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UAE and India offer much to each other

Kuwaiti Girl

May 8, 2016
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UAE and India offer much to each other


Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, begins his historic three-day visit to India today. It is historic because this will take our time-tested relations to the next level, with the first "strategic dialogue" having been completed last week. It is historic also because of the occasion of the visit: Sheikh Mohammed will be the guest of honour at Republic Day celebrations, an honour accorded only to leaders and their countries that India deems important on the world stage.

Some of the reasons for our strong bonds are well understood. The UAE enables millions of Indians to build their future. Many of them come here to work. But just as importantly, the UAE is also a place for Indian capital to grow through opportunities to be found in our cities and towns, and in a way that only a broader geography can offer: the UAE is India’s gateway to West Asia. It is therefore no surprise that an estimated 60,000 Indian companies operate here. By doing so, the Indian diaspora – whether more conventionally understood as people or as capital – help us to meet our ambition to be a lively commercial hub.

Any successful relationship is a two-way street, of course. India’s economy is growing rapidly. It, in turn, requires investment of a nature that may not be available locally. We in the UAE can offer funding and expertise in areas such as transport links and other forms of infrastructure. Also, we can marry our ample capital to India’s well-acknowledged store of high technology know-how. In these and so many other ways, we both profit.

Finally, the world today is a much changed one from the time of India’s independence in 1947, or even our own union in 1971. The challenges we face are best lessened by the cooperation we extend each other in diverse fields, ranging from security to economics – as shown in the recent talks.

All of this – a partnership and friendship borne by history, our mutual stake in prosperity – is sustained by the bold vision of leaders in both our countries. Sheikh Mohammed’s visit today underscores the wisdom of our relations. And in that, we wish India a happy Republic Day on Thursday.
I read the title and was trying to find, what they have to offer each other, and its only investment and humans.

In reality, UAE need India, as India is becoming a bigger economy year by year, it is already the 3rd biggest nation by PPP.

India needs UAE, to improve its relationship with muslim nations, to oppose Pakistan wishful thinking of having all muslim nations team up on India
I read the title and was trying to find, what they have to offer each other, and its only investment and humans.

In reality, UAE need India, as India is becoming a bigger economy year by year, it is already the 3rd biggest nation by PPP.

India needs UAE, to improve its relationship with muslim nations, to oppose Pakistan wishful thinking of having all muslim nations team up on India
They must be desperate for call centers.
I read the title and was trying to find, what they have to offer each other, and its only investment and humans.

In reality, UAE need India, as India is becoming a bigger economy year by year, it is already the 3rd biggest nation by PPP.

India needs UAE, to improve its relationship with muslim nations, to oppose Pakistan wishful thinking of having all muslim nations team up on India
The GCC states are gradually getting closer to India.

India will dominate and strongly influence the Arabian Peninsula in the coming decades by virtue of its sheer economic size and cultural/civilizational clout.
Laugh all you want.

I'm serious about India and the Gulf states.

The Gulf states have a very long and proud history with India. There was a time when the Indian currency was the main currency around here. Kuwaitis and other Gulf Arabs used to be very fluent in Hindi many generations ago. India had a strong cultural influence on this region for many centuries.

India will come back to this region as it grows stronger.
The GCC states are gradually getting closer to India.

India will dominate and strongly influence the Arabian Peninsula in the coming decades by virtue of its sheer economic size and cultural/civilizational clout.

Wishful thinking...With one correction...We neither want to dominate or influence Arab world. Arab world are rich with their tradition and culture...Our objective to be allign with each other economically, be sensitive to each other's cultural sensitivies and assist with each other for mutual benifit to both nations...
It'd be interesting what Gulf Arabs would do if ever faced between choosing a strategic security partnership with Pakistan and a full-throttle economic integration with India.
The strategic security partnership with Pakistan already exists at least as far as KSA is concerned, Full-throttle economic "integration"_a too big word to use in this context_ is not possible, since The US, UK, China and many others are more competitive than India in too many sectors for that to happen, and when it will happen it will be, bigger trade but nothing like economic integration, the GCC is just too independent to let this Indian dream to ever happen.., trade and diplomatic ties is all what is going to happen and evolve if India does not show too much that it wants to threaten the Arabian sea, GCC countries are aware of those threats and are prudent in their relationships with India..

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