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All of Arabia prior to their oil jackpot was a backward land of nomads and tribes. Egypt and Iraq were probably the exceptions.

Ignorant clown detected. A region that is home to 21 World UNESCO Heritage Sites, home to some of the oldest recorded civilizations, some of the longest continuously inhabited cities and which is the second oldest inhabited spot on the planet after East Africa. You are completely right genius!

Try harder cretin.

PDF at its best.

No. The "Gulf Rupee" was used in Arab countries and was issued by the Reserve Bank of India - this was independent India, not British India.

LOL. Only a few GCC states (all tiny states (population wise) such as Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, UAE etc. - all former British colonies) used the currency. No other Arab nations, KSA included. Wait, Aden used it too for a while as did Oman.

The region used countless of much older indigenous currencies (some of the oldest in the world) before the Brits arrived.

The Arab world is composed of 20 + countries and home to almost 500 million people.

The native populations of Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, UAE combined do not even exceed the population of Riyadh.

The ignorance on this forum.

AT least give exmple or proof... word with no sources are just here to provoke hatred, I know that you are a pro in that field, but at least do not behave like your mullahs...

Some people are mentally ill.

I want to see him actually provide proof for his lies. Of course he can't. Not to say that most Arabs know very little about Pakistan and it is hardly discussed. Let alone mocked or whatever nonsense he wrote.

As for looted? What did we loot exactly? Rice and mango?

The strategic security partnership with Pakistan already exists at least as far as KSA is concerned, Full-throttle economic "integration"_a too big word to use in this context_ is not possible, since The US, UK, China and many others are more competitive than India in too many sectors for that to happen, and when it will happen it will be, bigger trade but nothing like economic integration, the GCC is just too independent to let this Indian dream to ever happen.., trade and diplomatic ties is all what is going to happen and evolve if India does not show too much that it wants to threaten the Arabian sea, GCC countries are aware of those threats and are prudent in their relationships with India..


Wishful thinking...With one correction...We neither want to dominate or influence Arab world. Arab world are rich with their tradition and culture...Our objective to be allign with each other economically, be sensitive to each other's cultural sensitivies and assist with each other for mutual benifit to both nations...


Lastly let us get something right here. What was considered India before 1947 (Arabia and "India" trading ties) was basically what is today Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Nepal etc.

The trading and cultural ties (as a consequence of that trade) are indeed several millennia old (some 5000 years) but are mostly confined to what is today Sindh (IVC), Western India, Kerala, Sri Lanka (Sri Lankan Moors being the legacy) and a few other areas as far as I recall.

I doubt that Myanmar, Nepal, Bangladesh or Calcutta were included.

It'd be interesting what Gulf Arabs would do if ever faced between choosing a strategic security partnership with Pakistan and a full-throttle economic integration with India.

No Arab country has any disputes with India or any historical animosity. To begin with mostly only GCC and Iraq have historical ties to South Asia of all Arab states. In terms of trade it is mostly the GCC leading the way as well.

We will continue to trade with India, a country that cannot be ignored but that does not mean that we cannot have cordial ties with Pakistan. Pakistani-Indian disputes are not our matter just like the current Arab-Iranian disputes are
not an Indian or Pakistani matter.

Arabs have traded with the entire world for millennia. Business is business.

Simple as that.

Anyway I welcome closer GCC-India economic ties if that will be mutually beneficially. Anything else would be idiotic. Even Pakistan and India do trade with each other and that will increase in the future so why should we ignore India when nobody else does it? Are we not in our rights to do trade with economic partners like any other states and peoples? We don't demand Pakistan not to do trade with Iran for instance.

Also as for languages, Arabic was widely spoken by traders in South Asia as well and the ruling dynasties and upper classes, especially the Muslim ones. From the Nizam of Hyderabad (who claimed ancestry from Caliph Umar (ra) ) to former ruling dynasties in what is today Pakistan.

Thank u. Actually the fault don't lie with them. They are stupid it's a given, will try to claim anything to quell their insecurities that's also a given. Unfortunately some Arabs just are as ignorant as u can get them when it comes to history. Unfortunately.
How have u been bru
Long time.

And ur source for ur brilliant post was

You unfortunately have ignorant people everywhere. That is a given. In general most people don't know much about history and for most it is of no importance.

