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Rs 6,000 crore and counting: Windfall from tax on stashed cash after note ban

Vice-chairman of the special investigation team (SIT) on black money, Justice Arijit Pasayat, said on Friday that after demonetisation, the Centre has collected around Rs 6,000 crore as tax on unexplained cash deposits so far, and the amount could go up.

Don't the Hindu Dalits get special benefits by the government, so why can't poor muslim girls get some benefit from government.

When it suits you, they are Hindu Dalits? Otherwise they are your partners in your struggle against "oppressive" Hinduism? Anyway, these Hindu Dalits have been oppressed in the past and it is time to right the wrong. So they get special benefits. However, Muslims were, as most of you claim rulers of Hindustan. So if you have fallen from the heights of the citadel and you have nothing better to do now and still expect handouts like it was given to your people when your brethren were in power, then you are to be blamed.
When it suits you, they are Hindu Dalits? Otherwise they are your partners in your struggle against "oppressive" Hinduism? Anyway, these Hindu Dalits have been oppressed in the past and it is time to right the wrong. So they get special benefits. However, Muslims were, as most of you claim rulers of Hindustan. So if you have fallen from the heights of the citadel and you have nothing better to do now and still expect handouts like it was given to your people when your brethren were in power, then you are to be blamed.
The reason I have to stress on Hindu in Dalits is because they also get special sops from Government and when "sickular" government tries to do something about backward muslims, your lot suddenly jumps in and speaks about how reservation(special sops) can't be provided based on religion. Should backwards among hindus only get benefits, shouldn't backwards among other religions get the same benefit? Well if Marathas, Jats etc can expect handouts, why not financially backward muslims? Why that hypocrisy?

will reap it with both hands !!
He is all yours. Please enjoy:yahoo:
Finding the voice of voters in India
In a survey of 22 advanced countries last year, Barclays financial firm found that the causes of voter rage – reflected in the rise of populist parties – were not really income inequality, globalization, or a loss of national sovereignty. Rather the deeper cause lies in a feeling of disenfranchisement, or that “elites” in ruling institutions do not represent the views of common people.

The survey did not include India, the world’s largest democracy, but it should have. A prime minister who was elected there in 2014, Narendra Modi, has begun to define a type of governance that appeals directly to low-income voters who feel left out of national politics. The heart of his appeal lies less in making promises to voters and more in rallying them to change their thinking.

A good example is Mr. Modi’s speech after winning a stunning victory last weekend in India’s largest and most politically significant province, Uttar Pradesh. The province is home to 200 million of India’s 1.2 billion people and would be a major country on its own. For decades it has been dominated by local parties. But Modi’s party, the Bharatiya Janata Party, took the election by a wide margin. The victory is all the more stunning given that it came four months after Modi withdrew the large currency bills, or 86 percent of the currency in circulation, in a bid to reduce corruption.

In his speech, the prime minister showed more humility than triumph. “Governments are formed by majority, but run by consensus,” he said. He noted that the focus of a “new India” must be on people under 35 years and on women, most of whom live in poverty. While the government must work on economic development, Modi also made this statement:

“The poor of the nation has left the mentality of liking somebody only because he has been given something. The poor wants to progress by the dint of their hard labor. [The poor say] you create an opportunity for me, I will work hard and grow,” he said.

Modi often asks his audience to change their mentality – about their attitudes toward girls, for example, or about sanitation conditions. And his party, which is now the largest political party in the world’s largest democracy, is taking India on a path that its previous popular rulers did not. Modi still needs to create jobs – about a million a month – to help lift the poor. But his first goal is to make sure the poor do not feel disenfranchised. And he’s doing so by asking for their help in changing their own thinking.
The reason I have to stress on Hindu in Dalits is because they also get special sops from Government and when "sickular" government tries to do something about backward muslims, your lot suddenly jumps in and speaks about how reservation(special sops) can't be provided based on religion. Should backwards among hindus only get benefits, shouldn't backwards among other religions get the same benefit? Well if Marathas, Jats etc can expect handouts, why not financially backward muslims? Why that hypocrisy?

It is no hypocrisy.
1 It is the Supreme Court which has said no to religion based reservation
2 The muslims claim to be better than the Hindus because you dont have the evil and oppressive caste system. Since you are so enlightened you should not need reservation
3 Personally IMO along with many others the reservation should only be based on economic grounds not religion, caste or community. A poor dalit should get reservation but so should a poor brahmin or a poor muslim. Conversely rich dalit or OBC should not get reservation.

