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12 dead and 14 hurt in cross-border Afghan shelling in Chaman

Remember brother what goes around comes around. Even though we think interactions on the internet are anonymous, they have an effect on real life and there is a real person behind every forum member we interact with. I, as an East Punjab Sikh have received a lot of love and affection from Pakistanis on this forum even though people like @lastofthepatriots also exist and will carry that forward in real life and whenever somebody asks me my opinion of Pakistanis it will be positive as a result.
Those Sikhs whom I met in UK respected my country that's why I respected them in return and our experience in real life shape our opinions toward each others
I never had a problem except for bhappas, who I beat up before. Life is too short to hate.
You are right life is too short to hate but we cannot love those who are racist and arrogant. Can we ?

Respect begets respect
Hate begets hate

Now we all should get back to actual topic which is our serious concern right now rather than discussing what past rulers did in past
This is why i didn't bothr eplying on this thread since yesterday because we all know how i feel about Afghanistan.

If we dont change out Afghan policy which has been the same since 2005 things will only get worse, Like Ajit Doval said India will fight us till the last Afghani.
I will make another prediction today, India will do the same kid of things now at the Iran Pakistan border, using paid terrorists and undercover raw agents working from Afghanistan to attack each others forces so the border becomes hot on all sides. Iranians are waiting to start a propaganda war against us since RS took command of Islamic alliance anyway so India will exploit this.

What happened today what happened at APS is all our fault as a nation. For years the sane people of the country have been asking.begging the establishment to properly secure the Afghan border like our eastern one but the army and government has never taken it seriously and ignored it and told us lies like Afghan border is unsealable ! yet we can make LOC boundary all over kashmir till siachen on top of snow cover peaks, yet afghan border can't be done where locals cross over the border easily. its all lies.

Ten years from now we will be discussing how the sane people were telling the government and army to border up the iran border properly like the eastern front or india will just use to exploit us like they have been doing it in Afghanistan since a decade.

our afghan policy is a total failure if we cant secure our borders first so we stop a weak nation like them attacking us.

Our ISI chief was on a visit to Afghanistan just yesterday.
After today i think we know where we stand.

Rather then spending billions on Cpec maybe we should be spending some money from that on actively making a LOC boundary wall on the Afghan and Iran border like our eastern front.
You can't build that Bigly Wall. Anyway, ANF artillery and rocket will barrage over it. There should have been open and sustatined areal bombardment on ANF installation and qandhar governor house and all TTP installations using 2-3 squadrons of Thunders till sites were pulverized. GHQ is too timid and too cautious.
Every sob is slapping a nuclear power which is only licking its wounds and has become a lughing stock in the world.
Ok screw what i said tell me this.. Let's say we attack Ana full on destroy them completely then what? Ana is U.S backes which means sanctions for sure, All afgan people who loved pak in past would think differently about it. India will be laughing n saying mission accomplished.
Is that what you really want?

Rather then let our Military n intelligence figure out wtf is going on and then act accordingly no? Seems like the logical answer to me.
i will repat my self again
why would we attack ANA, we shouldnt..
three scenarios
1. mild response
2. moderate response
3. extreme response

1.we should at least have PM give a strong warning statement, and national assembly resolution, stopping all not essentials visit and with drawing from afghan talks

2. artillery on their positions, closing embassy, refusing to open diplomatic ties unless apology and acceptance of durand line

3. extreme position: should consider telling them that we will not allow any major forces within 5-10km boarder line, if they break just use artillery

now we opted for nothing, the PM said " i am sorry afghans hate us, i love them"
and you are telling to attack ana, that scenrio doesnt even exist in my extreme response model

Pakistan is probably the only country who is violated so openly by every country after syria, we indeed have became a laughing stock

this isnt just aghanistan shelling from across the boarder, its entry, killing civilians , occupation ..this is symbolic

this video shows ANA in Pakistan territory
i will say LOL
There was no confusion. Your side was informed about the census activities in April.

Their own spokesman said it was the census team and apparently they were telling the populace anti govt stuff. What can one say to this rubbish.
Bro you miss one more thing ... we should also ban nato movement as all the equipment being used is being tranported through our land ...

i will repat my self again
why would we attack ANA, we shouldnt..
three scenarios
1. mild response
2. moderate response
3. extreme response

1.we should at least have PM give a strong warning statement, and national assembly resolution, stopping all not essentials visit and with drawing from afghan talks

2. artillery on their positions, closing embassy, refusing to open diplomatic ties unless apology and acceptance of durand line

3. extreme position: should consider telling them that we will not allow any major forces within 5-10km boarder line, if they break just use artillery

now we opted for nothing, the PM said " i am sorry afghans hate us, i love them"
and you are telling to attack ana, that scenrio doesnt even exist in my extreme response model

Pakistan is probably the only country who is violated so openly by every country after syria, we indeed have became a laughing stock

this isnt just aghanistan shelling from across the boarder, its entry, killing civilians , occupation ..this is symbolic

this video shows ANA in Pakistan territory
i will say LOL

Missing RS ... we could have been proud nation ...

