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12 dead and 14 hurt in cross-border Afghan shelling in Chaman

adding afghnistan army really doesnt count a single raid of clusters bombs can wreck havoc, real question would be making them your enemey and that would be worrisome..but that boat has gone aleady you have an enemy on your western boarder which will not change

did you even read my first line...
we need more diplomatic show and if needed limtied strength show...state job is to protect their land civilians if you cant do that, than better disband such a large army and just keep 2lac militery as countries like bangladesh , and otehr coutnries are doing, and are doing a better job by the way
adding afghnistan army really doesnt count a single raid of clusters bombs can wreck havoc, real question would be making them your enemey and that would be worrisome..but that boat has gone aleady you have an enemy on your western boarder which will not change

did you even read my first line...
we need more diplomatic show and if needed limtied strength show...state job is to protect their land civilians if you cant do that, than better disband such a large army and just keep 2lac militery as countries like bangladesh , and otehr coutnries are doing, and are doing a better job by the way

Ok screw what i said tell me this.. Let's say we attack Ana full on destroy them completely then what? Ana is U.S backes which means sanctions for sure, All afgan people who loved pak in past would think differently about it. India will be laughing n saying mission accomplished.
Is that what you really want?

Rather then let our Military n intelligence figure out wtf is going on and then act accordingly no? Seems like the logical answer to me.
First of all RIP to dead on both sides. A shameful and regrettable incidence.

This is how the events unfolded according to Afghan side

Kandahar police told Reuters news agency that the Pakistani team were using the census as cover for ""malicious activities and to provoke villagers against the government"

Is this joke especially when afghan authority have been informed in advance about census work?
Because opening western front is what Kabuli puppets want on behalf of India. Afghanistan government isn't independent, they need USA aid for basic survival. Their GDP is $15 billion and half of that comes from drug trade and rest smuggling. Their politicians are on payroll of India. They no longer have stakes in Afghanistan. Rest of population is divided along tribal lines which have accepted warfare as being part of their lives. They join taliban, isis, army, police etc for money. For them all of them are same as long as they are getting paid.

Every war need objective and I don't see which is that when it comes to Afghanistan. At least against India we had to liberated Kashmir. If objective is to just kill more poor Afghani soldiers then taliban/isis are doing just fine.

Pakistan cannot afford to spend as much on western border as it does on eastern at the same time.

As sensible post and I agree to all points. It's a trap set for by India. The afghans are just pawns.

However, what is needed is retribution. The crimes committed by the Afghan terrorists shouldn't be forgiven. I'm not for large scale response... rather there should be targeted missions into Afghanistan to take out their military, senior political (who are known enemies of pakistan), and officials of the Afghan intelligence service.
Kandahar police told Reuters news agency that the Pakistani team were using the census as cover for ""malicious activities and to provoke villagers against the government"

Is this joke especially when afghan authority have been informed in advance about census work?

It's not a joke at all. It was all pre planed.. n this is what their masters told them to say
We should remove every afghan filth from Pakistan and fence the so they cannot even come unauthorized ways.
Boycott afghan businesses in Pakistan.
Dont give them your money so they can kill you back.
Abuse every afghan you see so they will force to go back.
Dont let them settle in your areas.
Yes we do he was a Muslim hating bastard

I don't see any evidence of that. Yes he was pro hindus and not as much pro muslim. There was reasons for that, 99% of sikhs converts were hindus and not muslims before converting. But apart from that sikh empire didn't displace any muslim from their lands, proof? All these muslim tribes which have origin in west punjab still were landowners when British came. Some of them fought sikhs on local level and lost, others made alliance with them. But sikhs didn't displace them, it just means now they had to pay tax to Lahore and not Delhi. If anything it was British that settled sikhs and punjabi muslim arains from east punjab in west punjab canal colonies in large numbers.

All this talk about genocide is all hogwash to say the least. Many of muslims were not happy with sikh rule and hence supported British against them. Reason could be ban on cow slaughter. As I said sikh empire was pro hinduism by default.
Offtopic but most Muslim Punjabis who have studied history also hate them

I don't see any evidence of that. Yes he was pro hindus and not as much pro muslim. There was reasons for that, 99% of sikhs converts were hindus and not muslims before converting. But apart from that sikh empire didn't displace any muslim from their lands, proof? All these muslim tribes which have origin in west punjab still were landowners when British came. Some of them fought sikhs on local level and lost, others made alliance with them. But sikhs didn't displace them, it just means now they had to pay tax to Lahore and not Delhi. If anything it was British that settled sikhs and punjabi muslim arains from east punjab in west punjab canal colonies in large numbers.

