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Mardan university student killed over alleged blasphemy: police

I used to be a proponent of blasphemy law; not anymore.

This incident (alone) shows what kind of nation we are. Filled with negativity, intolerance and hatred for anybody who doesn't fits in.

Religious matters ko unquestionable banna diya hai. Cannot have a rationale debate with someone regarding a religious topic? Animals.
JI was not an Exceptional case... Maududi and his Jamat e Islami, like other religious parties, were strongly opposed to the idea of Pakistan and actively participated in Anti-Pakistan/Jinnah/ML campaign in 1940s

thats what i said . secular ANP and extremist JI have their affections somewhere else but not with Pakistan
its seems he framed by someone ( group) and and final scene was planned. Let's see if culprits really punished to make a lesson for other.
its seems he framed by someone ( group) and and final scene was planned. Let's see if culprits really punished to make a lesson for other.

He was very outspoken against uni management as well as against political parties.

Haha what lesson more qadris. The nation is cursed and filled animals where any voice is killed. Our fate is darkness and jahalat. All of them were not some village mob but educated students doing masters and PHDs and well educate, its a university for Gods sake and this happened there. If this isnt an open sign of jahalat in Pakistan then I don't know what is. The fact is that Pakistanis and our education system and society raises only blind robots that can't think of themselves and can only do. Donkeys that are whipped. We are a damned and jahil nation and then we wonder why Muslims are so lost and down the ground.
Now i am sure this time also as usual some illiterate and morally bankrupt molvi is behind this.
Wake up pakistan the extremists and terrorists are not just near afghan border or in the form of ISIS or taliban ,they are in fact living at your next door.
We need to kill this religious mindset from our society and also need to expose the true identity of these molvis.
Nope. These were university students. highly educated
Who killed him ? Can you share the pics of his killers ? .
What kind of mentality do such people have . I highly doubt that they've any morals no matter how educated they were .
I'm sure never in their life they know what modernity and modesty is .

Such barbarism mindset I've seen among the Afghan boys in Quetta who would get happy over shia and christian killing . Tribal areas are one hell to live where animals live around you .
From the pictures the killers look elders , they don't look like 20a , they're 30 to 49 year old . While I see some students standing behind them and making videos ?? For God's sake !!!

I don't know why Pashtuns are so harsh nation , barbarity Is not going to help them ,
In haramio nay tu rumi ko bhi nahi chorna tha.


He says he has idols in his heart and love is his religion. Blasphemy. Apostate. Kill him... Yeh naye level of parhay likhay jahil hai.
In haramio nay tu rumi ko bhi nahi chorna tha.

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He says he has idols in his heart and love is his religion. Blasphemy. Apostate. Kill him... Yeh naye level of parhay likhay jahil hai.

Pakistan should be declared a secular state that will be a hard slap on mullahs face who've been misusing this beautiful religion .
Pakistan should be declared a secular state that will be a hard slap on mullahs face who've been misusing this beautiful religion .

We don't have to declare Pakistan a Secular state to stop Mullahs from misusing our beautiful religion.

The 1951 Libyan Constitution, for example, proclaims Islam as the state religion but formally sets out rights such as equality before the law as well as equal civil and political rights, equal opportunities, and an equal responsibility for public duties and obligations "without distinction of religion, belief, race, language, wealth, kinship or political or social opinions"

Islam and Secularism are indeed compatible ...

We just need to Reclaim the vision of our Founding Fathers who believed in "absolute equality of mankind".
Pakistan should be declared a secular state that will be a hard slap on mullahs face who've been misusing this beautiful religion .

The religious is extremely beautiful and so simple yet these mullahs and thekedars have destroyed it. The thing is at this point can you blame a non Muslim for saying Islam is not a peaceful religion? Look at it from their point of view. They saw four thousand educated students gather together and make slogans of blasphemy and first beat up mashal khans friend despite him passing the test of ayat they placed him under and then move towards the hostel and did "this" to Marshal khan. These are masters and PHDs, the literate of the society. I say it again this incident alone, these thekedars have singlehandedly done more damage to Islam than any enemy could have ever done.
.what difference is between them and ttp, lej, sis or Taliban? No difference. Both are the same. There is something seriously wrong in our society that not even education can eradicate it. One of those kickers had a bag filled with books as he kicked the dead body of mashal.

You know what. I say declare it and remove blasphemy law. This stupid idiotic black law has cost us too much. Did the prophet every kill the disbelievers simply for disbelief or questioning Islam. Did the prophet ever lead mob lynching? No then who the hell are these thekedars to do so. When God himself says there is no compulsion in religion then who the hell are these jahils to say there is!!!

The hypocrisy and madness of this nation is that it sided and yes it sided and yes it justified the actions of terrorists and lal masjid against the army and the state. It should be in our books. Never to be lost the hypocrisy and extremism of this nation that it wilfully sided and justified the actions if terrorists against its own army and government. If the terrorists took over swat and forced the govt and army to peace then its not bcz the army and govt lacked political will but the people pressured the govt to not attack the barbarians citing Islamic brotherhood and our people nonsense. @Zibago If the masjids in Islamabad heralded the coming of TTP and emergance of Islamic state and were claiming the fall of Islamabad then its bcz the people supported the terrorists over their own government and army and woe be upon us if we forget this shame and may it be written in our history etched in stone how we stood shoulder to shoulder giving moral support to the khawarij over our own army and government.

This incident is simply its after effect. We have defeated the gun tottering barbarians but what about the barbarians that were welcoming them and supporting. They were the real threat, they are the real threat and they will always be the real threat.