I am fine bro. All well. More than well actually. Good to see you back. I hope that everything is good and well.

Indeed. Time flies by fast. Too fast. Sometimes you don't even realize it yourself. So we should do what we want to do whenever we have the opportunity and not wait for a second chance. Such a chance might not arrive.
Arabs have looted Pakistan for several decades but they will go with India eventually. Sad truth....

They have even sold their Palestinian fellows, So why should they care about some Ajams (none Arab) Pakistanis?

In their Arabic forums they (especially Saudis) mock and insult Pakistanis.

Despite we (Iran) have some political differeces with Pakistan, but I say to all of Pakistanis: Pakistan first, Arabs second.


somehow our Pakistani friends never get this point.
Duffer detected.

I qualified my statement with "probably" - of course there have been great civilizations that emerged out of that landmass. But one needs to distinguish between the modern era and the medieval era.

Did I state ALL Arab countries used the Gulf Rupee as their currency or did you just pull it out of thin air?

What exactly was your country Saudi Arabia (based on your flag) IN THE MODERN ERA before the oil boom? Was there any industry? Were there any mills? Were there any Universities churning out R&D? Or any contribution in the field of Science? Or Medicine? Or Math?

No - Arabs have to go back to the medieval era to come up with something they gave to the world. From what I have read (correct me if I am wrong) - before the oil boom, the Saudis were basically nomads - not very literate.

And even then, it was not until sometime in the 1960s that under pressure from Western nations did countries like Saudi Arabia actually ban slavery. I understand it still continues in poor Arab countries like Mauritania. It is not a leap of imagination to conclude that without Oil, much of Arabia including Saudi Arabia would have been in the same boat as Mauritania today is.

so are you speaking only of saudia or all arab world or muslim world in your statement? I'm confused...

somehow our Pakistani friends never get this point.
Those who conquered Modern India under the calipahte wasn't arabs.... it's was modern pakistanis/iranis... in the end neither arabs looted pakistanis neither pakistanis looted India in past times... Have fun
if you think conquest= looting then pakistanis looted india... and the way around never happened till this day... :)
:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: Why to bring CPEC or gwadar in every thread related to India and economic relations or strategic relations.. :enjoy::enjoy::enjoy:... :lol::lol::lol::lol: every buffoon without basic knowledge about economy coming to frat against India economic progress..
so are you speaking only of saudia or all arab world or muslim world in your statement? I'm confused...

Those who conquered Modern India under the calipahte wasn't arabs.... it's was modern pakistanis/iranis... in the end neither arabs looted pakistanis neither pakistanis looted India in past times... Have fun
if you think conquest= looting then pakistanis looted india... and the way around never happened till this day... :)

but i didnt say any such thing either. I was only telling that Pakistan has failed to put its national interests first previously.
so are you speaking only of saudia or all arab world or muslim world in your statement? I'm confused...

Those who conquered Modern India under the calipahte wasn't arabs.... it's was modern pakistanis/iranis... in the end neither arabs looted pakistanis neither pakistanis looted India in past times... Have fun
if you think conquest= looting then pakistanis looted india... and the way around never happened till this day... :)

No, in this case, I am talking mostly about Saudi Arabia. The region is too vast with too many differences to lump together.
so are you speaking only of saudia or all arab world or muslim world in your statement? I'm confused...

Those who conquered Modern India under the calipahte wasn't arabs.... it's was modern pakistanis/iranis
so are you speaking only of saudia or all arab world or muslim world in your statement? I'm confused...

Those who conquered Modern India under the calipahte wasn't arabs.... it's was modern pakistanis/iranis... in the end neither arabs looted pakistanis neither pakistanis looted India in past times... Have fun
if you think conquest= looting then pakistanis looted india... :)
No, in this case, I am talking mostly about Saudi Arabia. The region is too vast with too many differences to lump together.

then why using the term "arabs" pls refrain generalisation and use KSA.
Like here, say KSA instead of arabs. btw you statement is false... go search scientific accomplisment in the levant.. in the post-mediaval era
"No - Arabs have to go back to the medieval era to come up with something they gave to the world. "
india try to sell her products gcc is good market cause they dont have defence industry or very small one so they depend in import

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