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Trump’s Work Visa Reform to Directly Affect Tech Companies


Mar 15, 2016
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It’s been a week of turmoil in the United States, also deemed as a ‘constitutional crisis’ by some. The Trump administration introduced some highly controversial immigration reforms and imposed a ban on asylum seekers from seven Muslim countries, provoking nationwide protests.

In what it seems like an excruciatingly long four years of Trump’s presidency, this can only be the first of the many controversial decisions to come. And to hammer down that point, his administration is already gearing up for round 2; reforming the H-1B work visa.

What is the H-1B Program?
The H-1B is a non-immigrant visa in the United States and lets employers in the U.S. employ foreign workers on a temporary basis. The program is primarily used by technology companies as well as young startups to bring in talent from outside the country.

Currently, the program has a cap of 85,000 work visas per year. The cap has been in place for several years and is already said to be oversubscribed. A number of politicians, both right-wing and left-wing, have already been pushing for a major reform of the program. However, not all of them would be happy with the kind of reform we are likely to get from the Trump administration.

Here is a passage from the draft from the upcoming immigration executive order, according to Bloomberg,

“Our country’s immigration policies should be designed and implemented to serve, first and foremost, the U.S. national interest. Visa programs for foreign workers … should be administered in a manner that protects the civil rights of American workers and current lawful residents, and that prioritizes the protection of American workers — our forgotten working people — and the jobs they hold.”

Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and most of the Silicon Valley, are going to be the most heavily affected by the reform. No details have been given as to what changes will be introduced in the program. However, considering Trump’s stance on immigration and his “America-first” policy, the changes to the program could only lead to bad blood between Trump and these companies.

Donald Trump was already expected to bring a lot of complications for the technology industry, even before he took the oath as the President. Even then, his first week has come as a severe shock. As Pakistanis, we should also take his steps seriously and with caution as it is highly possible that Pakistan will also get included in the list of banned countries.

I support the the H-1B program, but many of these tech companies -- especially Indian IT shops -- have gotten quite the sweet ride in the program's current from. I expect Trump to significantly tighten the rules, keep the current quota but allow foreign graduate students easier access then they do now, raise visa fees, and a host of other changes.

I believe Trump will also make it easier for H-1B visa holders to get GCs as well.
The H1B Visa program, as have many other worker immigration programs have been taken advantage of. Companies post job listings in the US but end up rejecting them systematically for a Filipino/Indian/Bengali/S. Africa worker they can pay 1/3 the wage.

Not to mention the lottery gaming. There are plenty of jobs and plenty of Americans capable of carrying them out once hired.

Large Companies Game H-1B Visa Program, Costing the U.S. Jobs


H-1B visa was denied, and he had to leave the United States. Back in France, Mr. Négri used his data skills to figure out why.

The answer was simple: Many of the visas are given out through a lottery, and a small number of giant global outsourcing companies had flooded the system with applications, significantly increasing their chances of success. While he had one application in last year’s lottery and lost, one of the outsourcing companies applied for at least 14,000. The companies were squeezing out American employers like his boss.


How Outsourcing Companies Are Gaming the Visa System
How 20 companies took more than a third of the H-1B visas available in 2014.


Congress set up the H-1B program to help American companies hire foreigners with exceptional skills, to fill open jobs and to help their businesses grow.

But the program has been failing many American employers who cannot get visas for foreigners with the special skills they need.

Instead, the outsourcing firms are increasingly dominating the program, federal records show. In recent years, they have obtained many thousands of the visas — which are limited to 85,000 a year — by learning to game the H-1B system without breaking the rules, researchers and lawyers said.

In some years, an American employer could snag one of these coveted visas almost anytime. But recently, with the economy picking up, the outsourcing companies have sent in tens of thousands of visa requests right after the application window opens on April 1. Employers who apply after a week are out of luck.

“The H-1B program is critical as a way for employers to fill skill gaps and for really talented people to come to the United States,” said Ronil Hira, a professor at Howard University who studies visa programs. “But the outsourcing companies are squeezing out legitimate users of the program,” he said. “The H-1Bs are actually pushing jobs offshore.”