So in the end I agree with you. Either this or close every non state mosque and seminar and kill and destroy any that dares to hold such meetings mobs. This is the only way we will defeat the real and hidden terrorists.
Another day, another incident. There's a little terrorist hiding in all of us. Thousands of such incidents take place all over Pakistan in a year, hardly a few get due coverage. Culprits get away always without any exceptions. Our dead society cries for a bit and then shrugs such incidents off their minds and go on with the lives.

The issue is not about 'the religion of peace' the issue is about no rule of law. Culprits don't get punished which in turn encourages more people to transgress from their boundaries without any fear of punishment. But people always start blabbering about religion and tolerance after such incidents. They dont even have a clue why such things happen. We are just a bunch of jokers really
We don't have to declare Pakistan a Secular state to stop Mullahs from misusing our beautiful religion.

The 1951 Libyan Constitution, for example, proclaims Islam as the state religion but formally sets out rights such as equality before the law as well as equal civil and political rights, equal opportunities, and an equal responsibility for public duties and obligations "without distinction of religion, belief, race, language, wealth, kinship or political or social opinions"

Islam and Secularism are indeed compatible ...

We just need to Reclaim the vision of our Founding Fathers who believed in "absolute equality of mankind".

As long as we've rulers like zardari , nawaz , bilawal , altaf Hussain .. These all beautiful talks will remain in forums and in our minds .
I'm sick of this bullshit politics .
I really feel sorry for islam , it's followers are its worst enemies. More than non muslims , muslims themselves has harmed this beautiful religion .

If blasphemy laws didn't quit then people like these will pick up anyone and start beating anyone and kill them , when asked , why you killed them ? Answer would be blasphemy. Scary , very scary .. what a fitnah has been raised in name of Islam.

Religions have always been harmed by their own followers , just like india hindus kill muslims on cow's and insult Hinduism , and just like muslims kill muslims on religion .

The religious is extremely beautiful and so simple yet these mullahs and thekedars have destroyed it. The thing is at this point can you blame a non Muslim for saying Islam is not a peaceful religion? Look at it from their point of view. They saw four thousand educated students gather together and make slogans of blasphemy and first beat up mashal khans friend despite him passing the test of ayat they placed him under and then move towards the hostel and did "this" to Marshal khan. These are masters and PHDs, the literate of the society. I say it again this incident alone, these thekedars have singlehandedly done more damage to Islam than any enemy could have ever done.
.what difference is between them and ttp, lej, sis or Taliban? No difference. Both are the same. There is something seriously wrong in our society that not even education can eradicate it. One of those kickers had a bag filled with books as he kicked the dead body of mashal.

You know what. I say declare it and remove blasphemy law. This stupid idiotic black law has cost us too much. Did the prophet every kill the disbelievers simply for disbelief or questioning Islam. Did the prophet ever lead mob lynching? No then who the hell are these thekedars to do so. When God himself says there is no compulsion in religion then who the hell are these jahils to say there is!!!

The hypocrisy and madness of this nation is that it sided and yes it sided and yes it justified the actions of terrorists and lal masjid against the army and the state. It should be in our books. Never to be lost the hypocrisy and extremism of this nation that it wilfully sided and justified the actions if terrorists against its own army and government. If the terrorists took over swat and forced the govt and army to peace then its not bcz the army and govt lacked political will but the people pressured the govt to not attack the barbarians citing Islamic brotherhood and our people nonsense. @Zibago If the masjids in Islamabad heralded the coming of TTP and emergance of Islamic state and were claiming the fall of Islamabad then its bcz the people supported the terrorists over their own government and army and woe be upon us if we forget this shame and may it be written in our history etched in stone how we stood shoulder to shoulder giving moral support to the khawarij over our own army and government.

This incident is simply its after effect. We have defeated the gun tottering barbarians but what about the barbarians that were welcoming them and supporting. They were the real threat, they are the real threat and they will always be the real threat.

So in the end I agree with you. Either this or close every non state mosque and seminar and kill and destroy any that dares to hold such meetings mobs. This is the only way we will defeat the real and hidden terrorists.
Majority of terror activities in world has traced to the madrassas .
Madrassas are institutions that prepare terrorists to kill the innocent random people who don't have a beard , who don't pray , who listen songs and that all stuff ... as if Allah swt has given the madrassas the keys to hell . As if madrassas will decide who's going to hell or heaven . In fact these mullahs are the enemies of Allah swt , they think they're superior than Allah to kill anyone and declare anyone kafir or helli.

I agree with you , we , the people are some blind sheep's who blindly supper terrorists like maulana burqah, hakeem ullah mehdood, hafiz saeed etc .
I REMEMBER when hakeem mehsood was killed then some people shared his photos as " dekho kitna noor ha chehray pe Allah ka sipaahi , Allah ka mujahid " nauzubillah.
We are sick just like Americans who support trump , like indians who support modi , like every other stupid humans who support wrong and then cry , why did God do this to us ?
What peopledont understand that there is no problem with the law. The problem here is governance and implementation of law. Why is hate speech allowed in first place. We already have laws for that.
You will notice that peopleWill go free after murder. The mist they get 7 years in prison(live imprisonment usally equal 7 years after cuts). How come people who gave flowers to giverner muderer roaming free and became judges (Islamabad supreme court judge) the problem is governace and education here.

For starter all the teachers of this universityshould be fired and the administration arrested for allowingthis to happen

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