Bajwa is another Kiyani ...

We will be soon listening the properties and positions secured by his relatives after his retirement by serving three terms ...
15 dead in Kabul-ignited Chaman battle
| Several wounded in clash resulting from Afghan soldiers’ firing at Pak census teams | Pakistan protests aggression, shuts border gate, warns of consequences
May 06, 2017

Quetta - In an apparently deliberate and planned act of aggression, Afghan security forces Friday morning opened fire at Pakistani census teams near Chaman border.

The assault provoked a response from the Pakistani side, resulting in hours-long exchange of fire in which both sides also used heavy arms - killing at least 15 people, nine of them on Pakistani side.

Eight of the dead Pakistanis were civilians while one soldier of Frontier Corps were also martyred in the clash that only subsided late afternoon.

Dozens of people including security officials were also injured on both sides in the incident, which served another blow to already tense relations between the neighbours.

“So far nine patients have expired out of the 42 wounded brought to the Civil Hospital Chaman,” Medical Superintendent Dr Akhtar told The Nation.

Three women and three children were among the casualties while seven critical patients have been referred to Quetta hospitals, he said.

Other hospital sources said that four personnel of Balochistan Frontier Corps were also injured and one of them later succumbed to their wounds.

The toll on Pakistani side was much heavier because the Afghan border police reportedly had already dug up in Killi Luqman and Killi Jahangir villages, and they fired at the Pakistani census teams as well as the villagers from their secure positions.

Warning to Kabul

The census exercise was stopped in the affected border areas and all the villagers had been evacuated to safer locations, security officials said.

In a gesture of protest as well as a security precaution, Pakistani authorities shut down the Chaman gate – which leads from country’s Balochistan province into Afghanistan’s Kandahar province, and is one of only two major crossing points.

The foreign ministry also summoned Afghanistan's charge d’affaires in Islamabad to protest, calling the firing "unprovoked".

"Pakistan reserves the right to fully respond if Afghanistan fails to take measures to stop this provocation," a foreign office spokesman told a regular press briefing in Islamabad.

Pakistan Army also warned Kabul of befitting response in case it continued the policy of aggression.

In a statement Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif said it was Afghanistan's responsibility to "ensure that such incidents are permanently stopped".

The funeral prayer of martyred Sepoy Hassan Ali was offered in Quetta Garrison, said ISPR in a statement. Commander Southern Command Lt-Gen Aamir Riaz, Inspector General of Balochistan Frontier Corps Major General Nadeem Ahmed Anjum, officials and soldiers attended the funeral.

The Sepoy will be buried with full military honour, stated the ISPR.

Gen Abdul Raziq, the police chief in Afghanistan's Kandahar province, said six people — four Afghan policemen and two civilians — were killed while another 37 were wounded on their side of the border, adding he had asked his men to hold fire – unless Pakistani forces begin shooting again.

Rejection of Afghan position

Samim Khpalwak, spokesman for Kandahar governor, claimed the Pakistani census officials had strayed on to the Afghan side of the border and were attempting to count people living there.

But a press statement from military’s media wing rejected the claim, saying that Afghan border police had been "creating hurdles" for the census team in the Chaman area since April 30.

"This [aggression] was done despite the fact that Afghan authorities had been informed well in advance and coordination was carried out through diplomatic and military channels for conduct of the census," the military said.

Indirect admission of aggression

The fact that the Afghan border police committed this act of aggression under a well-thought-out plan and at the orders from Kabul was proved by a statement of Kandahar Police spokesman Zia Durani, who alleged that Pakistani officials were using the census as a cover for "malicious activities and to provoke villagers against the government".

"They did not heed the warning and we have clear orders to engage them," Durani said, clearly showing that the firing by Afghan border police was no accident.

Durand Line

The two nations are divided by the "Durand Line", a 2,400-kilometre (1,500-mile) frontier drawn by the British in 1890s and disputed by Kabul, which does not officially recognise it as an international border.

Ethnic Pashtuns living along the border have traditionally paid it little heed, with villages straddling the frontier that have mosques and houses with one door in Pakistan and another in Afghanistan.

Last year, Pakistan started building a barrier at the main border crossing in the town of Torkham, near the Khyber Pass, angering Afghanistan which rejects any efforts that could lend permanence to the Durand Line as a border.

Sour relations

Relations between the countries have been uneasy since Pakistan's independence in 1947. Afghanistan has traditionally enjoyed better ties with Pakistan's arch rival, India.

Both countries for years have also accused each other of sheltering militants on their soil that both countries allegedly use against each other as proxies.

Tension has been increasing in recent months amid new exchanges of accusations of not doing enough to tackle militants engaging in cross-border raids.


Afghanistan is extremely hostile. They initiate an engagement and when it gets to hot for them they back down asking for ceasefire. This is torkham incident all over again. Just like changezi we lost sepoy hassan ali who simply doing his duty of census work. Shooting at civilians wilfully. Well there DGMO agreed that the border was not where they thought near the ditch but between villages.
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