Small companies like BuildZoom, a start-up in San Francisco that helps people find construction contractors, are unable to compete for H-1B visas with large outsourcing companies that flood the system with requests.Credit Jason Henry for The New York Times
Those firms have used the visas to bring their employees, mostly from India, for large contracts to take over work at American businesses. And as the share of H-1B visas obtained by outsourcing firms has grown, more Americans say they are being put out of work, or are seeing their jobs moved overseas.

Of the 20 companies that received the most H-1B visas in 2014, 13 were global outsourcing operations, according to an analysis of federal records by Professor Hira. The top 20 companies took about 40 percent of the visas available — about 32,000 — while more than 10,000 other employers received far fewer visas each. And about half of the applications in 2014 were rejected entirely because the quota had been met.

Two of those applications came from Mark Merkelbach and his small engineering firm in Seattle. For water projects in China, he needed engineers and landscapers who speak Mandarin, and he could not find them in the local market. With his H-1B visas denied, Mr. Merkelbach had to move the jobs to Taiwan. Another denial went to Atulya Pandey, an entrepreneur from Nepal who founded an Internet company in the United States and now can no longer work legally in this country for his own business.

The top companies receiving H-1B visas in recent years, Professor Hira found, include Tata Consultancy Services, known as TCS, Infosys and Wipro, all outsourcing giants based in India; Cognizant, with headquarters in New Jersey; and Accenture, a global operation incorporated in Ireland.

“They have spent a lot of time and money creating a business model that fits within the rules so they can use the visas to offer cheaper labor,” said Bruce Morrison, a lawyer representing an association of American engineers.

How the H-1B Visa System Can Hurt American Workers
Congress set up the H-1B visa program to help American companies hire foreigners with specialized skills. But in recent years, many H-1B visas have gone to temporary immigrants who lacked special skills and displaced American workers from jobs.

For example, federal law requires global companies employing large numbers of H-1B workers to sign a declaration saying they will not displace Americans. But there is a loophole: An exemption cancels that requirement if employers pay H-1B workers at least $60,000 a year — significantly less than an experienced technology worker’s salary in many parts of the country.

Many of the outsourcing firms’ temporary workers earn $60,000 or just a little more, according to federal data compiled by Professor Hira.

Among the immigration visas offered by the United States, the H-1B program stands out for its peculiar rules. The annual quota includes 65,000 visas for foreign workers applying for the first time, while the remaining 20,000 are for foreign students graduating with advanced degrees from American universities. Each year the period for applications opens on April 1, and they are accepted first come first served.

Federal officials allow only one application for each foreign worker. But there is no limit on the number of visas a company can seek. A company with thousands of employees can submit many applications. By law, if applications quickly exceed the quota, officials use a computer-run lottery to select the visa recipients.

Recently, demand for the visas has soared; each year since 2013 the selection went to the lottery. This year, 233,000 applications were received in just seven days, and about two-thirds were denied because the quota was met.


David Petersen, a co-founder of BuildZoom in San Francisco, said he had opened a public search when it was time to hire more engineers for his start-up. CreditJason Henry for The New York Times
Immigration officials do not acknowledge the outsourcing firms’ advantage. “The selection process is completely random,” said Shinichi Inouye, a spokesman for United States Citizenship and Immigration Services, the agency in charge of the visa program. “We cannot speculate as to why one company has more petitions selected in the cap.”

But Mr. Négri, who is now 27, wanted to understand it. He had been hired by David Petersen through an open job search after he posted his professional profile online. Mr. Petersen was looking for engineers to expand his start-up, BuildZoom, which helps people find construction contractors.

“I was just looking for great people,” said Mr. Petersen, in San Francisco. “And Théo had been building cool stuff since he was a 13-year-old.” Mr. Petersen said he had hired several local tech workers at the same time, and Mr. Négri, rather than displacing Americans, brought in more.

Then his visa was denied. So Mr. Négri combed through public documents that employers file with the Department of Labor as a first step in an H-1B application. For the limited quota of visas, Mr. Négri discovered, the outsourcing companies had submitted far more applications than a small company like BuildZoom could manage or afford — each application costs up to $4,000.

Together the top five outsourcing companies had prepared as many as 55,000 H-1B applications. TCS, the company that had prepared applications for at least 14,000 visas, won 5,650 of them.


