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I would suggest that there is a thin line on where to be polite and rude in UP/Bihar- Talk sense in a commanding voice you don't have to be rude- sometimes being rude means an unnecessary squabble or even a fight-

This is just my observation from a neutral perspective. What passes for "rude" in south India does not pass for "rude" in UP. Its not so much what they say, its how they Behave. Every action performed is to challenge other and establish your own dominance so that you are not attacked or taken advantage off. Parking you car, petty behaviour by educated men, every act is a calculated move and is leveraged, etc. Its a harsh society.

People play loud music all through the night. I think its because they want to get back at somebody else and its probably the only way they know how.

The "commanding voice" is the key in UP, along with a swagger and an attitude. That makes people immediately servile or polite. Men by default get FAR more attention and respect than women. Women seems to have accepted their status as second class citizen. And I am talking about educated women.

One positive I found was that people are Hard working. Probably the most hardworking in India, only Tamils are comparable to them.

BJP after a week-long wait announced five time MP from Gorakhpur, Yogi Adityanath as the new CM for Uttar Pradesh. Predictably, the mainstream media and liberals from both sides of the aisle had a spectacular and very public meltdown over naming a so called hardliner as the CM candidate. The cognitive dissonance of their argument is apparent, yet a root cause analysis might reveal a more sinister thought pattern and hence must be examined closely.

The most common argument put forth by these people is that Modi and BJP cleverly did not announce the name of the CM candidate during the campaign phase and many people who voted for BJP, would not have done so had they been told about Yogi’s candidature for the top job. This does not pass the basic test of logic.

If the party (or its leader like Modi) is seeking vote without naming a CM candidate, and if people are voting for that party, the most obvious conclusion of the mandate is people are willing to vote on the basis of the party’s agenda and/or its national leadership, and they implicitly accept the leader chosen by the party. In that case, for people to still feel cheated, either the candidate 1) had to be out of the electoral purview, i.e. an unelectable leader with a record of election losses, or one who holds nominated position in the party (RS MP for example) or 2) he should have been purposely and overtly kept away from the campaign (Varun Gandhi, for example). Yogi Adityanath fits neither of the above. He is a 5 time MP from Lok Sabha, in 2014, he received close to 5.4 lac votes, he defeated his nearest opponent by over 3 lac votes. He was among the most sought after and most visible campaigners for the party, especially in the Western and Eastern parts of the state. He held over 150 rallies in the state during the campaign. If as a voter in UP, your voting decision was subject to Yogi Adityanath not being in the race for the top post, you had all the information you needed to make that decision beforehand.

Having addressed the voter disappointment issue, let’s now turn to the two other major charges made by the opposition. One- Yogi Adityanath represents the fringe extreme of the identity politics. Here too, the opposition has two disadvantages – 1) they were nowhere this vocal when the previous SP government appointed Azam Khan, a fringe leader from the Muslim community as a cabinet minister. The mainstream media members who went into a meltdown over Yogi’s name have normalized ‘Bharat tere tukde honge’ brigade without turning a hair. This is a morally inconsistent position that would make a neutral observer think that the media’s objection is not to fringe as much as to the fringe from one side of the ideological argument. 2) They have levelled the charges of fringe identity politics against nearly all active leaders from BJP at some point of time or the other. If they truly believe the Gorakhpur MP is the worst that the identity politics has to offer, they must be regretting their past allegations of religious bigotry against other, more mainstream BJP leaders as now this charge has the ring of repetitiveness to it.

Second- as senior journalist Barkha Dutt said yesterday- majority is now turning to majoritarianism. As clever as this sounds, upon closer inspection of this statement you realize what the former NDTV anchor says is – we are ok with anyone winning majority as long as the decisions are made as per our choice. This makes no sense at all. In a perfect democracy, majoritarianism is nothing but a decision that has approval of maximum number of people participating. Majoritarianism places an importance on building consensus, and thus actually strengthens foundation of democracy. In past majority and majoritarianism were separated as there were no electoral costs of ignoring majority opinion (Congress rule). BJP’s success has been in imposing electoral cost on opposition for subverting majority opinion. The answer to this lies in the opposition initiating robust dialogue in order to build consensus. The expectation that no matter who is in power, the important decision should satisfy the standards set by a few, smacks of anti-democratic arrogance. This expectation is the beginning of a slippery slope that ends into coteries and informal power structures to influence decision making (Lutyens). The day we understand the morality of majority opinion influencing decision making, the discourse will become fact based rather than rhetoric based.

Does it mean I am endorsing the ‘might is right’ doctrine? Quite the contrary. Might is often used to substitute majority by ambitious individuals who understand their stand will not be endorsed by a majority of the population. Majoritarianism is opposite of the ‘might is right’, as it requires a lot of ordinary people to come together to make their voice heard.

An important stipulation before signing off- majoritarianism does not require that you agree with the majority opinion. It does not take away your right to dissent. Barkha’s right to protest against Yogi Adityananth for UP CM is inalienable. It is when she wishes to impose the morality of her choice on all of us that the trouble starts. In this case, to question the morality of Yogi’s selection is to question the morality of the democratic process itself.
When it suits you, they are Hindu Dalits? Otherwise they are your partners in your struggle against "oppressive" Hinduism? Anyway, these Hindu Dalits have been oppressed in the past and it is time to right the wrong. So they get special benefits. However, Muslims were, as most of you claim rulers of Hindustan. So if you have fallen from the heights of the citadel and you have nothing better to do now and still expect handouts like it was given to your people when your brethren were in power, then you are to be blamed.

