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Dear Drunks,,,,you won't have to lie anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Xeric --- prohibition doesnt work anywhere in the world; not even Saudi Arabia or Iran.

Drinking is bad for a number of reasons (forget about religion for a second). Some choose to do it, some dont.

In Pakistan, those who drink -- they do it to get drunk (obliterated). In Turkey or Greece or other places, people drink 1-2 glass and then call it quits.

which is better?

---------- Post added at 01:26 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:25 AM ----------

matlub tusi 1 hi jhakte wich Tunn hona passand karde ho :lol::lol::lol:


and bye for now going outside for half n hour

no Zaki, we'll see you tomorrow most likely.

eat some aanda and drink lots of water before you hit the sack ;)

---------- Post added at 01:27 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:26 AM ----------

Yup! Sex-on-the-beach + South Beach, Miami!


2 words:

''Incredible Hulk''

do a search on it.
My concern is/was not/never 'prohibition', but that little self-respect, self-control, self-righteousness etc etc which would not let you do it.

Who needs a glass of some colorful drink to get him/herself 'obliterated'??
Well, you could say the same thing about sheesha, or cigarettes or even carbonated beverages! Why do we need them? Do they give a cheap satisfaction? I mean, they arent necessarily ''good'' for you either

Of course even with that said -- alcohol can, however kill if consumed irresponsibly (or if its the bootleg poisonous crap which they sell in Kohat)

Believe me -- I would never want myself or my friends, family, colleagues etc. to be seen ''obliterated'' and make a fool out of themselves.

But the truth is, people are out there who want to experiment or try something. It's human nature yaar. If you teach people that it is wrong, instead of artificially enforcing prohibition --then they will make the right choices.

Lets not be in denial, if people want booze in this country --they can get it. They'll pay whatever for it, and its available (not officially or legally, for Muslims). People will get it from bootleggers and/or booze dealers; and hide under the table and intoxicate themselves.

Give people the CHOICE. What they do is their own business. We need our society to be productive and responsible; work hard for themselves and their families, most importantly for NATION. But at the same time, there comes a point where you must not be in denial and not deny that people will be ''humans''

prohibition does not work. Find me ONE place in the world where it did.

what i'm not saying is that people should just blindly go and drink. In fact, it's much better and preferable NOT to drink. For health reasons, and others as well which we all know.
for me, best way for my ''obliteration'' is a game of squash or a hike along the stream or latenight cruise.

i'm no jihazy or sharaby. At least not lately :)

Xeric, u sure u didnt have a little action in the mess hall ;)
Well, you could say the same thing about sheesha, or cigarettes or even carbonated beverages! Why do we need them? Do they give a cheap satisfaction? I mean, they arent necessarily ''good'' for you either

Of course even with that said -- alcohol can, however kill if consumed irresponsibly (or if its the bootleg poisonous crap which they sell in Kohat)

Believe me -- I would never want myself or my friends, family, colleagues etc. to be seen ''obliterated'' and make a fool out of themselves.

But the truth is, people are out there who want to experiment or try something. It's human nature yaar. If you teach people that it is wrong, instead of artificially enforcing prohibition --then they will make the right choices.

Lets not be in denial, if people want booze in this country --they can get it. They'll pay whatever for it, and its available (not officially or legally, for Muslims). People will get it from bootleggers and/or booze dealers; and hide under the table and intoxicate themselves.

Give people the CHOICE. What they do is their own business. We need our society to be productive and responsible; work hard for themselves and their families, most importantly for NATION. But at the same time, there comes a point where you must not be in denial and not deny that people will be ''humans''

prohibition does not work. Find me ONE place in the world where it did.

what i'm not saying is that people should just blindly go and drink. In fact, it's much better and preferable NOT to drink. For health reasons, and others as well which we all know.


This reminded me a funny incident in Makkah and Madina where one of my room-mate used to smoke and smoking is prohibited in Saudi Arabia i guess so it was illegal to sell cigarattes. We were in Makkah and he said Zaki lets go for a walk and i show some other parts of Makkah and he took me to one of the streets where some poor peoples were working and he grabbed a boy from the road and asked him for a cigarrate. He suddenly called him in the backdoor of one shop/house and asked us to wait for 2 minutes and within next 2-3 minutes he brought some packs of cigarattes and started selling it. We actually went to buy cigarattes from somebody else but he was not there and the next guy we spoke with too was selling cigarattes :lol:

Similar incident took place in Madina where we were living in a hotel and their staff used to sell cigarattes. One guy knocked our door and ask for the same roommate and i replied saying he is not there in the room and he told me he is selling cigarattes to him so when he returns let him know that he brought his cigarattes:lol:

Thats the condition of the two most holliest places for Muslims. I wonder what will be available outside these two cities :rofl:
every Saudi ive met was a heavy smoker...u sure smoking cigarettes is banned in Saudi? Maybe just at Makkah/Medina?
every Saudi ive met was a heavy smoker...u sure smoking cigarettes is banned in Saudi? Maybe just at Makkah/Medina?

No i think banned in Makkah and Madina only. Street paddlers are selling cigarattes everywhere and mind you they are very afraid of this job. Whoever you ask for cigaratte think twice before selling cigarattes. I can still remember the red faces of those hotel staff who came to sell cigaratte and when i answered it loudly they were about to cry and started pleading to lower my tone so that no one notices they are selling cigarrates.

Read the following link

Black market thrives on ban of cigarettes in Makkah shops. - Free Online Library

Byline: Badea Abu ABU Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union
ABU Association des Bibliophiles Universels
ABU Ahmadu Bello University (Zaria, Nigeria)
ABU Atlantic Baptist University (Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada) Al-Naja

MAKKAH Makkah: see Mecca, Saudi Arabia.
..... Click the link for more information.: Following the ban on the sale of cigarettes in shops in Makkah, expatriates have begun to sell cigarettes at extortionate prices on the black market.

Authorities recently banned the sale of cigarettes and have threatened violators with fines of up to SR10,000, forcing smokers to buy from street peddlers who have increased the price of a packet of cigarettes from SR6 up to SR15.

Many smokers told Arab News that the ban has made them more persistent smokers. Some of them have, however, opted to smoke the hubble-bubble, which is not banned but is more damaging to health.

To make matters worse, cigarettes are available with Asian shopkeepers, who clandestinely sell to other foreigners Foreigners


the condition of being an alien.


Law. the seizure of foreign subjects to enforce a claim for justice or other right against their nation.

gypsyologist, gipsyologist

Rare. , something that leaves Saudi buyers having to pay intermediaries to buy for them.
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