Atulya Pandey, right, an entrepreneur from Nepal who founded an Internet company, Pagevamp, in the United States with Vincent Sanchez-Gomez, left, in New York in September. Mr. Pandey, who was denied an H-1B visa, had to set up shop back in Nepal to try to manage the growing company, which is based in New York.CreditRichard Perry/The New York Times
Mr. Négri is now working on a tech start-up of his own — in France.

American titans like IBM, Microsoft, Facebook and Google also use H-1B visas and have pressed Congress to increase the annual quota.

A representative of The New York Times Company said it had about 70 employees on visas, most of them skilled technology workers. This year, the company obtained an H-1B visa for Mark Thompson, the president and chief executive, who is British.

Lawmakers have largely overlooked the outsourcing companies’ role in the visa process. On Sept. 30, Congress allowed an extra fee of $2,000, which it imposed five years ago on H-1B applications from the biggest outsourcing companies, to lapse.

On Tuesday, Senators Richard Durbin of Illinois, a Democrat, and Charles H. Grassley of Iowa, a Republican, introduced a bill to change the H-1B program and another temporary work visa, the L-1B, to raise wage requirements, increase monitoring and enforcement and add other protections for American workers. “The H-1B visa program was never meant to replace qualified American workers,” the senators said.

Most of the global firms focus on technology, offering services to American companies to upgrade their systems and help them compete amid rapid change in the international marketplace.

Document: Atulya Pandey’s H-1B Visa Is Denied

The companies say they follow all of the rules when they apply for the visas. Benjamin Trounson, a spokesman for TCS, one of the largest consultants, with 325,000 employees worldwide, said the company serves its customers “using our U.S. and global talent pool that most effectively meets their needs.”

Several consulting companies said H-1B workers were only a small part of their work force in the United States. Cognizant said in a statement that it regularly recruits experienced American workers and qualified students, and uses H-1B visas only “to supplement our U.S. hiring in order to fill talent gaps in the market.”

Still, Cognizant was the second-largest recipient of H-1B visas in 2014, getting more than 4,200.

The outsourcing companies say they are hiring more Americans and contributing to the economy. In August, TCS announced a $35 million donation to Carnegie Mellon University for a new research center on its campus in Pittsburgh.

But Mr. Pandey, after losing out in the H-1B lottery, had to set up shop back in Nepal to try to manage a growing company based in New York.

As an undergraduate at the University of Pennsylvania, Mr. Pandey befriended an American classmate from Arizona, Vincent Sanchez-Gomez. By their junior year, they were running a start-up. In 2013, after graduating, they turned full time to their venture, Pagevamp, which helps small businesses create and run their own websites.

The H-1B denial was a blow. “It was quite stressful, for me and for the entire company, because it’s what we were counting on,” Mr. Pandey, 25, said during a brief stop in New York last month; now he can come to the United States only on a visitor’s visa.

Mr. Sanchez-Gomez, 24, has to handle investors, a staff of 10 and the company’s plans for expansion through video calls with a business partner halfway around the globe.

“I would expect most people would feel Atulya was making a positive contribution to the U.S. economy,” he said. “There is no American who could do his job. Without Atulya, there would be no company.”

The H1B Visa program, as have many other worker immigration programs have been taken advantage of. Companies post job listings in the US but end up rejecting them systematically for a Filipino/Indian/Bengali/S. Africa worker they can pay 1/3 the wage.

Not to mention the lottery gaming. There are plenty of jobs and plenty of Americans capable of carrying them out once hired.

Large Companies Game H-1B Visa Program, Costing the U.S. Jobs


H-1B visa was denied, and he had to leave the United States. Back in France, Mr. Négri used his data skills to figure out why.

The answer was simple: Many of the visas are given out through a lottery, and a small number of giant global outsourcing companies had flooded the system with applications, significantly increasing their chances of success. While he had one application in last year’s lottery and lost, one of the outsourcing companies applied for at least 14,000. The companies were squeezing out American employers like his boss.


How Outsourcing Companies Are Gaming the Visa System
How 20 companies took more than a third of the H-1B visas available in 2014.


Congress set up the H-1B program to help American companies hire foreigners with exceptional skills, to fill open jobs and to help their businesses grow.

But the program has been failing many American employers who cannot get visas for foreigners with the special skills they need.

