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12 dead and 14 hurt in cross-border Afghan shelling in Chaman

Latest: Chaman border has been closed. Entire Afghan unit involved in the shelling has been eliminated latest.

Pakistani Army in advance over the ANA positions.
Great news if true. Action should be immediate and decisive.
Great news if true. Action should be immediate and decisive.
They demanded Immediate ceasefire after Pakistani retaliation. Afghan troops lost 37 soldiers. After some time Afghan forces opened fire at torkham border but after retaliation the Afghan guns at torkham also went silent.
Well, most forum members already know my position on Afghanistan. I have said it a million times and each time I'm proven right.

Anyone who still believes in brotherhood BS with Afghanistan is simply in denial.

RIP to the deceased and may Allah give us the strength to do whatever is right to avenge these deaths. That is all there is left to say. All we can do is hope.
This is why i didn't bother replying on this thread since yesterday because we all know how i feel about Afghanistan.

If we dont change out Afghan policy which has been the same since 2005 things will only get worse, Like Ajit Doval said India will fight us till the last Afghani.
I will make another prediction today, India will do the same kid of things now at the Iran Pakistan border, using paid terrorists and undercover raw agents working from Afghanistan to attack each others forces so the border becomes hot on all sides. Iranians are waiting to start a propaganda war against us since RS took command of Islamic alliance anyway so India will exploit this.

What happened today what happened at APS is all our fault as a nation. For years the sane people of the country have been asking.begging the establishment to properly secure the Afghan border like our eastern one but the army and government has never taken it seriously and ignored it and told us lies like Afghan border is unsealable ! yet we can make LOC boundary all over kashmir till siachen on top of snow cover peaks, yet afghan border can't be done where locals cross over the border easily. its all lies.

Ten years from now we will be discussing how the sane people were telling the government and army to border up the iran border properly like the eastern front or india will just use to exploit us like they have been doing it in Afghanistan since a decade.

our afghan policy is a total failure if we cant secure our borders first so we stop a weak nation like them attacking us.

They fired on a census team, they really did stoop to an all time low. I think it's the end for relations between Pakistan and Afghanistan.
Our ISI chief was on a visit to Afghanistan just yesterday.
After today i think we know where we stand.

Rather then spending billions on Cpec maybe we should be spending some money from that on actively making a LOC boundary wall on the Afghan and Iran border like our eastern front.
Nobody is stating war. Its complete lack of any statement or action they are worried. A state attacks you directly (not through proxy) and your statement is that "we are sorry" that's what the translation of pm statement is literally

It's not sorry at all brother. It's just the tune we have towards brotherly nations including Iran n rest of arab world. If you want to know how ruthless our Military is ask India or people on durand line. This is a very sensitive issue. Becaus what we do to next will hunt us for ever. after all we are neighbors...Also please note that Ana is well aware of how powerful Pak is so no need for show of power projection on a nation that has been bombed for the past 40 years. It's all about love.

Come on brother read between the lines. Attack Ana full on? What's the difference between you and U.s/USR? That's what exactly our enmey is expecting us to do.. We are smarter then that atleast our armed forces are...
Make an ememy out of a brotherly nation? Just because we are so powerful? That's exactly what India want's!

Sure Ana is India aligned but rest of innocent afgan people aren't. Imgaine what they would think of pak?

Attack on Iranian guard at the border n now this is telling us the real enemy is desperate n trying last resorts.

How about instead of warmongering, We try to figure out the Ana or the masters were really after? Then act accordingly no?

Like i said Ana isn't going anywhere so we can deal with them once we figure out what's going on..We can blow Ana out of the sky anytime we Want.
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they claimed 4 casualties not 14 , or else we should need to count like Indians ?

We don't need to count like Indians. And that figure of 14 is not from Pakistani media either.

That figure of 14 is from Reuters that is neither Pakistani nor Afghan.

And you want to believe in Afghan govt. Same govt that hasn't given accurate figure of soldiers who died in Mazar e Sharif till today? ?Same govt whose casualty figure didn't exceed beyond 32 in Kabul army hospital attack even though independent sources were claiming at least 80 deaths. If you want to believe that government then be my guest.

Jazbati hona achi baat hai. But thori research bhi kar laini chahiye.

This is what I want.

Just kill Afghans more than our deaths and move on. No need to waste time and energy on this 16th century wasteland.
you are forgetting border with India.

now both sides PA is getting slapped.

