In New York
Spend a week in palestine or kashmir and you would know.
Memories of President Musharraf being asked years ago about extremists in the UK.

His response to the interviewer was well why have you let them in?

Unbelievable that we are having this conversation during the month of Ramadan. Astagfirullah.
Fair enough. However I must say that IMHO, the perception that they want the reader to go away with is not look out for Muslims who shout and interrupt sermons but rather those who do not vote as they consider it un islamic.
shouting is bad, considering voting un Islamic but keeping it to yourself is acceptable
In the short term it just causes problems like this, And if they want to keep importing migrants and refugees to repair their own low birth rates, in the long term it will turn into an existential threat
Please check how many people in German already are of migrant source, even before Syria and Iraq.
shouting is bad, considering voting un Islamic but keeping it to yourself is acceptable
Yes but what if a Muslim politely tells others his views? You may say that it is fine, but they who mould public opinion do not.

Like I said it seems the perception they wish the reader to go away with is, if a Muslim does not vote, he is to be considered suspicious...
no...there is problem with islam first...it begins with one of main verses that goes something like this...there is no god but allah....from here problems starts with muslims...
Thank you for your honesty. Oh how I wish others were as honest as you are.
It has now emerged that one of the men was reported by his friend to the authorities for his views and sharp decline into radicalism and nothing was done about it.

A friend of one of the suspected attackers says he had reported him to the anti-terror hotline, but no action was taken.

The man, who asked not to be named, told the BBC's Asian Network that the pair had spoken about previous attacks and he was shocked at what he had heard.

"We spoke about a particular attack that had happened and, like most radicals, he had a justification for anything, everything and anything," he said. "That day I realised that I need to contact the authorities."

But the friend claims the suspected attacker was not arrested and was allowed to keep his passport.

"I phoned the anti-terrorist hotline and spoke to the gentleman," he said. "I told him about our conversation and why I think he has been radicalised.

"I did my bit, but the authorities didn't do their bit."

The BBC has asked Scotland Yard for a response.


A shocking lapse in intelligence and follow ups. When the community reports someone it's obviously serious. The same happened with the Manchester attacker, and he was reported no less than five times.

@DesiGuy Oscar's post was a quite a while ago. I have also been clear I want such debate off this thread. Thanks.
@DesiGuy Oscar's post was a quite a while ago. I have also been clear I want such debate off this thread. Thanks.

that sucks...but i would have rather waited for oscar response to it than being deleted off from you...no disrespect intended.
It has now emerged that one of the men was reported by his friend to the authorities for his views and sharp decline into radicalism and nothing was done about it.

A friend of one of the suspected attackers says he had reported him to the anti-terror hotline, but no action was taken.

The man, who asked not to be named, told the BBC's Asian Network that the pair had spoken about previous attacks and he was shocked at what he had heard.

"We spoke about a particular attack that had happened and, like most radicals, he had a justification for anything, everything and anything," he said. "That day I realised that I need to contact the authorities."

But the friend claims the suspected attacker was not arrested and was allowed to keep his passport.

"I phoned the anti-terrorist hotline and spoke to the gentleman," he said. "I told him about our conversation and why I think he has been radicalised.

"I did my bit, but the authorities didn't do their bit."

The BBC has asked Scotland Yard for a response.


A shocking lapse in intelligence and follow ups. When the community reports someone it's obviously serious. The same happened with the Manchester attacker, and he was reported no less than five times.

@DesiGuy Oscar's post was a quite a while ago. I have also been clear I want such debate off this thread. Thanks.
Bro. It's not that easy as ABC, Ok, let's say the authorities arrested him. What will they have done to him? Prosecute/imprison him for airing his views about justifying past terrorist attacks in Britain/Europe? If that's the case then I'm afraid there are even some muslim members on here who might also be in jail for trying to justify terrorist attacks as merely 'retribution/payback by muslims' etc. etc. lol

I'm sorry, but I can't blame our authorities on this aspect. Since they can't start arresting and wasting tax payers money by prosecuting radical islamic individuals who hold certain radical views, since such cases will surely by dismissed by our courts, since they are not credible enough offences to imprison these radicals. Even if we did that, you can bet that our leftists and human rights activists will start condemning this and protesting about violation of their human rights etc etc.
I'm sorry to say this but the only credible way to get them, is to simply keep tracking them until they are about to commit a terrorist act practically or maybe even when they have started carrying out the attack itself. Else, it's difficult to make a strong case against them in our courts by simply using the radical views,hate preaching they indulge in.
That's the sad reality. So let's be more realistic about what can be done with our existing laws/rules and less emotional.
Bro. It's not that easy as ABC, Ok, let's say the authorities arrested him. What will they have done to him? Prosecute/imprison him for airing his views about justifying past terrorist attacks in Britain/Europe? If that's the case then I'm afraid there are even some muslim members on here who might also be in jail for trying to justify terrorist attacks as merely 'retribution/payback by muslims' etc. etc. lol

I'm sorry, but I can't blame our authorities on this aspect. Since they can't start arresting and wasting tax payers money by prosecuting radical islamic individuals who hold certain radical views, since such cases will surely by dismissed by our courts, since they are not credible enough offences to imprison these radicals. Even if we did that, you can bet that our leftists and human rights activists will start condemning this and protesting about violation of their human rights etc etc.
I'm sorry to say this but the only credible way to get them, is to simply keep tracking them until they are about to commit a terrorist act practically or maybe even when they have started carrying out the attack itself. Else, it's difficult to make a strong case against them in our courts by simply using the radical views,hate preaching they indulge in.
That's the sad reality. So let's be more realistic about what can be done with our existing laws/rules and less emotional.

Bro obviously you can't charge him until there is tangible evidence. But this man was not even questioned! He wasn't even followed, nor did he have his phone tapped. This can be blamed on the authorities, the buck stops with them. They are in charge of safety of the country. There's also a fine line between radical views and literally saying that such and such an attack should happen, that's a crime. As I understand his referral was on the basis that he advocated attacks on the country.
As for the lefties, they will always be there and can be ignored. It's high time to go back to a month without charging someone, stripping people of their citizenship and locking people away for public safety.
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@Sher Shah Awan @Kaptaan @mike2000 is back

Time for a crackdown on extremists and those preaching hate. You must not hesitate to close mosques that are deemed radicals and where what not activities are conducted. And of course deporting or jailing the hate preachers imams and the extremists that are brainwashing entire generations with their nauseabond ideologies and teachings.
Britain is a country that prides itself with its freedom of speech and freedom of religion,but this tolerance has been abused so much times by those kind of people.

@Providence Hope you are allright.

Install cameras in mosques and monitor them 24/7. Also shut down small mosques so monitoring can become easier by concentrating in less mosques.

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