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Should Pakistan Start R&D for Space Mission

Although I'm a big advocate of advanced sciences and technologies in Pakistsn, however in this case the answer is a resounding NO. We have far too many pressing problems to solve here on Earth than thinking about space travel. Let's get them under control before we start pervading our problems to the entire universe. For now, earth is a big enough domain for us.
these missions by india are pretty cheap, if you dont do it, may be you will be able to spend may be a few rupees more per head for poor people... while it might be a moral issue for some, practically it makes little difference to poor.
Isro budget is around 0.3 percent of union budget.. around $1.2 billion.. of which we get back $30 million in profit from its commercial arm, and save on the money we would have spent on our own satellites(dont know how much).
why the hell spend on something that is useless and throw money..iwant to see subcontinent progress and india investing in mars to show the wrld their capaboilities will leave its people remain poor and hungry hoimeless...pak must at least unlti 2035 not do these stupid paisa phenk kaam
We have a budget allocated for everything. This was launched within the budget layed for ISRO. We have are working on poverty alleviation. It'll be better for you guys to look into your problem rather than ours.
why the hell spend on something that is useless and throw money..iwant to see subcontinent progress and india investing in mars to show the wrld their capaboilities will leave its people remain poor and hungry hoimeless...pak must at least unlti 2035 not do these stupid paisa phenk kaam

Certain things we can't copy cat even if you steal . You need expertise. Then you have to show the world what you are capable of...like USA Japan Israel to an extended Russia..

Mars missions are not child's play else it is like the Wrong March instead of Long March. Like you said may be Pakistan has to wait until Long March reaches the Mars. Mean time eliminate the poverty, slums , and the poor. You have time.
suparco was established in 1961. isro was established in 1969.
literally wtf. our space programme is almost non existent while india is launching satellites for other countries and going to mars.
why the hell spend on something that is useless and throw money..iwant to see subcontinent progress and india investing in mars to show the wrld their capaboilities will leave its people remain poor and hungry hoimeless...pak must at least unlti 2035 not do these stupid paisa phenk kaam

Yaar this is some short sighted thinking.
Lets see, Pakistan spends on missiles, tanks and aircrafts which will be used only in contingency of war. If war never happens, then this money is wasted generationally! But yet both Pakistan and India continue to spend this money, why? Because you keep an eye on the future and know that this will shield you from vulnerability.

Investment in space technology is done with keeping one eye on the future. It may never come to that for our generation maybe, but at some point, space travel will become the norm.
You cant just ignore it completely.
Look at it this way.
India is only spending 0.3% of its budget to address this need. about 1.2 Billion, which is like a dollar an Indian. The cost is miniscule but provides us with benefits exponentially.
Well I think when you have limited resources, you need to prioritise as per your needs and constraints. Pakistan should focus on satellite launching capability for two reasons
  1. It is not so difficult for Pakistan as it already has a sophisticated missile program and with recent test of MIRVed Ababeel, it has demonstrated the capability which many countries do not have. Only some dedication and financial allocation are required and Pakistan can launch PSLVs and GSLVs fairly soon.
  2. It has a lot potential to earn money by launching satellites for local agencies but also foreign customers / governments
If you look at the short time frame then yes it does set India back by few millions, but if you see the long term effects then these endeavours will only benefit India as it increases high tech industries and jobs, and also will bring in wealth as the entire country benefits.
It is also good for national image and prestige.
These kind of morons have no idea about basic economics, they expect the govt to give all of its resources to the poor but don't seem interested in how a govt would amass such wealth/resources in the first place.

Tens of billions a year are spent on subsidies and direct benefit transfers to the poorest in India but these clowns are concerned about a $5m space mission that will likely help in attracting foriegn contracts for ISRO worth tens of millions in the long term.
UAE seeks to build human settlement on Mars by 2117
'Mars 2117 Project' is set to be developed and executed in partnership with major international research institutions.
  • C4pUI_bWAAAkUgP.jpg:small

    HH Sheikh Mohammed


    We aspire in the coming century to develop science, technology and our youth's passion for knowledge. This project is driven by that vision.

    Sheikh Mohammed said his country was one of the world's leaders in space science investments, adding that it aims to accelerate the research in this area.

    "The new project is a seed that we plant today, and we expect future generations to reap the benefits, driven by its passion to learn to unveil a new knowledge," Sheikh Mohammed said.

    According to a statement released by the Dubai government media office, the project is set to be developed and executed in partnership with major international scientific research institutions.

    International team
    The project will initially focus on preparing the human cadres able to achieve scientific breakthrough to facilitate the arrival of humans to the Red Planet over the next decades, the statement said.

    It will start with an Emirati scientific team and will be extended to include international scientists and researchers, it added.

    The project will focus on developing faster means of transportation from and to the Red Planet. It will also come up with an integrated scientific visualisation of how the settlement will look like, and how life will be there in term of food, transportation and energy among many others.

    In July 2014, the UAE announced it would create a space agency with the aim of sending the first Arab unmanned probe to Mars by 2021.
hows about this news ;)
Obviously. Don't forget we're also terraforming Mars as well as the Jovian moons and Saturn's largest moon - Titan.

We have also constructed a space station in Pluto's orbit for the purpose of conducting FTL experiments.

Really? That's incredible! NASA needs to pick up the pace and catch up with you guys.
Hundreds of tv and communication channels are hosted by our INSAT satellites. So instead of paying foreign satellite cos. to host our channels India makes money in leasing the transponders to startv, etc.
Also skill and jobs creation is created in India.
somebody made a very good comment about races, this is one race i dont want pakistan's resources to go to atleast for the next 15 years, we won't be able to cover the cost anyway and there are some very basic things we need to provide our people first i.e. health and education - even train projects or motorway are much more sensible projects than space missions - nobody judges a country for not being able to go in space, they judge you on things you are doing on earth - two cents.

Congrats to India for doing it and I don't have knowledge of what the purpose was becos this is literally rocket science
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