The reason I have to stress on Hindu in Dalits is because they also get special sops from Government and when "sickular" government tries to do something about backward muslims, your lot suddenly jumps in and speaks about how reservation(special sops) can't be provided based on religion. Should backwards among hindus only get benefits, shouldn't backwards among other religions get the same benefit? Well if Marathas, Jats etc can expect handouts, why not financially backward muslims? Why that hypocrisy?

Besides, Reservation for Dalits is constitutionally mandated for historical reasons whereas the sops being offered to Muslims now is purely appeasement politics.
Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister+ Yogi Adityanath has asked senior state government officials to pull up their socks and ensure that 30 districts of the state are open defecation free by December.

A day after he took over as the UP CM+ , Adityanath administered a sanitation pledge to the officials and asked them to ensure that the pledge is effectively implemented, the state government said in a release.

The chief minister also emphasised that police stations and tehsil offices should be free from political pressures.

He said every department should have a citizen charter and efforts should be made to ensure availability of government services to public in a time-bound manner.

The chief minister also stressed on zero-tolerance of corruption and suggested posting of "sensitive and honest officials" in important positions


No Hindu Muslims shit in UP hereafter :D
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Besides, Reservation for Dalits is constitutionally mandated for historical reasons whereas the sops being offered to Muslims now is purely appeasement politics.
Appeasement? That is what you want to believe, you don't see appeasement when BJP provides reservations to Marathas or Jats but you suddenly start moaning when backwards amongst Muslims are provided reservations. So please spare me that hypocrisy of yours.

It is no hypocrisy.
1 It is the Supreme Court which has said no to religion based reservation
2 The muslims claim to be better than the Hindus because you dont have the evil and oppressive caste system. Since you are so enlightened you should not need reservation
3 Personally IMO along with many others the reservation should only be based on economic grounds not religion, caste or community. A poor dalit should get reservation but so should a poor brahmin or a poor muslim. Conversely rich dalit or OBC should not get reservation.

Unfortunately implementation of this is not politically possible. Even trying this will be political suicide almost like giving Kashmir to Pakistan. A beginning has been made with creamy layer OBCs out of reservation but the limit of creamy layer is a joke It is currently 6 Lakh and is proposed to be raised to 8 Lakh. This is one of the decisions of the Modi Govt that I am not in favour of
This has been discussed numerous times and is getting real boring now. You Sanghis will clutch at straws like using this Supreme court's observation fo speak against providing reservations to backwards amongst Muslims. And this has nothing to do with Supreme court but malice against muslims. BJP has no issues providing reservations to Marathas, Jats etc and they fight tooth and nail for its implementation. But when High Court in Maharashtra itself has asked for muslim reservation, you don't implement it but when the same court decides against providing reservations to Marathas, your beloved party goes on to appeal against the order. So please don't get me started over this reservation thing. We know where your lot stands and what I mean when I say hypocrisy.
Appeasement? That is what you want to believe, you don't see appeasement when BJP provides reservations to Marathas or Jats but you suddenly start moaning when backwards amongst Muslims are provided reservations. So please spare me that hypocrisy of yours.

This has been discussed numerous times and is getting real boring now. You Sanghis will clutch at straws like using this Supreme court's observation fo speak against providing reservations to backwards amongst Muslims. And this has nothing to do with Supreme court but malice against muslims. BJP has no issues providing reservations to Marathas, Jats etc and they fight tooth and nail for its implementation. But when High Court in Maharashtra itself has asked for muslim reservation, you don't implement it but when the same court decides against providing reservations to Marathas, your beloved party goes on to appeal against the order. So please don't get me started over this reservation thing. We know where your lot stands and what I mean when I say hypocrisy.

One cannot "convert" to become a maratha or a jat, but one can convert to islam and avail of reservation. It then encourages conversion for economic reason. Might as well impose Jizya on non muslims.
Appeasement? That is what you want to believe, you don't see appeasement when BJP provides reservations to Marathas or Jats but you suddenly start moaning when backwards amongst Muslims are provided reservations. So please spare me that hypocrisy of yours.

This has been discussed numerous times and is getting real boring now. You Sanghis will clutch at straws like using this Supreme court's observation fo speak against providing reservations to backwards amongst Muslims. And this has nothing to do with Supreme court but malice against muslims. BJP has no issues providing reservations to Marathas, Jats etc and they fight tooth and nail for its implementation. But when High Court in Maharashtra itself has asked for muslim reservation, you don't implement it but when the same court decides against providing reservations to Marathas, your beloved party goes on to appeal against the order. So please don't get me started over this reservation thing. We know where your lot stands and what I mean when I say hypocrisy.

How can you be Muslim and backward at the same time. I thought there were no castes and divisions in Islams and all Momins were equal?
Pani ke saath Sabun free :o:

Aur Mohalla clinics me Itch guard free..

In another note, Indian sickulars, presstitutes and Hindu hating vermin have decided they won't rest until Yogi becomes PM in 2024 or 2029. They are working non-stop towards the goal.
It looks eerily similar to rise of Modi from 2001.
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