Instead, the outsourcing firms are increasingly dominating the program, federal records show. In recent years, they have obtained many thousands of the visas — which are limited to 85,000 a year — by learning to game the H-1B system without breaking the rules, researchers and lawyers said.

In some years, an American employer could snag one of these coveted visas almost anytime. But recently, with the economy picking up, the outsourcing companies have sent in tens of thousands of visa requests right after the application window opens on April 1. Employers who apply after a week are out of luck.

“The H-1B program is critical as a way for employers to fill skill gaps and for really talented people to come to the United States,” said Ronil Hira, a professor at Howard University who studies visa programs. “But the outsourcing companies are squeezing out legitimate users of the program,” he said. “The H-1Bs are actually pushing jobs offshore.”


Small companies like BuildZoom, a start-up in San Francisco that helps people find construction contractors, are unable to compete for H-1B visas with large outsourcing companies that flood the system with requests.Credit Jason Henry for The New York Times
Those firms have used the visas to bring their employees, mostly from India, for large contracts to take over work at American businesses. And as the share of H-1B visas obtained by outsourcing firms has grown, more Americans say they are being put out of work, or are seeing their jobs moved overseas.

Of the 20 companies that received the most H-1B visas in 2014, 13 were global outsourcing operations, according to an analysis of federal records by Professor Hira. The top 20 companies took about 40 percent of the visas available — about 32,000 — while more than 10,000 other employers received far fewer visas each. And about half of the applications in 2014 were rejected entirely because the quota had been met.

Two of those applications came from Mark Merkelbach and his small engineering firm in Seattle. For water projects in China, he needed engineers and landscapers who speak Mandarin, and he could not find them in the local market. With his H-1B visas denied, Mr. Merkelbach had to move the jobs to Taiwan. Another denial went to Atulya Pandey, an entrepreneur from Nepal who founded an Internet company in the United States and now can no longer work legally in this country for his own business.

The top companies receiving H-1B visas in recent years, Professor Hira found, include Tata Consultancy Services, known as TCS, Infosys and Wipro, all outsourcing giants based in India; Cognizant, with headquarters in New Jersey; and Accenture, a global operation incorporated in Ireland.

“They have spent a lot of time and money creating a business model that fits within the rules so they can use the visas to offer cheaper labor,” said Bruce Morrison, a lawyer representing an association of American engineers.

How the H-1B Visa System Can Hurt American Workers
Congress set up the H-1B visa program to help American companies hire foreigners with specialized skills. But in recent years, many H-1B visas have gone to temporary immigrants who lacked special skills and displaced American workers from jobs.

For example, federal law requires global companies employing large numbers of H-1B workers to sign a declaration saying they will not displace Americans. But there is a loophole: An exemption cancels that requirement if employers pay H-1B workers at least $60,000 a year — significantly less than an experienced technology worker’s salary in many parts of the country.

Many of the outsourcing firms’ temporary workers earn $60,000 or just a little more, according to federal data compiled by Professor Hira.

Among the immigration visas offered by the United States, the H-1B program stands out for its peculiar rules. The annual quota includes 65,000 visas for foreign workers applying for the first time, while the remaining 20,000 are for foreign students graduating with advanced degrees from American universities. Each year the period for applications opens on April 1, and they are accepted first come first served.

Federal officials allow only one application for each foreign worker. But there is no limit on the number of visas a company can seek. A company with thousands of employees can submit many applications. By law, if applications quickly exceed the quota, officials use a computer-run lottery to select the visa recipients.

Recently, demand for the visas has soared; each year since 2013 the selection went to the lottery. This year, 233,000 applications were received in just seven days, and about two-thirds were denied because the quota was met.


David Petersen, a co-founder of BuildZoom in San Francisco, said he had opened a public search when it was time to hire more engineers for his start-up. CreditJason Henry for The New York Times
Immigration officials do not acknowledge the outsourcing firms’ advantage. “The selection process is completely random,” said Shinichi Inouye, a spokesman for United States Citizenship and Immigration Services, the agency in charge of the visa program. “We cannot speculate as to why one company has more petitions selected in the cap.”

But Mr. Négri, who is now 27, wanted to understand it. He had been hired by David Petersen through an open job search after he posted his professional profile online. Mr. Petersen was looking for engineers to expand his start-up, BuildZoom, which helps people find construction contractors.