Unfortunately implementation of this is not politically possible. Even trying this will be political suicide almost like giving Kashmir to Pakistan. A beginning has been made with creamy layer OBCs out of reservation but the limit of creamy layer is a joke It is currently 6 Lakh and is proposed to be raised to 8 Lakh. This is one of the decisions of the Modi Govt that I am not in favour of
pakistan tourism brand ambassador Shri Yogi "VIN DIESEL" Adityanath will do his best to send people to pakistan
Dude, you could sell snow to the Eskimos. Maybe you do? :o:

I don't see UP as needing more razing - it has already been pretty much razed. What it needs is building up and a more modern attitude to solving problems. This step is going back to medieval times.

I'll have to get back to you on this, I wrote down some of my thoughts on the other thread. I have much to say but right now I am being summoned by the "powers that be".

Don't waste the rest of the day on PDF. :p:

First read this article in full and then reply:


Why Narendra Modi and Amit Shah picked Yogi Adityanath as Uttar Pradesh CM

NEW DELHI: Contrary to media reports that Yogi Adityanath was a “surprise” choice as BJP’s chief minister for Uttar Pradesh, Prime Minister Narendra Modi and party chief Amit Shah had always considered the Gorakhpur sanyasi as a strong contender. And RSS had very little to do with the decision.

The reasons were the Yogi’s popularity, political heft, his appeal across castes and his demonstration of discipline in this round of polling. ETspoke to several top BJP leaders for this story. They all spoke on the condition they not be identified.

Several months before UP’s election campaign started, Shah, a senior leader said, had asked home minister Rajnath Singh whether the latter wants to be BJP’s CM candidate.

Shah told Singh there are only two names, the minister’s and the Yogi’s, as possible CM candidates. The leader quoted above said Singh expressed his reluctance on becoming BJP’s CM candidate and also argued the party should fight polls without formally identifying a face.

But that conversation, this leader told ET, was very early proof of how seriously the Yogi was being considered as a CM choice. And BJP’s top leadership had data to back their preference.

Another leader said every survey commissioned by BJP in UP showed that, among voters at large, Yogi Adityanath was just a point behind Rajnath Singh in terms of acceptance as CM candidate.

And, among BJP supporters, the two were tied. These surveys, and Singh’s unwillingness to come back to UP administration, had made Yogi a strong CM post contender much before UP’s voters delivered a massive verdict for BJP.

That Yogi Adityanath’s stature as a star campaigner helped his case has been mentioned. But that he showed “great discipline” in combating dissent in his stronghold of eastern UP is less well known, another senior BJP leader told ET, adding that the way the Yogi mastered that “political challenge” made him an even stronger candidate for the top job.

This party senior said most of BJP’s ticket distribution hassles were concentrated in the last phases of UP’s 7-phase polls when eastern UP voted. “Several rebel candidates were contesting,” this leader said, “but the Yogi worked very hard and in Gorakhpur, especially, went for door-to-door campaigning. He ensured all rebels lost. No other leader worked this hard or faced more challenges in the election than Yogi”.

Another leader said Modi’s and Shah’s faith in Adityanath was demonstrated when they did not buy into reports that the eastern UP leader was behind some dissenting sections. “No one sought an answer from him. Some of our own leaders thought Adityanath can be a stumbling block for the party in Purvanchal. But Modiji and Shah knew that wasn’t the case,” this leader said.

Plain-speaking, Plain-living A BJP leader from UP recalled how Shah, during the 2014 campaign, had praised the Yogi. “The party chief stayed in the Gorakhpur mutt for a couple of days during the 2014 campaign and was very impressed with Adityanath’s disciplined lifestyle, his attention to those in his care, his plain-speaking and his knowledge of history,” the leader said.

“But most importantly, The Yogi’s contribution to the campaign was most significant. If there was any doubt about his popularity with the cadre, the roadshow with Amit Shah settled it,” the person said.

Yogi, many BJP seniors point out, was the only other BJP campaigner apart from Rajnath Singh who was asked to give speeches everywhere in the state during Modi’s whirlwind 2014 campaign in UP. “Modi and the Yogi flew to Gorakhpur during the campaign,” one leader said, adding the PM and Adityanath have “excellent relations”.

Such was Shah’s faith in the Yogi, another BJP top functionary told ET, that when the party did poorly in state assembly byelections after the massive 2014 Lok Sabha show, the party president didn’t blame the eastern UP leader, who was in charge of bypolls.

Shah, the leader quoted above said, had argued that bypolls favour the party in power in the state and therefore Adityanath could not be blamed.

And the final factor in the Yogi’s elevation was his appeal across castes. As one BJP senior explained it: “Adityanath (a Thakur) is a sanyasi and therefore above caste. And the Gorakhnath peeth has followers largely from backward castes, especially Yadavs…his appeal among backward caste groups is immense.”

