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“Okay! We Won’t Eat Beef” Indian Muslims

We will continue to fight it and fight for change.

This is our country. This does not belong to any religion.

This country belongs to those who are born here who live here and who make it what it is.

Anyway,you don't have a choice
Dont ever say that!..Thats what the enemies of India want..dont ever do that, India is a country for everyone, not just Hindus!

Stop wasting your time with this Adil Minhas guys.. he is someone form Pakistan.. has nothing to do with India and Uttar Pradesh.
What is it that offends you guys..that he is a Muslim or wants his rights to eat Beef. Not once have i seen any posts from him saying anything against India..In fact he was always proud of his land India and wants to be part of it bad or good. He is one of the true sons of the soil....Stop this madness guys. His religion and eating habits does not define his patriotism...this is crazy!
@waz sir just on a lighter note how you know the pork curry was best in world ;)

Oh because friends of the family, who are ethnic English, visited Pakistan with my father and they had tried pork curries elsewhere and they said the one they had in Pakistan was the best. They also say so themselves, but that's biased lol.
Do you know Malaysia is a Muslim-majority country, yet they never stopped the Chinese there from eating pork?
Well India has a long way to go!....States like UP..are dragging India way down the gutter. What next they will ban Vegetables too...reason is that they grow on the soil...and the soil contains shit , worms, fungus, dead animals and insects..etc etc....this madness of No beef needs to stop...this is getting out of control....I was a big fan of Modi...not too sure now!

Have you tried Yak meat?

If you have it once, you will forget even fish. :D
I have....I have to agree..Yak meat and Bison meat are really the best Beef that I have had.
Gotcha ..... I can agree the old rural recepies are always better , hope they like the centuries old ways
Oh because friends of the family, who are ethnic English, visited Pakistan with my father and they had tried pork curries elsewhere and they said the one they had in Pakistan was the best. They also say so themselves, but that's biased lol.
I have been to Ajmir. Nothing to do with Islam there. Pure shirk and grave worshipping.
I will eat extra beef and I would to see some Hindu try and stop me.

@waz Can you please take care of this? This is the mindset that bombs dargahs and mazaars in Pakistan.

I got a question and it may sound stupid, if beef is banned by Indian religion, do they eat other types of protein obtained from lamb or mutton or chicken or pork? I thought Hindu were vegetarians.

Not all Hindus are vegetarian. Hindus eat Mutton and Chicken, pork is only eaten in certain parts of India.

@waz Can you please take care of this? This is the mindset that bombs dargahs and mazaars in Pakistan.

Not all Hindus are vegetarian. Hindus eat Mutton and Chicken, pork is only eaten in certain parts of India.


@waz and @Roybot Idiots do bombings. Having an opinion and killing people are not the same. Grave worshipping and shirk are not part of Islam.
@waz and @Roybot Idiots do bombings. Having an opinion and killing people are not the same. Grave worshipping and shirk are not part of Islam.

You're offending people here. Telling people they do shirk is in Islamic fiqh the equivalent of putting takfir on them. Take this as a verbal warning, and be careful about your choice of words.
Well beef is not an islamic diet, so there shouldnt be fuzz on it. If eating beef was one of the pillars of Islam then it would be a problem. But for hindus , its written in Bhagwat geta that cow should be protected.
Eating beef just to show Hindus that we will kill your cow, is an act of provocation.

Muslims need to compromise on taste not religion!
India in this regards is like theocracy like Saudi Arabia or Iran.Vast majority of the muslim countries do not interfere with the personal life style of non muslims.Yet so called ''biggest democracy'' ''secular'' India is creating hindu chauvinism as a national policy.

Coming from blogger Hacking + Gulshan country...its pretty ironic.

If people want to live alongside a majority that gives special status to a couple animals but no such status to plenty others which they can consume....what is the problem there? Does Islam mandate the consumption of cattle-beef to be a muslim? Secularism goes both ways.

If you want to talk about one-way full secularism, then you are free to lead the way in yours by allowing full legal desecration (as perceived by majority muslims) of anything to do with Islam within BD....because that is how cattle-slaughter is perceived among many Hindus. But will you call for that and support that?

Where the Hindus do no perceive it like that (South and East), there is more leeway....but it is up to the local communities to seek their harmony....not people throwing stones from sitting in glass house countries where foreigners in bakeries get murdered and bloggers and minorities get hacked to death by machetes.
Well India has a long way to go!....States like UP..are dragging India way down the gutter. What next they will ban Vegetables too...reason is that they grow on the soil...and the soil contains shit , worms, fungus, dead animals and insects..etc etc....this madness of No beef needs to stop...this is getting out of control....I was a big fan of Modi...not too sure now!

I have....I have to agree..Yak meat and Bison meat are really the best Beef that I have had.

The ban is not on beef. It is on cow/bull meat.

You can eat as many yaks, buffalos, gaurs etc you want.
what's the joke?


FYI 70% of Hindus eat meat.

most of the Himalayan state are fond of goat, and in NE and Ladhak, beef and pork is important diet. But they don't kill cow!
This whole scenario where Indian muslims which comprise 20%+ of the total population are being continuously offended, hurt and pressurised can easily transform into a pressure cooker situation, which Pakistan can and should use to it's own advantage.

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