All this talk about genocide is all hogwash to say the least. Many of muslims were not happy with sikh rule and hence supported British against them. Reason could be ban on cow slaughter. As I said sikh empire was pro hinduism by default.

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The suggestions made by some members here are beyond me. Every action has a reaction and strong response from Pakistan does not mean that all hell will break loose on Pakistan and we will be attacked from both sides of the border. If we allow the afghan forces to dictate the battle by letting them start and end it they will keep doing it because it has no cost to them. Make it too costly to them which we can and they will stop playing with us and stop taking us for fools. The government and military has absolutely failed in giving a comprehensive response. By comprehensive response i mean.

Exposing the Afghans internationally (both public and in power circles)
overwhelming military response (i.e ceasefire at our time)
Diplomatic pressure
I don't see any evidence of that. Yes he was pro hindus and not as much pro muslim. There was reasons for that, 99% of sikhs converts were hindus and not muslims before converting. But apart from that sikh empire didn't displace any muslim from their lands, proof? All these muslim tribes which have origin in west punjab still were landowners when British came. Some of them fought sikhs on local level and lost, others made alliance with them. But sikhs didn't displace them, it just means now they had to pay tax to Lahore and not Delhi. If anything it was British that settled sikhs and punjabi muslim arains from east punjab in west punjab canal colonies in large numbers.

All this talk about genocide is all hogwash to say the least. Many of muslims were not happy with sikh rule and hence supported British against them. Reason could be ban on cow slaughter. As I said sikh empire was pro hinduism by default.

They banned Azan too. And what do you mean by east Punjab Arains? Most of the Arains that migrated were from Jalandar and Gurdaspur which are right on the border...
Why Afghans keep enmity toward Pakistan especially Punjabi Muslim in Pakistan whom they still label as kala dal khor Hindus ? They still love kafir India though as compare to Pakistan lol
I received more respect from non Muslim sikh Punjabi than what I got from Muslim afghan . I cannot tolerate racism and arrogance no matter where its coming from.

Remember brother what goes around comes around. Even though we think interactions on the internet are anonymous, they have an effect on real life and there is a real person behind every forum member we interact with. I, as an East Punjab Sikh have received a lot of love and affection from Pakistanis on this forum even though people like @lastofthepatriots also exist and will carry that forward in real life and whenever somebody asks me my opinion of Pakistanis it will be positive as a result.
Afghan Forces are using houses and other civilian areas as shelters, basically they are using innocent civilians as meat shields.

Remember brother what goes around comes around. Even though we think interactions on the internet are anonymous, they have an effect on real life and there is a real person behind every forum member we interact with. I, as an East Punjab Sikh have received a lot of love and affection from Pakistanis on this forum even though people like @lastofthepatriots also exist and will carry that forward in real life and whenever somebody asks me my opinion of Pakistanis it will be positive as a result.
Just cause I don't like ranjit Singh and Nalwa doesn't mean I hate Sikhs in general.
Yes he was pro hindus and not as much pro muslim. There was reasons for that, 99% of sikhs converts were hindus and not muslims before converting. But apart from that sikh empire didn't displace any muslim from their lands, proof? All these muslim tribes which have origin in west punjab still were landowners when British came. Some of them fought sikhs on local level and lost, others made alliance with them. But sikhs didn't displace them, it just means now they had to pay tax to Lahore and not Delhi. If anything it was British that settled sikhs and punjabi muslim arains from east punjab in west punjab canal colonies in large numbers.

All this talk about genocide is all hogwash to say the least. Many of muslims were not happy with sikh rule and hence supported British against them. Reason could be ban on cow slaughter. As I said sikh empire was pro hinduism by default.
Actually Sikhs were not pro Muslims because of cruelty of Mughal rulers toward them. Badshahi Mosque was desecrated by Ranjit Singh because it was built by Aurangzeb whom Sikhs dislike the most as Mughals killed their Gurru but any way Afghans rulers were not saint either as they were involved in plundering looting and rape as well .
They banned Azan too. And what do you mean by east Punjab Arains? Most of the Arains that migrated were from Jalandar and Gurdaspur which are right on the border...

By east punjab I mean current day Indian punjab.
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