Another BJP leader said the vacuum in Brahmin leadership in the Purvanchal region also helped Adityanath succeed, because Brahmins, numerically stronger than Thakurs in UP, extend support to Adityanath.

“The upper caste is with him and his followers are largely backward castes. In that sense Adityanath, unlike Rajnath Singh or Manoj Sinha or even Keshav Prasad Maurya, has appeal cutting across caste,” this leader said. “And many Muslims attend his 9 am to 11 am panchayats in Gorakhpur,” he added.

Every top BJP leader ET spoke to said RSS had hardly anything to do with picking Yogi Adityanath as CM. One leader said Rajnath Singh was the Sangh’s choice. Another said RSS’ role in BJP’s UP success was limited at best and the Sangh was in no position to put pressure on the party. The same leader said RSS’ internal surveys hadn’t even predicted a thin majority for BJP, let alone a 300-plus tally.


Plus UP political bureaucracy certainly needs to be razed. You are wrong that it has been "razed enough"....UP ground and regular folk have definitely been razed again and again or left to rot....but that has NEVER applied to the govt structure (goonda raj) itself ....which has perpetuated and sunk deep roots in all kinds of disgusting activities. This is why the people have suffered time and again and passed around and abused with seemingly no end and no matter who ran the show at the top (who's main focus was always to steer the identity politics so they could continue to suck the blood and hard earned money out of UP masses...while their henchmen/thugs operationalised/implemented).

It will take too long to extricate and clean that crap up (to save the 10% good from the 90% bad).....need a flamethrower and plenty of clorox for post-treatment. Sorry to say, but thats UP govt summarised.

Administrators are good at easing/improving a status quo (Modi is quite a consummate one nationally)....but you need a better ratio of good/bad to do that (it was available nationally).

Firebrands are better when the ratio is really bad to begin with....hence the need for Yogi Adityanath in UP.
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Any updates on the Presidential appointment? For the love of god I hope they don't pick another ancient pensioner, the post needs to have someone with some dynamism and charisma.
First read this article in full and then reply:


Why Narendra Modi and Amit Shah picked Yogi Adityanath as Uttar Pradesh CM

NEW DELHI: Contrary to media reports that Yogi Adityanath was a “surprise” choice as BJP’s chief minister for Uttar Pradesh, Prime Minister Narendra Modi and party chief Amit Shah had always considered the Gorakhpur sanyasi as a strong contender. And RSS had very little to do with the decision.

The reasons were the Yogi’s popularity, political heft, his appeal across castes and his demonstration of discipline in this round of polling. ETspoke to several top BJP leaders for this story. They all spoke on the condition they not be identified.

Several months before UP’s election campaign started, Shah, a senior leader said, had asked home minister Rajnath Singh whether the latter wants to be BJP’s CM candidate.

Shah told Singh there are only two names, the minister’s and the Yogi’s, as possible CM candidates. The leader quoted above said Singh expressed his reluctance on becoming BJP’s CM candidate and also argued the party should fight polls without formally identifying a face.

But that conversation, this leader told ET, was very early proof of how seriously the Yogi was being considered as a CM choice. And BJP’s top leadership had data to back their preference.

Another leader said every survey commissioned by BJP in UP showed that, among voters at large, Yogi Adityanath was just a point behind Rajnath Singh in terms of acceptance as CM candidate.

And, among BJP supporters, the two were tied. These surveys, and Singh’s unwillingness to come back to UP administration, had made Yogi a strong CM post contender much before UP’s voters delivered a massive verdict for BJP.

That Yogi Adityanath’s stature as a star campaigner helped his case has been mentioned. But that he showed “great discipline” in combating dissent in his stronghold of eastern UP is less well known, another senior BJP leader told ET, adding that the way the Yogi mastered that “political challenge” made him an even stronger candidate for the top job.

This party senior said most of BJP’s ticket distribution hassles were concentrated in the last phases of UP’s 7-phase polls when eastern UP voted. “Several rebel candidates were contesting,” this leader said, “but the Yogi worked very hard and in Gorakhpur, especially, went for door-to-door campaigning. He ensured all rebels lost. No other leader worked this hard or faced more challenges in the election than Yogi”.

Another leader said Modi’s and Shah’s faith in Adityanath was demonstrated when they did not buy into reports that the eastern UP leader was behind some dissenting sections. “No one sought an answer from him. Some of our own leaders thought Adityanath can be a stumbling block for the party in Purvanchal. But Modiji and Shah knew that wasn’t the case,” this leader said.

Plain-speaking, Plain-living A BJP leader from UP recalled how Shah, during the 2014 campaign, had praised the Yogi. “The party chief stayed in the Gorakhpur mutt for a couple of days during the 2014 campaign and was very impressed with Adityanath’s disciplined lifestyle, his attention to those in his care, his plain-speaking and his knowledge of history,” the leader said.