“I was just looking for great people,” said Mr. Petersen, in San Francisco. “And Théo had been building cool stuff since he was a 13-year-old.” Mr. Petersen said he had hired several local tech workers at the same time, and Mr. Négri, rather than displacing Americans, brought in more.

Then his visa was denied. So Mr. Négri combed through public documents that employers file with the Department of Labor as a first step in an H-1B application. For the limited quota of visas, Mr. Négri discovered, the outsourcing companies had submitted far more applications than a small company like BuildZoom could manage or afford — each application costs up to $4,000.

Together the top five outsourcing companies had prepared as many as 55,000 H-1B applications. TCS, the company that had prepared applications for at least 14,000 visas, won 5,650 of them.


Atulya Pandey, right, an entrepreneur from Nepal who founded an Internet company, Pagevamp, in the United States with Vincent Sanchez-Gomez, left, in New York in September. Mr. Pandey, who was denied an H-1B visa, had to set up shop back in Nepal to try to manage the growing company, which is based in New York.CreditRichard Perry/The New York Times
Mr. Négri is now working on a tech start-up of his own — in France.

American titans like IBM, Microsoft, Facebook and Google also use H-1B visas and have pressed Congress to increase the annual quota.

A representative of The New York Times Company said it had about 70 employees on visas, most of them skilled technology workers. This year, the company obtained an H-1B visa for Mark Thompson, the president and chief executive, who is British.

Lawmakers have largely overlooked the outsourcing companies’ role in the visa process. On Sept. 30, Congress allowed an extra fee of $2,000, which it imposed five years ago on H-1B applications from the biggest outsourcing companies, to lapse.

On Tuesday, Senators Richard Durbin of Illinois, a Democrat, and Charles H. Grassley of Iowa, a Republican, introduced a bill to change the H-1B program and another temporary work visa, the L-1B, to raise wage requirements, increase monitoring and enforcement and add other protections for American workers. “The H-1B visa program was never meant to replace qualified American workers,” the senators said.

Most of the global firms focus on technology, offering services to American companies to upgrade their systems and help them compete amid rapid change in the international marketplace.

Document: Atulya Pandey’s H-1B Visa Is Denied

The companies say they follow all of the rules when they apply for the visas. Benjamin Trounson, a spokesman for TCS, one of the largest consultants, with 325,000 employees worldwide, said the company serves its customers “using our U.S. and global talent pool that most effectively meets their needs.”

Several consulting companies said H-1B workers were only a small part of their work force in the United States. Cognizant said in a statement that it regularly recruits experienced American workers and qualified students, and uses H-1B visas only “to supplement our U.S. hiring in order to fill talent gaps in the market.”

Still, Cognizant was the second-largest recipient of H-1B visas in 2014, getting more than 4,200.

The outsourcing companies say they are hiring more Americans and contributing to the economy. In August, TCS announced a $35 million donation to Carnegie Mellon University for a new research center on its campus in Pittsburgh.

But Mr. Pandey, after losing out in the H-1B lottery, had to set up shop back in Nepal to try to manage a growing company based in New York.

As an undergraduate at the University of Pennsylvania, Mr. Pandey befriended an American classmate from Arizona, Vincent Sanchez-Gomez. By their junior year, they were running a start-up. In 2013, after graduating, they turned full time to their venture, Pagevamp, which helps small businesses create and run their own websites.

The H-1B denial was a blow. “It was quite stressful, for me and for the entire company, because it’s what we were counting on,” Mr. Pandey, 25, said during a brief stop in New York last month; now he can come to the United States only on a visitor’s visa.

Mr. Sanchez-Gomez, 24, has to handle investors, a staff of 10 and the company’s plans for expansion through video calls with a business partner halfway around the globe.

“I would expect most people would feel Atulya was making a positive contribution to the U.S. economy,” he said. “There is no American who could do his job. Without Atulya, there would be no company.”

No doubt there is abuse of H1b but the issue is not straight forward as it looks. America is becoming more costly to do business , hiring an employee means insurance cost,social security...etc. So they turn to staffing companies who go to any lengths to cut costs. Companies penchant for cheap expendable staff ends up becoming a major contributor to cause. Indian companies are no saints they simply convert a business into a total slave labor business. There has to be crack down on Indian companies abusing this visa, they simply give a bad name to rest of the ilk.

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