Finally apny hi musalman Bhai hai na wo log
adding afghnistan army really doesnt count a single raid of clusters bombs can wreck havoc, real question would be making them your enemey and that would be worrisome..but that boat has gone aleady you have an enemy on your western boarder which will not change
It's not sorry at all brother. It's just the tune we have towards brotherly nations including Iran n rest of arab world. If you want to know how ruthless our Military is ask India or people on durand line. This is a very sensitive issue. Becaus what we do to next will hunt us for ever. after all we are neighbors...Also please note that Ana is well aware of how powerful Pak is so no need for show of power projection on a nation that has been bombed for the past 40 years. It's all about love.

Come on brother read between the lines. Attack Ana full on? What's the difference between you and U.s/USR? That's what exactly our enmey is expecting us to do.. We are smarter then that atleast our armed forces are...
Make an ememy out of a brotherly nation? Just because we are so powerful? That's exactly what India want's!

Sure Ana is India aligned but rest of innocent afgan people aren't. Imgaine what they would think of pak?

Attack on Iranian guard at the border n now this is telling us the real enemy is desperate n trying last resorts.
did you even read my first line...
we need more diplomatic show and if needed limtied strength show...state job is to protect their land civilians if you cant do that, than better disband such a large army and just keep 2lac militery as countries like bangladesh , and otehr coutnries are doing, and are doing a better job by the way
They fired on a census team, they really did stoop to an all time low. I think it's the end for relations between Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Unfortunately for Pakistan I'm still trying to figure out what is the "stooped to an all time low" level of tolerance.

Each time there is an incidence that makes everyone think, "that's it, this is a new low, authorities/state is going to react" ... there is a lull... nothing happens...the same circle of jerk continues.
Nobody is stating war. Its complete lack of any statement or action they are worried. A state attacks you directly (not through proxy) and your statement is that "we are sorry" that's what the translation of pm statement is literally

Because opening western front is what Kabuli puppets want on behalf of India. Afghanistan government isn't independent, they need USA aid for basic survival. Their GDP is $15 billion and half of that comes from drug trade and rest smuggling. Their politicians are on payroll of India. They no longer have stakes in Afghanistan. Rest of population is divided along tribal lines which have accepted warfare as being part of their lives. They join taliban, isis, army, police etc for money. For them all of them are same as long as they are getting paid.

Every war need objective and I don't see which is that when it comes to Afghanistan. At least against India we had to liberated Kashmir. If objective is to just kill more poor Afghani soldiers then taliban/isis are doing just fine.

Pakistan cannot afford to spend as much on western border as it does on eastern at the same time.
They demanded Immediate ceasefire after Pakistani retaliation. Afghan troops lost 37 soldiers. After some time Afghan forces opened fire at torkham border but after retaliation the Afghan guns at torkham also went silent.

Why don't we bomb the hell out of their forward positions, like per emptive strikes?
How many more FC jawans and civilians have to die?
Unfortunately for Pakistan I'm still trying to figure out what is the "stooped to an all time low" level of tolerance.

Each time there is an incidence that makes everyone think, "that's it, this is a new low, authorities/state is going to react" ... there is a lull... nothing happens...the same circle of jerk continues.

For one despite all their cries Pakistan is fencing border. Free movement of afghanis with in Pakistan is becoming more and more difficult. Hundreds of thousands of illegal CNICs are being cancelled which all belong to Afghanis etc Illegals are being harassed by police in Pakistan. Renting your place to afghanis is becoming undesirable because it will land you in trouble with police in future etc Pakistan is finally sending all of them back once for all.

All this started in last year or so.
You should. When rancid singh started off, entire villages in Indian Punjab were cleared of Muslims. Wiped out.

In what is now Pakistani Punjab, they treated Muslims like absolute filth. Desecrated mosques, killed them. Badshahi mosque was turned into a horse stable.

Sikh punjabis treated Muslim punjabis like enemies. I'm not even going into partition days.
Why Afghans keep enmity toward Pakistan especially Punjabi Muslim in Pakistan whom they still label as kala dal khor Hindus ? They still love kafir India though as compare to Pakistan lol
I received more respect from non Muslim sikh Punjabi than what I got from Muslim afghan . I cannot tolerate racism and arrogance no matter where its coming from.
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