“But most importantly, The Yogi’s contribution to the campaign was most significant. If there was any doubt about his popularity with the cadre, the roadshow with Amit Shah settled it,” the person said.

Yogi, many BJP seniors point out, was the only other BJP campaigner apart from Rajnath Singh who was asked to give speeches everywhere in the state during Modi’s whirlwind 2014 campaign in UP. “Modi and the Yogi flew to Gorakhpur during the campaign,” one leader said, adding the PM and Adityanath have “excellent relations”.

Such was Shah’s faith in the Yogi, another BJP top functionary told ET, that when the party did poorly in state assembly byelections after the massive 2014 Lok Sabha show, the party president didn’t blame the eastern UP leader, who was in charge of bypolls.

Shah, the leader quoted above said, had argued that bypolls favour the party in power in the state and therefore Adityanath could not be blamed.

And the final factor in the Yogi’s elevation was his appeal across castes. As one BJP senior explained it: “Adityanath (a Thakur) is a sanyasi and therefore above caste. And the Gorakhnath peeth has followers largely from backward castes, especially Yadavs…his appeal among backward caste groups is immense.”

Another BJP leader said the vacuum in Brahmin leadership in the Purvanchal region also helped Adityanath succeed, because Brahmins, numerically stronger than Thakurs in UP, extend support to Adityanath.

“The upper caste is with him and his followers are largely backward castes. In that sense Adityanath, unlike Rajnath Singh or Manoj Sinha or even Keshav Prasad Maurya, has appeal cutting across caste,” this leader said. “And many Muslims attend his 9 am to 11 am panchayats in Gorakhpur,” he added.

Every top BJP leader ET spoke to said RSS had hardly anything to do with picking Yogi Adityanath as CM. One leader said Rajnath Singh was the Sangh’s choice. Another said RSS’ role in BJP’s UP success was limited at best and the Sangh was in no position to put pressure on the party. The same leader said RSS’ internal surveys hadn’t even predicted a thin majority for BJP, let alone a 300-plus tally.


Plus UP political bureaucracy certainly needs to be razed. You are wrong that it has been "razed enough"....UP ground and regular folk have definitely been razed again and again or left to rot....but that has NEVER applied to the govt structure (goonda raj) itself ....which has perpetuated and sunk deep roots in all kinds of disgusting activities. This is why the people have suffered time and again and passed around and abused with seemingly no end and no matter who ran the show at the top (who's main focus was always to steer the identity politics so they could continue to suck the blood and hard earned money out of UP masses...while their henchmen/thugs operationalised/implemented).

It will take too long to extricate and clean that crap up (to save the 10% good from the 90% bad).....need a flamethrower and plenty of clorox for post-treatment. Sorry to say, but thats UP govt summarised.

Administrators are good at easing/improving a status quo (Modi is quite a consummate one nationally)....but you need a better ratio of good/bad to do that (it was available nationally).

Firebrands are better when the ratio is really bad to begin with....hence the need for Yogi Adityanath in UP.
I did read this. I have a couple of issues though.

This article says yogis name was finalized or a top contender even before the elections. I take that with a pinch of salt, if that were so, then why more than a week to name him as CM? His name should have come out within hours especially in a leaky society like ours. There is absolutely no benefit in waiting so long. Goa CM candidate came out within hours, there was dead silence in UP.

There was another article (also in times group) that came out earlier which stated that Modi/shah were arm twisted into choosing Yogi whose name was NOT being considered. And they were FORCED to chose him because of the political ramifications of a disgruntled Yogi running wild in 2019. So who to believe?

I agree with you that the UP beuroacracy needs to be fixed, so why not chose someone with a minimum of administrative experience? What has yogi actually achieved in his constituency? Not a lot as far as I can see. Manoj Sinha meanwhile did have the administrative capability. I'm not sure what you mean by firebrands are better when the ratio is bad. The ratio is not all that great nationally either.

No, choosing Yogi is sending out a message, a centuries old medieval message.

I actually wrote out some of my objections in the other thread. P17, I think. I left the thread when a bunch of Pakistanis came in firing all guns and defending Hafiz Saeed (the one of "insufficient evidence" fame) and insulting Hinduism. What the duffers fail to realize is that by acting that way they validate the albeit medieval reasoning behind the choice of Yogi.

Anyway all I can say is that I wish the best for UP.
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My take on Yogi

To unite Hindu votes and cut Caste votes in 2019 elections.

By appointing Yogi Modi send a message to Presstitutes and Sickulars he won't be bog-down easily.:enjoy:

Last but not least

Modi want to build Ram temple if so you need to stop massive riots,blasts and so on (mainly in UP).

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